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Everything posted by Motes
Mr. Bond seems to have thousands of followers and a coherent narrative. https://www.minds.com/newsfeed/783482312548425744 (DIsclaimer: No Jews were systemically exterminated in ovens during the making of this satire or WWII.)
The world cannot be controlled by one group, they will inevitably purity spiral and kills us all if we do not go through any lengths to reject their tyranny. Step 1, should be retract all financial engagements with them, including relenting to work for income as to need their currency to pay taxes. That is pretty much why no one can "see" the problem, everyone with an IQ over 130 can see it, but doing something about it requires a heroism dwindling by design, it requires speaking the truth and making enemies and facing death, only the most abstemious and virtuous could fathom.
Confederate heritage is undersiege by fearful globalist, we must band together against our common enemy, linked together in our cause and in our need, as the old saying goes, "Harm watch, harm catch", or if you watch others be hurt, you may be next.
It came back, but was down for a while.
Please help this channel, this guy Frank does a great show with his bud and guests, talks sense, a little Left leaning, but Sargon of Akkad style, still in pursuit of Truth and Probity. It looks like YouTube stopped showing his videos in my subscriptions feed, the ole must enable all notification trick, that they do to pretty much every channel that is a threat to the legacy media. He has also complained today that his view count has been cut in half, starting suddenly this week, likely due to censorship. So, give his show a shoot, he's young and upcoming and very informative. https://www.youtube.com/user/ZedalzaFilms/videos
I was going to say life is always a struggle and sweet dream and a settled sleep, something along those lines, and how the world is too big for humans to really comprehend it on the whole, try as we might, no one really knows what is really going on worldwide and never will. It is all in heads, you have to live your life, hopefully for Truth, accepting all the joy and shipwreck, etc, that brings. But, then I saw RichardY's signature and this quote does sum it up nicely: Don't look for it, Taylor! You may not like what you find. That's life, c'est le vie, but you should look for it, you probably won't like it, but in the end you will understand that knowing the Truth is paramount. So, whether or not WWIII comes, one should live life according to this principle, " When the act of reflection takes place in the mind, when we look at ourselves in the light of thought, we discover that our life is embosomed in beauty. Behind us, as we go, all things assume pleasing forms, as clouds do far off. Not only things familiar and stale, but even the tragic and terrible, are comely, as they take their place in the pictures of memory. The river-bank, the weed at the water-side, the old house, the foolish person, — however neglected in the passing, — have a grace in the past. Even the corpse that has lain in the chambers has added a solemn ornament to the house. The soul will not know either deformity or pain. If, in the hours of clear reason, we should speak the severest truth, we should say, that we had never made a sacrifice. In these hours the mind seems so great, that nothing can be taken from us that seems much. All loss, all pain, is particular; the universe remains to the heart unhurt. Neither vexations nor calamities abate our trust. No man ever stated his griefs as lightly as he might. Allow for exaggeration in the most patient and sorely ridden hack that ever was driven. For it is only the finite that has wrought and suffered; the infinite lies stretched in smiling repose. " , Ralph Waldo Emerson P.S. I think the war will come simply because too many women have been ruined by feminism, you are looking at superficalities when discussing our economic problems really, we live in an animal world and are biological beings and part animal. The war will come because there are too many unmarried men and too many unmarriagable women who have ridden the cock carosel during their twenties and are too used and destroyed to be acceptable mothers. This loss of vaginaptial (vagina capital) will be the real brute primitive cause of War, we will make up whatever is necessary to enact war for this true motive.
It appears to me that the number one bing and google result for "awakened saxon" has been taken offline or replaced with blank page: http://www.europeanamericansunited.org/school1/Fiction/kipling/awakened.htm Coincidence or full force interference?
Milo Yiannopoulos And The UC Berkeley Riots.
Motes replied to IsaacGage860's topic in Current Events
Censorship is not the answer, "Every lash inflicted is a tongue of fame; every prison, a more illustrious abode; every burned book or house enlightens the world; every suppressed or expunged word reverberates through the earth from side to side." -
Milo Yiannopoulos And The UC Berkeley Riots.
Motes replied to IsaacGage860's topic in Current Events
Germ-a-knee, They probably want to shut down social media, who cares if the Left uses it, let them rave, they'll be quite in the grave. Censorship is not the answer, "Every lash inflicted is a tongue of fame; every prison, a more illustrious abode; every burned book or house enlightens the world; every suppressed or expunged word reverberates through the earth from side to side." That said I believe the US and Germany may be headed to "internal" conflicts or war against deranged corrupt power hungry globalist and their pawns. -
Rampant Federal Reserve propaganda in Transformers 2014
Motes replied to Motes's topic in Reviews & Recommendations
I watch a few shows like this because I figure it is propaganda aimed at my sect, or the sect society believes I should belong to, and I best know what the enemy thinks of me.I bet the subconscious Fed programming was intentional. Surely, most people that saw it will then have a sort of subconscious imprinting, making them uncomfortable when they see the Fed on the news in a negative light. Anyway, I love how Stef started pointing out propaganda in blockbuster films like this. I feel like my vision went from 20/20 to 20/10 when watching them. -
Just wanted to share this with you guys, some blatant daddy state propaganda:Transformer ClipOle Marky Mark hugs his daughter stares at the Federal Reserve and says "Trust your dad".Anyone think I'm too far out there on this one? Seems blatant to me. Also, the burly green autobot with the beard, da ,da ,daaa, is played as stupid, incompentent, obsolete, and beligerent the whole time, another attack on masculinity, labeling it, as this film calls it, machismo.
"The power of beatury will sooner transform honesty from what it is to a bawd than the force of honesty can translate beauty into his likeness. This was sometime aparadox, but now the time gives it proof." - Shakespeare I have heard Stef speak before about how it is hard to be pretty. The point being, I believe, that it is easy to become conceited and believe you are better than others. It's tempting to live life through manipular means, which lead to sorrow and strife when beauty becomes haggard and the personality is found to be hollow. To qoute Emerson "I have not found that much was gained by manipular attempts to realize the world. Many eager persons successively make an experiment in this way, and make themselves ridiculous." I evidently hold the position to be true, that beauty can distort principles. However, I have never heard Stef discuss this topic with the beautiful Dayna Martin, a guest host and friend of the show, and thought it would make a great conversation.