I think theres a difference between science attempting to prove a hypothesis and a theist making a positive claim that god exists.
A hypothesis is tested. if it doesn't work, science (at least good science) does not go on claiming the hypothesis is correct. The caveat in any hypothesis is that it might not even be correct.
Show me a theist trying to prove god exists and I'll show you someone jabbering mainly for their own benefit about why they think god exists rather than any proof that god actually exists.
Hundreds of thousands of years haven't brought humanity closer to any god, but a couple hundred years of science has inexorably altered the course of history on a level unprecedented in our blood-soaked, god fearing history.
Also science has indeed proven that the Earth, disregarding topography, is such a perfect sphere that the highest caliber artist could not draw one as round as the dirtball that we live on.
I think it is a bit disrespectful to the hard work of the scientific community to compare the hypothetical claims of physicists to the self-serving pontificating of religious lunatics as if they are the same thing when they are clearly, CLEARLY, not.