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Everything posted by magentawave

  1. Apparently there is a women's activist group in Europe called "120 Decibels" that is what the #metoo movement in the US should be. 120 decibels is what one of those personal alarms produce to ward off muggers and rapists that many women in Western Europe are having to carry now due to the huge influx of immigrants from the middle east. These appear to be strong women dealing with REAL issues like rape instead of the BS in the US where the feminist movement is ironically based on victimhood and weakness. It might be a great idea for Stefan to connect with these people because women like this give me a glimmer of hope for Europes future.
  2. Not physical abusive but if it becomes a pattern then it is mental abuse.
  3. I agree that a book on philosophy geared towards children would be a tremendous resource. P.S. His name is spelled Stefan.
  4. Do you have any recommendations for a local password manager that works on OSX? And preferably one that is free?
  5. So you don't recommend using something like LastPass?
  6. I've been using the free version of LastPass on my Macbook Pro for a few years and I'm very happy with it. I paid for the mobile version for my iPad and Android phone but it wouldn't automatically log me in like the computer version does so I stopped paying for it. I can still use the free version on my iPad and phone but it requires more work to log in.
  7. I suggest you interview Dr Tara J. Palmatier of www.Shrink4Men.com. The subtitle to the heading on her site is: "for men who are recovering from relationships with abusive women and the non-abusive family and friends who love them" Its nice to hear women that aren't man-haters discuss these issues.
  8. Hah, hah, that was hilarious and so typical! Same thing if anyone brings up "fixing" social security.
  9. Apparently the plan to grab the land now called "Israel" started during WW1. Post-war, during the "peace" talks in Versailles, there was months of back-room wheeling and dealing which resulted in cartographers carving up nation states and creating new borders, etc. Richard Grove covers it in this Peace Revolution episode #21 - The Occult History of World War: A Veil Lifted. (The etymology of the word "occult" means hidden.) You can subscribe to the Peace Revolution podcast in your iTunes. And then there is the documentary called The Iron Wall. I'm only about 15 minutes into it so far but it is very interesting...
  10. This 7 minute video is one guys interpretation of the reality of dealing with women. Its HILARIOUS! I love women, but based on years of dealing with them, this is pretty damn accurate!
  11. Thank you. I will listen to that. Yes thats the show - thank you! I really appreciate you taking the time to post the link here. How did you find it? I tried all kinds of keywords and couldn't find it anywhere until today when Google brought up this thread (I hadn't checked my email yet to see the notification). By the way... I also LOVE the words Stefan read at the beginning by Robert Higgs comparing the carnage statists have caused throughout the years compared to anarchists.
  12. Can someone please tell me which radio show it was where Stefan was speaking to a young muslim girl that was having a lot of family issues? I'm pretty sure that radio show was this year too. Thank you very much.
  13. What he said. I don't know how the government racket in England handles the collection of taxes but if you don't pay your protection fee (i.e. income taxes) in the US you will get a series of computer generated letters from the IRS with each one becoming more aggressive with threats of seizure of property. If you ignore those letters then eventually armed thugs with guns will break down your door to kidnap you and put you in a cage. If you resist they will murder you. That may sound extreme but violence, or at least the threat of violence, is at the core of everything the state does. Murray Rothbard published a timeless paper years ago called "The Anatomy Of The State". You can download and read it for free at Mises.org or listen to it on Youtube. It would be cool if you posted your paper on here after completing it and let us know what the teacher said about it.
  14. According to Wikipedia he was.
  15. The last part of this video starting at 47:15 should be uploaded as a separate video.
  16. I suggest you take the last part of Stefans "They Are Coming For Us" video starting at 47:15 where Stefan considers hanging with statists on the same level as hanging with racists and upload it to Youtube. This is very powerful and has the potential to go viral. Thank you. [View:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mu8b_fhteZQ]
  17. We all know how often statistics are massaged to benefit the agenda of whoever is quoting them (i.e. Al Gore's "global warming" is one example that comes to mind). However, when it comes to this issue, I don't give a rats-ass what the stats say because common sense (and personal experience) tells me that adult humans manipulating and pounding on child humans FUCKS THEM UP.
  18. I don't think this is the appropriate thread to be asking that dude.
  19. Wow, chip off the ol block and apple doesn't fall far from the tree, eh?
  20. Depressing as hell but amazing work Stefan. I appreciate all the time you spent compiling this. Thank you.
  21. If you get the email address Stefan uses for his Paypal account there is a selection to send money that says "I'm sending money to family and friends" and Stefan will get all the money without Paypal fee's as long as you pay with your Paypal balance or bank account. I'm not sure you can "gift" to Freedomainradio so it won't be subject to taxation, but perhaps Stefan has a personal Paypal account that you can "gift" to? Stephen
  22. Hi Stefan, I was a minarchist until I heard your closing speech at Libertopia in October 2011. I saw you again at Libertopia in 2012 and met you and shook your hand right before you gave your opening speech. I looked you in the eye and told you that you helped to change my life. Seeing your beautiful and real wife there with your extremely free and happy daughter spoke volumes of the decent man and good father you are. Your thoughtful and rational approach regarding the state and the root of why humans accept statism is exactly the message the world needs. We (the world) need you to stick around a lot longer because your work isn't done Stefan! (Oh man, I had to take a break for a few minutes while writing this because I was overcome with grief and I don't cry unless something hits me pretty hard.) Anyway, you and your beautiful family are in my thoughts Stefan and I wish for you a quick and speedy recovery...and I'm looking forward to seeing you again at the next Libertopia! Thank you for everything you do. Sincerely, Stephen
  23. Hi, Does anyone know if I can change my automatic monthly donation via Paypal to an automatic monthly "gift" to Stefan? I recently discovered that "gifting" money through Paypal means the recipient gets all of the funds instead of losing some for Paypals fees. Thanks Steve
  24. Maybe I'm wrong but I have always defined ethics as being the same as morality.
  25. Hey Stefan, Did you see the interview Alex Jones did with Cody Wilson yet? Cody Wilson created a 90 round gun clip with a 3D printer. Please contact this guy and get him on your show because from what I heard he really seems to get it too.<br><br> Apparently he is a crypto anarchist: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cody_Wilson<br><br> Thanks Steve
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