I live in Salt Lake City. Right now the big excitement around town is that a federal judge ruled that the Amendment 3 ban on same-sex marriage was unconstitutional, and the 10th district court of appeals denied their fellow gangsters a stay on the ruling so they could stop all the time-space warping effects of same-sex marriage. The Salt Lake County court house has been packed all day, and in Utah County, a vile place I try to avoid, and the true heart of mormonism, the courthouse staff was refusing to relent and would not provide licenses to same-sex couples.
The first two gentlemen to get married, Michael and Seth, are my friends and I'm thrilled for them. I find it exciting anytime people are made more free, even if it's in the context of asking permission from the mafia to do something which is obviously no business of theirs. The couple happen to own a tea company called The Queen's Tea which makes the tastiest teas I've yet had. Sincerely, try the Jasmine Green, you'll cry.
I saw a picture on FB a short while ago and I had some thoughts:
The club these people belong to dropped millions of dollars on prop 8 in California and have committed untold wonders of interference with equality and freedom. It seems to me, you can't be a card carrying member of a club and not vouch for the actions committed in the name of said club. I could be wrong, they do have a lovely sign. It would be nice to see them put their actions where they can speak louder than their words. How about not being a member of a racist, bigoted, mind-control machine which makes people hate themselves and slurp down anti-depressants like they're Jell-O?