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Everything posted by AlesD

  1. There was some talk about something like this some time ago where people wanted to start such a floating community. Even Stefan interviewed some people involved in the project. Search for "seasteading" and you will find the content. I am not following it so I don't know what happened to this ideas. Since it has been silent for a while I guess it is not going anywhere but I might be wrong. I think it would definitely be a great experiment but also it would face a lot of challenges I don't think the existing states would be very happy about it. It would definitely be a good example of establishing a free society if it could be pulled off.
  2. If I remember correctly this was about the time when the parents become old and are in a way dependent on you. Then you have the power in the relationship and the roles switch. Old people sometimes make strange decisions forget things and so on and then you are in the role of dealing which is similar to raising children. I also don't remember the podcast that this was mentioned in. If anybody thinks i'm wrong please correct.
  3. In my view the response of your friend was avoidant. He could have explained the basics why having a government is wrong on the principal level and give people something to think about. Of course this is his choice maybe he just did not want to debate with this people. You have to decide if it is worth to debate about it with the people in question. On the example you make about cutting founding I would guess that this means just channeling money elsewhere in most cases so it might not be so libertarian as it looks on the first sight. My thoughts on political activism are that while it is true that some activists maybe change a law or prevent some law they are also forcing their decisions on other people. For example the people who would like that law. So we get into the situation that the ones who forces his opinion the most prevails which is again just brute force. Also if the law is so bad maybe the passing of it would wake up many more people to the reality of government. From my perspective such actions only prolong the existence of government because they give the illusion of making a change. Usually the same things then get passed at a later time when people forget a bit or in a different form that does not sound so bad to people. This is nowadays the standard tactics used by leaders in my observation in many fields to push a bit overboard then there is some backlash and they like back down and then gradually they build to the same change with less noticeable changes. People forget quickly and what is today bad can be passed next year when it is forgotten as an important issue. Voting is just another thing that gives the illusion of choice especially since the choices are predefined. I agree with the previous post by TheRobin and with what Stef often says it is better to focus on the personal level first where you can really make a change and expand from there.
  4. They sell it as this is for lesbian couples but if you read closely it is basically a government subsidy for single mother to have kids. Later in the article they say that they expect that a large percentage of clients will be professional single women who want to have a baby without a man. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2714321/NHS-fund-sperm-bank-lesbians-New-generation-fatherless-families-paid-YOU.html
  5. This article mentions some interesting research done by the OKCupid site. It confirms the theory that if you look good you are automaticaly also percieved to have a better personality and that what you write only accounts for 10% about the impression of a person. So it looks like just the pictures are important to most people. http://www.theregister.co.uk/2014/07/28/facebook_messes_with_your_moods_but_we_do_it_to_your_relationships_says_ok_cupid/
  6. I studied computer science and finished it. I'm from Europe so probably here it is a bit different than there in the US. But I can say that here the focus was mostly on the theory so the studying does not really prepare you for real life work. More for an academic career if you are going to pursue that. There is not much coding if you do just the required projects you don't really learn enough coding because they are small very specific things. Still I think it is good to know the basic theory of computing and algorithms. It does not matter much if you learn it on older technologies the principles are still the same now. It can help you if you program more advanced stuff and need to optimize algorithms. Academic computer science goes in depth into this topics in some areas. Of course you can always learn this also yourself. For me programming was also a hobby so I was doing it anyway on my own and writing my own programs. And I started working already before finishing the studies. In my home country student work is very popular so many people start working already as students especially in the computer science field because there is lots of demand for programmers. For me personally I don't think the studying was a waste of time. To me also the theory is interesting and I was developing my skills also on my own. Still if you want to quickly start making money then it is better to go to work directly. I met with some classmates from my high school who did not study in the same work later and they were at the same position because of the years of experience.
