I am a big fan of Socrates. The way hewas steadfast in his search for truth is inspirational. However, Ihave recently had a few questions about Socrates and I thought thatthis would be the appropriate place to ask.
1: When Socrates was questioningEuthyphro about piety. Euthyphro's first response seem to me to bethe correct one. Eurthyphro says that piety is the action that he isperforming. By taking his father to court for killing a slave.(Euthyphro's father killed the slave by tying him up and putting himin a ditch; the slave died before the father could get back to him.)Socrates rejects this because Euthyphro gave Socrates a example ofpiety instead of a definition. I think Euthyphro did know what pietyis, he only lacked the linguistic ability to give Socrates theWebsters dictionary definition of piety; does not actions speaklouder than words? By Euthyphro performing a pious act andunderstanding that the act that his is performing is pious, it seemsto me, that Euthyphro does in fact know what piety is; he justcouldn't put it into words.
2: While Socrates was in jail he wasgiven the opportunity to escape; but refuses to. All the reasonsSocrates gave to Crito are good ones. However, is it not better tolive to fight another day than die a martyr for a cause?
I do not want to sound like I'm beingdisrespectful toward Socrates. I hold Socrates in the highestregards. He is the reason I started to get interested in philosophyin the first place. I really have gotten into reading about Socrateslately and your input would be greatly appreciated.