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Everything posted by verbalVS

  1. To me this wasn't a talk about fixing the economic system from the top down. If anything it seems to encourage individual people to evaluate whether their mindset is helping or harming them. The consensus seems to be that we live in a greed-based economy. But if you're convinced by the argument that you are participating in a fear-based economy AND are a dissatisfied wage earner -- you might ask yourself what your fears are and examine whether they are valid. I think this ties back into the concept that, all things being equal, people tend to feel financial misfortunes more viscerally than financial rewards. You might feel your fears are valid because you anticipate pain more strongly than you anticipate the rewards. At least that's what I got out of it.
  2. it would be nice. Without IRC access I'm not able to participate as much as I wish I could.
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