  7. As it was already said in previous posts there is not much point in mining bitcoin if you don't have expensive specialized hardware at this point. The difficulty is so big you get almost nothing with just a graphics card. It is better you buy them. If you want to see how much you get by a specific hasrate you can look at the bitcoin calculators and you can calculate in detail how much you will get. In one of them you have also the hardware and the prices for it. https://bitcoinwisdom.com/bitcoin/calculator https://alloscomp.com/bitcoin/calculator
  8. An interesting article about a research why people often percieve narcisists as attractive. http://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/tech-support/201406/why-we-fall-narcissists
  9. In my experience this is often the first answer you get from most people when you ask about this things but when you dig deeper other things might show up. It is not neccesarry there is some big abuse sometimes a very controling parent or something like that can influence such things. If her brother is such a good friend of hers he probably could give a lot of advice about the men she wants to date. So it is even less understandable why she would end up with an abusive guy. But this are just my speculations without the real information it is not possible to say much. This is a valid point about beeing to protected this is definitely a possibility but it does not seem very likely to me. I would more say she thinks she can get away with anything since she is the princess. Maybe she thinks that becuse everybody cuddles her nothing bad can happen even by associating with bad people. There will be always the white night to step in in times of trouble. But this are again just speculations. Also i see a big contradiction in her thinking from what you said. It is kind of illogical if she cals herself a princess that she would consider you to be too good for her. I would assume a princess would consider most men too bad for her. Princesses usualy marry the most high status males.
  10. I will throw in my thoughts on this topic. This are just my observations and can be totally off but maybe it opens the discussion up more. I would say that one of the things that women are attracted to this aggressive traits is that this what they get used to when they start dating. They get much more approaches from such guys then the nice guys which are usually more shy to approach. So in a way I would say they get trained to like this traits since this is the most available to them. This is would say is especially true if they don't have a good connection to their family and good examples. Also in todays culture sexuality is portrayed as very important so girls want to go into it as quickly as possible and often take the first guys that offer it to them. I remember also Stef talking in some show how important is the first sexual encounter and I think the first sexual encounter sets a bit of a template for what will be preferred in the future. Similar to the childhood defining the progress of your life. Another thing is that such men usually appear very confident because of their domineering aggressive attitude and we know how women always say they want confidence. I think what also needs to be added to the discussion about this is that the rape fantasy is one of the top fantasies for women I don't know is there is any good research on this. But I have noticed myself on OKCupid where they have a question if you would be willing to play out a rape fantasy with your partner that the women I looked at mostly answered yes to this question. To me this seems like it could be connected. It is possible that all of this are just biological drivers if we look at animals usually the most strong and aggressive male takes the lead because he can subdue others. An aggressive male is I guess also seen as a good protector. So even if this traits are nowadays culturally not seen positively they probably excite the primal instincts of women. Omega 3 snake oil have you asked this woman also about her childhood and her family there should be some more clues?
  11. Great poem. I think you should write more to give a different view to the more artistic people. This could be another good way to get people thinking.
  12. I also agree with the previous two posters. It is a nice thing to do but it is not a moral obligation if you were not causing it.
  13. Add me also. My skype: doogy_ (make sure to include the underscore character at the end)
  14. I also agree that the meaning of words is subjective. That is why we have to start with defining the terms so we know what we talk about before we start talking especially in debates. Still for some words we can say they are objective. Here I mean words which describe a specific physical item. I don't think there would be much disagreement on what for example a chair or a table is. I think the subjectivity more comes in when describing more abstract concepts or emotional states.
  15. Looks like they found a good marketing person and are using the current dissatisfaction of the people to gain attention to the church. Of course the best thing is the pope preaching about inequality siting on top of all the riches that the church has in its possession.
  16. 59% Left 41% Right for me. Kind of corresponds to how I view myself. But I have also noticed this things can change a lot when you learn new things. I was for example in many test much more on the Right intuitive side before I delved into philosophy. So I don't take such test seriously but it is fun to se what comes out.
  17. They are taking it seriously also here in Europe similar thing happened to one bitcoin exchange here. This was not talked about in the media much but some people got quite some money locked because the bank accounts were siezed by the police to investigate them for money laundering how i understand it. Another possibility is that they just want to scare people away from Bitcoin by creating problems. For the people who are interested look at the site https://bitcoin-24.com/ where they have lawyer updates. And there is a forum where people talk about what is going on http://btc24-help.com. Another thing i don't know how many people have seen Canada already said they will tax Bitcoin transactions. http://rt.com/business/bitcoins-currency-taxable-canada-496/ To me this is an expected reaction they want to kill it before it becomes a threat. They can not follow individuals but the weak link are the exchanges and companies doing business which are visible to the gun fo the state. Anyway even if the state gets hold of it we know for sure it can not become inflationary just they will make it much more difficult to use with many regulations i guess so it might kill most of the benefits. I'm very interested to see this developments becuse it is also a very good example of how a state reacts when it sees something that might pose a threat in the long run.
  18. Now even some state scientists have come to different conclusions. http://www.theregister.co.uk/2013/01/25/norwegian_co2_warming_shocker/
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