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  1. Therapy is 100% worth the money. The catch is you need a good therapist and those are hard to come by. I think for people who have never gone it's difficult to understand how paying someone to listen to you is actually helpful. I think there is a good about of evidence for therapy helping people process and better understand the root cause of their behaviors. I haven't done a full sprint into therapy. But I've gone a number of stints when I needed insight into why I do the things I do. Sometimes it's hard to be objective about yourself. A therapist can help with that. It takes a certain amount of self-knowledge to know whether you're stuck in a loop. Once I realize I'm in one, therapy helps get to the source and sort it out.
  2. I'm not sure I've ever believed in a God. But if you've ever questioned it, this is a video you may relate to. As a small teaser, there's a bit at the end of the video that makes me wonder if Hopsin's caught a few Freedomain Radio videos. Check out the ILL Mind of Hopsin 7 Below https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QBsA2ETp7JA
  3. Originally thats what I had hoped to do. But Apple doesnt allow it to fuction that way. So its all or nothing. But you can easily turn the whole app off and on. It varies. For most apps I work with UX/UI friends of mine on the design. But this one was kinda small so I just used a stock icon. Thanks for checking out the app, and my blog. And good luck on building out your own app idea!! :]
  4. Dear Freedomain Radio Community, I have been a long-time listener of the show. And after consuming so much from Stefan and the team I felt that I wanted to do something to contribute to the goal of spreading the value of freedom and philosophy. I am an iOS and bitcoin developer and I just released the Mainstream Media Blocking app to the app store. It acts as an ad blocker but turns itself on MSNBC and Fox news, stopping any mainstream media outlet from loading in your Safari browser. This is the only mainstream media app out in the store it's free and you check it out here. If you enjoy it I would hugely appreciate a review. If anyone has other freedom spreading app ideas please let me know! I'm happy to implement a good idea and collaborate with the community here at Freedomain radio. Cheers!
  5. A question I'm asking myself. If you know of a working definition please share. Or help me pick apart mine. 1. Slave: someone whose bounds on freedom and ownership of property is limited by the coercion of someone else. 2. Democratized Slave: someone whose bounds on freedom is limited, a portion of their property distributed, by coercion of the masses. I'm looking for the minimum qualifications.
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