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  1. Honest

    mind reading

    Trespass would be more like it.
  2. I know exactly how you feel, but if you take that attitude to it's ultimate conclusion you just end up with yourself. I try not to throw the baby out with the bath water, just remember there is a difference between people and ideas, you are just there for the good ideas they might have, it's not like you have to marry them and raise kids. I will say though, one of my biggest pet peeves is people who I agree with that make bad arguments in favor of whatever it is that I agree with them on, it's infuriating actually haha.
  3. 2 doesn't follow from 1, and certainly 3 doesn't follow so it's invalid, and based on false premises unless you have a very strange definition of "nothing" or "fullness" 1 Nothing is: not something 2 Boxes can only contain something ∴ a box cannot contain nothing
  4. Wow, The God Of Atheists isn't getting any love. As far as my own experience goes it blows all of his other books right out of the water, and this coming from a guy who hates reading fiction with specific ideas behind it. If you read between the lines, you get the goodies from all of his books, but instead of explaining the ideas, it has them showed to you in a way that makes them more solid in your head, and more of a set of principles applied to different things as opposed to "this is RTR this is UPB blabla," it doesn't give you the chance to just believe the arguments the way a non fiction book does, it makes you either truly understand them or have it fly over your head, which is in my opinion a better approach to spreading ideas. All this while providing a really emotional experience. It's also entertaining, funny at times, and has those moments that make you put the book down for a bit and go "oh shit!" It may be a little scant on anarchism and economics, but it gives you the tools that if applied to government and human action you can figure it out on your own. Ayn Rand's essays and non fiction are to Atlas Shrugged the same way Stef's non-fiction books and videos are to TGOA. A close second for me is On Truth, I've read that little book easily 5 times. I think of it as 100% pure Colombian red pill lol.
  5. I think the crux of the issue is what exactly is meant by "forgiveness," and whether not forgiving is the same or requires being angry to the point of it affecting your health, which I don't know that it does. By the way, your link doesn't go to the video, it links back to this thread. Thought I was going crazy for a little bit.
  6. I think when people say that what they really mean is that they feel at odds with or opposed to the ethos of the average person, and of course no one is interested in the opinions of people who you consider yourself opposed to. I think people may also say that in an effort to express that their actions are born out of a genuine individual desire as opposed their actions being pegged to the desires and opinions of others, in an effort to validate their identity, which reveals that they are probably insecure about their identity being genuine. Makes me think of "excusatio non petita accusatio manifesta" that is, he who excuses himself, accuses himself. Anyway that's just me rambling, I think you may benefit from scripting your videos or at least making a rough sketch of your talking points, but other than that I have nothing bad to say, I've watched your videos for a little while and I think you've gotten noticeably more comfortable speaking and better at expressing yourself, keep on doing what you are doing, I really like vlogs from FDR users.
  7. The dream I should start by saying that the first half of this dream is gone. I only remember there was a first part because as soon as I woke up I had it extremely clear in my mind but the second part really stuck with me. Whatever was happening in the first part was going on, and I suddenly "appeared" (in that very jumpy dream fashion) outside the house where I spent almost the entirety of my teenage years. I begin casually walking away from my house along the sidewalk and I notice a chunk of the sidewalk was now a very thin layer of almost solid concrete, in between two larger pools or strips of fresh concrete. I was now walking on the thin layer of solidish concrete and when I was almost out of it, I noticed a number of individuals (3 to 5) sort of murmuring and looking like they had the intention of walking towards me, which they eventually did do. These people were wearing black hooded robes covering them completely except for the face, which they had covered with really eerie white masks, almost like hockey masks but without the little holes. For some reason in my dream I know these individuals are blind, female, and taller than me (I'm 6') I see them and I get anxious so I decide to walk back to my house along the strip of solid concrete, but almost before I finish walking along this fresh/solid/fresh path, I make the decision to step into the wet concrete, somehow to test it. I sink down until it's almost covering my chest but I manage to get back into the more solid bit of concrete, feeling my foot sink a little in the more solid bit but I can still walk. I'm about to finally get out of this patch when I look up (I was staring at my feet after getting out) and to my horror, more of these people walking at me. This time they are much closer, and I don't think to walk back, I brave it without really thinking about it, and as I get off this patch of sidewalk I bump shoulders with one of them, I say sorry and the person says "it's okay." I keep walking towards my house and I wonder if they are going to have any trouble crossing the patch considering they are blind, but I don't think of helping them because in my dream I know they are evil. At this point I wake up a little scared and with my heart pounding. Things to consider What is going on