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  1. I agree that some will cost less and others will cost more. But given the cost of services compared to the lower and middle income ranges,I think the amount of services will be much less overall. We will need to do more for our selfs.
  2. Pay for use economics? I was reading about how different groups pay different amounts as taxes to the state and what we get for these taxes. I decided to analyze the economics of pay for use in place of a progressive government tax system. The top 10% of earners pay 71% of federal taxes and earn 45% of the total income (2010 census). This group's average income is approximately $180K with a average effective federal tax rate of 22% (about 30% including state and local taxes). The bottom 50% pay 2% of the taxes and earn 12% of the income. This group's average income is approximately $35K with a average effective federal tax rate of 11%. Using 120,000,000 tax returns (2013) Top 10% = 12,000,000 x $180,000 = $2.16 trillion income Taxes paid $2.16 trillion income x 30% tax rate =$648 billion by the Top 10% Total taxes paid by all = $648 billion / 71% = $912 billion (check figure - the actual 2010 tax paid was $949 billion) If we distribute the total taxes equally, to approximate pay for use, then: $912 billion / 120,000,000 tax payers = $7,600 ea. Tax brackets, effective, for 2010; actual tax paid is likely less due to deductions allowed for most tax payers. $8000 = 10% for $800 tax paid; would pay 9.6 times the taxes as pay for use fees $34,000 = 13.7% for $4,680 tax paid would pay 1.62 times the taxes as fees $84,200 = 20% for $16,781 tax paid would pay 55% less in taxes as fees $171,850 = 24.3% for $41,827 tax paid would pay 84% less in taxes as fees If in a post state world where each of us only pays for the services and/or facilities we each use, the cost of these services would, in general, be equally born by each of us. Not based on a progressive tax that considers the ability to pay. Therefore low income individuals would not be able to afford as many pay per use services. Private companies in a future anarchist world that would provide these services would not price these based on ability to pay but on the cost plus a profit margin. The consequence of this is that we will have access to fewer services and/or facilities than are currently provided by the government. What are these services and/or facilities? In the U.S. these include the following services provided by or significantly subsidized by the government: Public transportation, trains, buses, subways, air travel Healthcare & medicine Food production and farming Public parks & recreation Public education, primary and secondary Research at colleges both private and public Public protective services, fire fighting, police, ambulance, courts Public infrastructure, roads, streets, highways, Public utilities, water, sewer, electricity As anarchist we all need to understand the consequences of these economics and be prepared to be more self sufficient.
  3. I do understand how it is addressed in a anarchic society. As no one is compelled to be an anarchist and no one is compelled give up other believes. How do these groups co-exist? What is the structure that allows this.
  4. There are not universal beliefs, principles, values, viewpoints..... or philosophies that all people follow. The evidence is all around us. I think we need to understand this fact as we put forward the truth of UPB and the logic that follows to anarchism. The consequence of this fact is that there are groups of people that will need to be addressed by the post governmental societal structure. 1) The sick, handicapped, elderly, mentally ill and ineffective/unsuccessful people who depend on the government for survival. “Someone should take care of me, as I lack the resources or ability.” 2) Criminals and human predators. “I will take what I want from those that have what I want.” 3) The mystics, religious believers, and patriotic nationalist zealots. “It’s not about my needs and wants but about the needs and wants of the faith or country.” 4) Corporations and wealthy persons who are part of the governmental industrial complex. “I need the system to maintain the wealth that I have.” I do not want to give up the infrastructure or technology that make my life comfortable and better than living without it. I like that I am self reliant and successful enough to provide for my needs and wants, and do not depend on the government or others to survive. Therefore I do want a societal structure that maintains the infrastructure and technologies we have today with a capitalistic financial system. Becoming hunter gatherers, even with all of that freedom, will not work for me. How do we have a societal structure that is non aggressive, (no government) and addresses all of these groups within it? Fact vs. Truth
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