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  1. Horrible but really needs covering. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/crime/10947561/More-than-10-politicians-on-list-held-by-police-investigating-Westminster-paedophile-ring.html More than 10 current and former politicians are on a list of alleged child abusers held by police investigating claims of a Westminster paedophile ring. MPs or peers from all three main political parties are on the list, which includes former ministers and household names. Several, including Cyril Smith and Sir Peter Morrison, are no longer alive, but others are still active in Parliament. The existence of the list was disclosed by Peter McKelvie, the whistleblower whose claims prompted Operation Fernbridge, the Scotland Yard investigation into allegations of a paedophile network with links to Downing Street. Mr McKelvie, a retired child protection team manager who has spent more than 20 years compiling evidence of alleged abuse by authority figures, said he believed there was enough evidence to arrest at least one senior politician. Related Articles Senior Tory stopped with child sex videos 'was reprieved' 04 Jul 2014 Scotland Yard launches investigation into historic claims of child abuse 18 Jan 2013 Two arrested in Elm House paedophile ring investigation 06 Feb 2013 It comes as David Cameron ordered the most senior civil servant at the Home Office to conduct a fresh investigation into what happened to a missing dossier on alleged paedophiles in Westminster in the 1980s. The Prime Minister told Mark Sedwill, the Permanent Secretary at the Home Office, to “do everything he can” to clear up what happened to the file, which was handed to the then home secretary Leon (now Lord) Brittan by the late Geoffrey Dickens MP. Separately Theresa May, the Home Secretary, said yesterday she would “examine the case” for a public inquiry into historical child abuse in public life, for which 139 MPs have now called. Mr McKelvie, who helped bring the notorious paedophile Peter Righton to justice in 1992 when he worked in Hereford and Worcester child protection team, said: “I believe there are sufficient grounds to carry out a formal investigation into allegations of up to 20 MPs and Lords over the last three to four decades, some still alive and some dead. The list is there.” In a letter to his local MP Sir Tony Baldry last month, Mr McKelvie suggested that a further 20 MPs and Lords were implicated in the “cover-up” of abuse of children.
  2. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/crime/10947647/Rolf-Harris-Jailed-for-five-years-and-nine-months-but-shows-no-remorse.html http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/recap-jimmy-savile-sex-dead-3767280 http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/crime/sex-abuse-scandal-rolf-harris-revealed-as-entertainer-arrested-by-police-investigating-abuse-allegations-in-november--so-why-has-his-name-only-come-out-now-8579794.html http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2227941/Jimmy-Savile-advised-Prince-Charles-appointment-royal-aide.html
  3. Tyler RSD - one of the biggest pick up artists - watches Stefan's videos. He commented on the 'banned from youtube' video.
  4. Now we just need all of Virgin to accept bitcoin!
  5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xnkj7_gKFM4
  6. Well Bill Burr completely misunderstood the point of video. At least it's more celebrity recognition for FDR lol Perhaps Stefan should a short video response?
  7. I love Tarantino's movies, I wasn't hit as a child. People love him because he makes great movies.
  8. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4-dYut4AfzY Laying the chokeslam! Seriously, Kane is a very popular guy who's into austrian economics. His facebook page has 3.9 million likes.
  9. Elliot Hulse
  10. Yes please
  11. Reason


    Should do a concise series of youtube videos. Short videos (3-5 minutes) get views and are easier to introduce people with.
  12. his son made a documentary about him.
  13. http://www.vice.com/en_uk/read/i-crashed-an-ayn-rand-love-in-for-the-super-rich One of the worst articles I've read. VICE is horribly biased.
  14. Congrats Stefan! The exciting thing is that generally, the bigger the audience the quicker it grows.
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