in my life at the moment. I recently got back in contact with my much older step brother. He is forty something and I'm twenty, he is the product of my Father's (who is now deceased) first marriage. As soon as I moved out on my own he was trying to contact me but I ignored him because I know my mother speaks to him and my mother being the way she is, I find it hard to justify contact with him considering he could be a shill for my mother, never mind the fact that we never had any real connection or friendship. Recently I decided to pick up one of his calls and he told me he had a son, so I decided to email him explaining why I don't speak to him, and sprinkle some "spanking lowers iq, breastfeeding actually increases it, free play in nature and involvement of the father is correlated with empathy" salt and pepper for the kid, and so he doesn't get to say "I didn't know better" if he ends up fucking his kid up. We exchanged emails for some time after he reassured me he shares my feelings about my mother. It culminated in me telling him I could see him this Friday, however I had a change of heart and realized I wasn't feeling comfortable enough to see him, so I told him this through an email right before I went to the couch in which I ended up having an impromptu nap. Other stimuli I feel asleep on the couch and had my cozy slippers on, which may or may not be a factor in the whole concrete sinking thing. I finished the chapter in The God of Atheists in which Alder is talking a walk and pondering about the conversation he had with the kids in which his son realizes adults proclaim a binary set of ethics and impose that on the children, all the while having a relativist code of ethics (by their own admission) in their daily lives and use mental gymnastics to exclude themselves. (it's a brilliant read by the way, go buy it) After finishing the chapter I put on my iPod and I listened to the "recently added" playlist because first on there was the latest FDR show. That had finished, and the song after it was this. I remember that song playing while I had the second part of the dream. What I think In general terms it was about the anxiety of forcing myself to see my brother, the anxiety and awkwardness of having to send that email, and the resolution of finally being able to be true to my thoughts and feelings and not seeing him, but this dream is still intriguing me, I feel like there is something bigger to it, and I'd love your input.
  8. I feel ambivalent about this. I see the state loving and violence fetichizing trends of the zeitgeist in general, but at the same time just about everyone I encounter in daily life, from clerks, bus drivers, bank tellers, to even police officers seem really nice and rational. Perhaps it's internet bravery, maybe the less savory elements among them are more vocal, but most likely it's people compartmentalizing the principles by which they deal with other people and their personal voluntary relationships, and just throw under the carpet their violent urges and never bother to deal with their cognitive dissonance.
  9. Yan, why don't you call Stefan and ask him, or better yet dismantle his "belief" in atheism?
  10. Answer by Tyler, The Creator. Probably an unlikely character to see on this thread, perhaps on FDR at all, but I think it shows a side of black culture that is often under-emphasized but makes all the difference in the world. The lyrics aren't exactly classy but they get the point across and are self explanatory. It has to do with self knowledge of course. [Hook 1: Tyler] Because when I call I hope you pick up your phone I'd like to talk to you I hope you answer [x4] Because when I call I hope you pick up your phone I'd like to talk to you I hope you answer [Verse 1: Tyler] Hey Dad, it's me, um... Oh, I'm Tyler, I think I be your son Sorry, I called you the wrong name, see, my brain's splitting Dad isn't your name, see Faggot's a little more fitting Mom was only twenty when you ain't have any fucks to spare You Nigerian fuck, now I'm stuck with this shitty facial hair Also stuck with a beautiful home with a case stairs So you not being near fucking fire-started my damn career But fuck it, I got Clancy, he, gave me the chance to see A world I wasn't supposed to, I'm stoked that I didn't know you But, sucks you ain't give a fuck and consider a sperm donor now The fuck is an Okonma? I'm changing my shit to Haley And I ain't just being passive, nigga. You're a fucking faggot, nigga. Got a show on Monday, guess who ain't getting no passes, nigga? But if I ever had the chance to ask this nigga And call him... [Hook: Tyler (Syd)] I hope you answer [x4] Because when I call (When I call, baby) I hope you pick up your phone (Please pick up) I'd like to talk to you I hope you answer [Verse 2: Tyler] Suck my fucking dick and swallow this case of nuts Ace hates your guts, I'm a selfish fuck, And I ain't sharing green as if I'm facing blunts Frank is out the closet, Hodgy's an alcoholic Syd might be bipolar, but fuck it, I couldn't call it Supposed to be gone until November but quickly came back in August I left two months through September to clearly remember all this I'd like to tell my grandma, but she's just nostalgia I'll call her number But she won't answer [Hook: Tyler (Syd)] I hope you answer [x4] Because when I call (When I call, baby) I hope you pick up your phone (I'd like to talk to you) I hope you answer [Verse 3: Tyler] You claim to hate my fucking guts But say I'm on an island in Thailand and I was wildin' And, if I got stranded had to man up and hold my nuts And hope that I could live off salt water and fucking coconuts Phone ain't got no service this 3G is fucking worthless Day is getting dark like the area's turning urban You'll be fucking nervous like me inside of a churches But, I'mma get in contact regardless, and I hope you answer. [Outro: Tyler] That last verse was about this girl. Haha.
