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    Sintra, Portugal
  • Interests
    Healthy Body and Mind!

    Anarcho-Capitalist and White Identitary!
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  1. I have also some savings in bitcoin. How has the "magic" of bitcoin doing for you?
  2. UPDATE: Received my card this past week and have successfully loaded it and used in a small purchase. Just upped my gold holdings with Bitgold and will look forward to the market crashing in the mean time gold rush is in order.
  3. Hi guys, are there Portuguese people around? I would like to met like minded people to create a network of SANE people so we can help each other on what seems a downward spiral of HELL. Best regards.
  4. I will not use the card for the monthly payments so i wont convert FIAT - AU - FIAT. I realize what i wrote implied i would my mistake. To clarify i wont go all in yet. But i want my savings in gold for the sake of my future family and the ability to convert it to fiat to buy something worth converting.
  5. Could you elaborate on that? If i remember correctly Stef once said something like this "People who have little to offer will be very upfront with what they have". The way they dress, air, makeup, tattos, walking mannerisms, etc....everything to tell you that what you see is what you get don't bother looking any further! Just yesterday i saw 2 women who fill all these criteria, with the black lipstick and all too match their "black soul".
  6. Completely agree! The card is another technology one i see great power especially when the end of fiat comes. I have i good amount of savings in fiat that i may have to use (hopefully with a baby coming ) , there have been some news about the state bank that frighten me and with the ECB... how much purchase power have i lost? With the savings in gold and the ability to convert it into fiat i would sleep much better. And Silver. About 10% of my savings. I don't. I heard they have 3 party accounting of the gold store on the vaults i will check it out as soon as possible.
  7. Agree completely. To add it's easy to get a inside look of a women. Mostly because they tend to very up front with their lack of integrity and values. The exception that i found i grab it and will never let go.
  8. These Muslim invasion is getting crazy. Here in Portugal we have been doing ok mostly because we are not the rich kids of Europe neither the population is as indoctrinated(in fact i just got from my parents house and they had a magazine with a interview of feminist complaining that in here there was not a big feminist movement) as the rest of Europe. There have been many cases of refugees (i.e economic tourist) in which they either refuse do come or stay only for small period of time and go back. In the media the propaganda machine is working hard to promote the refugees and the hate of Trump is strong...it's been hard avoiding the propaganda even for someone who does not watch TV when going the gym i cant run in the morning without a 5 mins propaganda piece with all the bells and whistles.
  9. Hi guys, as a subscriber of Peter Schiff i got yesterday introduced to bitgold and i am hooked to say the least. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=td7K76IzLvo I transfer 50€ (1.241g) i want to see how the master card works. Any experiences here? The ability to buy your groceries and other expenses with a "gold" seems almost unreal. I own physical gold and silver but the ability have gold safely store and use it the short term(and easily) seems like a great ability.... hopefully not much as i will want to keep most of my gold hedging against the great fiat euro. Thanks for the feedback i will give mine as soon as possible!
  10. Sound like a keeper! i particular liked the statement of the police and i quoted .."careful if you demand money that would be a level o blackmail.." i can't even start to wrap my mind around it..
  11. Hi guys, just though of sharing a article that i have stumble across on the web! A new trend, buying positive pregnancy test this is off course to scare mothers.. http://newyork.cbslocal.com/2014/05/07/seen-at-11-positive-pregnancy-tests-up-for-sale-online/
  12. Doesn't get any better than Doug Stanhope and George Carlin.
  13. very strange inded! usually you hear about flag campaigns first...
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