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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Missed this, but next time sure.
  2. Me, I am from the Midlands and willing to go to meets.
  3. That kid was amazing. I was told the meat I was eating was soya meat and not real when I express the same concerns to my own family as a child. I really hope he can stay strong when he eventually comes to face others who are not as open minded.
  4. Hey guys, I had access to the DOTA2 beta a long time ago and have been given by steam, around 10 free copies of the game to give away. If anyone wants one, no strings attached, then just leave your steam user ID below and I will add you, and give the copy. No strings, No scams! I give these away because I dont have many friends and prefer league of legends -- Add me there too EU/W name Horr1d
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