  11. Not only did they not loot, but people made an effort to get back lost wallets to their owners. Also the elderly with low life expectancy volunteered to clean up the Fukushima mess. I think what you are missing OP is innate differences between the Japanese and other populations. It has been well established that East Asians have higher IQs and IQ has a negative correlation with criminality. Another thing is parenting style. While I do think IQ and genetics play a role in this, there also must have been an enormous shift in the child rearing mode of Japan since the generation that produced the Nanking Massacre. You can read about the child rearing practices of Japan during that time here, specifically chapters five and six.
  12. You guys are all on point! It's interesting you mention love addiction because the particularly bad "episode" of ugly thoughts that inspired this post occurred the night I broke off a relationship I had that I realized wasn't healthy or based on anything real. I was more in love with the idea of finding love than the girl. Also throughout my relationships (there have only really been two long serious ones) I had feelings of being unlovable and always in a state of wanting to be loved as opposed to being loved, which I recently found is common among adults who were neglected children. I was also very obsequious with my love and just wanted to be absolutely certain the girl I was seeing at the time knew and felt and understood I deeply loved her -insert reference to my mother here-, and I remember hearing Stefan say in a podcast we tend to strive to provide what we lacked. Regarding drugs, I've been exposed to alcohol and weed and neither really did much for me, particularly weed, it just made me feel kind of naive, so I have no interest in those. I am in the process of quitting nicotine, I don't smoke cigarettes anymore (never really smoked much more than a couple a day) and I am gradually decreasing the amount of nicotine in my e-cig. I drink tea throughout the day, but I mix it up between black and herbal teas which don't have caffeine. I genuinely don't think I use it as a substitute for dealing with my issues or feel like I do it for happiness, but I'll try a week of just herbal tea and see what comes of it.
  13. actions, Your post seems to me somewhat obtuse, almost like a generic answer (may be me, I'm a bit sleepy) and I think you're assuming too much, but I appreciate the sentiment, while it is important to not romanticize the notion of being a victim, it is helpful to realize what happened to me and therefore the consequences where really outside of my hands. I think you'll be happy to know I'm more advanced in the healing process than you give me credit for, I'm just taking care of odds and ends here. I happen to be quite aware of both of my parents' childhoods and understand the link between that and the things they did, but knowing about that fact only amounts to "my parents are assholes and my grandparents were too," I personally don't get any healing from knowing that. The fact that someone has an emotional justification for doing something abjectly harmful doesn't make it any less so. Growing up I tried making my parents understand and gave them countless opportunities, and while they eventually did acknowledge they had failed as parents (because I showed no affection to them and actively rejected them), they thought their mistake was not being even more strict and restrictive, which is funny to me. I have no rational interest nor emotional impulse to force a relationship with my mother. STer, I have strong suspicions my father was bipolar and my parents just didn't feel like acknowledging it. While I can't say with certainty my mother had NPD, it certainly smells like it. Three generations of women before her ended in psychiatric hospitals so it's more likely than just her actions would suggest. I think I'll appreciate the communities you suggest regardless, thank you for your suggestion. Magenta, I don't have a relationship with her nor do I ever initiate contact with her, she just some times calls and I answer like I would with any random person calling. She will do the small talk thing and I'll be monosyllabic and that's the end of it nine out of ten times. She will sporadically say I love yous, affectionate things, and for the most part send and offer material things in an effort to compensate for what she failed to accomplish in my early childhood, but I obviously don't fall for it. To be quite blunt, it has no effect on me emotionally, and the things she sends are for the time being worth it. Like I said in my first post, when I am financially comfortable enough to get further away from her I'll change my number and she won't know.
  14. Thanks all of you for your kind replies, they really mean a lot and I'm grateful that there are people out there who's instant reaction isn't to call me whiny and accuse me of over reacting. Writing it down was quite helpful and I haven't been invaded by these thoughts anymore when trying to sleep or any other time. Just thought I'd let you guys know I acknowledge and appreciate your replies. Regarding the suggestion by Lens to review the events and try to reconnect with my feelings, I don't think I ever fooled myself into thinking I wasn't feeling them, in my earlier years they were for the most part confusion and a kind of unrequited love towards my mother but from around twelve onwards I only felt anger and resentment, which I know now were justified. The more I chew on the fat of my early childhood experiences, the more I realize I was emotionally neglected. Regarding Emanuel's experience of finding peace in ethics, I can say I can relate in a certain way. What I retreated to (and still do) when I was growing up to hide from all the lack of principle and general disorder surrounding authority figures and their proclamations was maths and strategy games. Just the fact that there is internal consistency and perfectly objective truth in these things made me feel warm and cozy inside. Ethics never, and still doesn't do it for me because it seems to be an inherently fuzzy subject, but the principle of finding a kind of rest and happiness in truth is shared between both of our experiences.
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