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Everything posted by EscapingProgress
The Nuremberg Trials: Theonomy Condemnedhttp://faithandheritage.com/2016/08/the-nuremberg-trials-theonomy-condemned/ Excellent article. Many additional resources cited.
Harvard to ban members of single-sex clubs from student leadership roles "Harvard University will bar members of single-sex clubs, fraternities and sororities from fellowships and leadership roles on campus, college president Drew Gilpin Faust announced on Friday, in an effort to prevent sexual discrimination." http://www.theguardian.com/education/2016/may/07/harvard-fraternity-sorority-leadership-ban-drew-faust
Tri-City teachers intend to send a resounding message to state legislators with a walkout approved for May 21. I’m all for standards,” Wright said. “I’m all for accountability. But I think we’ve gone too far.” “We want great public schools to survive in Kennewick, in Pasco and in Richland,” Hays said. Superintendents Dave Bond of Kennewick and Saundra Hill of Pasco issued identical letters to parents and community members explaining their concerns with a walkout — rescheduling the missed day, cancellation of activities and athletic events on the walkout day, the break in the tight testing schedule and parents having to find childcare or miss work. http://www.tri-cityherald.com/2015/05/07/3549940_tri-city-teachers-give-resounding.html?rh=1 The entire article is just one big L-O-L.
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Fake Happiness and Positivity
EscapingProgress replied to EscapingProgress's topic in Self Knowledge
This is a perfect example of what I was addressing in my original post. This is quite the assumption you've made about me, and it is untrue. My dream is to live abroad and renounce my US citizenship. I no longer wish to be an accomplice to the evil empire, among other things. The details of my planned exodus are uneccessary, but I'm leaving the country early next year. Much of my energy is going towards this goal. I'm at a financial point now where only an absurdly extreme event like being permanently crippled or dying would stop me. -
I have been constantly frustrated by this claim that I must always "look on the bright side" and "be positive". Why? Should problems not be pointed out and addressed so that we may all be better off? "No" says positive Paul. That would be negative, and negativity shall not be tolerated. It is as if positivity is now a cult. You see it so often in the workplace, and I can't take seriously the notion that anyone in a 9-5 slave job is truly happy. HR reps for 9-5 companies are constantly pushing this positive attitude BS, and no dissent is allowed. My father, who did so much to make my childhood as stressful and emotionally uncomfortable as possible, also pushes this positivity line and has been since I can remember. I think that these so-called "positive Paul's" are engaged in nothing but a shallow attempt to divert attention away from underlying issues that may be and must be addressed, but to address them would be incredibly uncomfortable for the positive Paul, so positive Paul shames anyone who dare point out these problems with petty name-calling. I also get the sense that these people who always have a smile on their face and are always commenting on their personal happiness and contentment are the most miserable individuals. How miserably deluded do you have to be to walk around with a constant smile on your face in spite of the glaringly obvious societal degredation (compliments of the state) that is taking place before our eyes? Thoughts?
http://mic.com/articles/92479/psychologists-have-uncovered-a-troubling-feature-of-people-who-seem-too-nice "In 1961, curious about a person's willingness to obey an authority figure, social psychologist Stanley Milgram began trials on his now-famous experiment. In it, he tested how far a subject would go electrically shocking a stranger (actually an actor faking the pain) simply because they were following orders. Some subjects, Milgram found, would follow directives until the person was dead. A new Milgram-like experiment published this month in the Journal of Personality has taken this idea to the next step by trying to understand which kinds of people are more or less willing to obey these kinds of orders. What researchers discovered was surprising: Those who are described as "agreeable, conscientious personalities" are more likely to follow orders and deliver electric shocks that they believe can harm innocent people, while "more contrarian, less agreeable personalities" are more likely to refuse to hurt others."
https://shine.yahoo.com/parenting/school-isolation-rooms-scream-rooms-bellevue-washington-restraint-punishment-161142649.html "Parents are growing increasingly outraged over an unusual method some schools are using to discipline kids. The policy involves the use of isolation rooms (aka “scream rooms”), closet-sized rooms that children, often those with special needs, are placed in for a cooling-off period, where they can be left unmonitored for up to several hours at a time without bathroom breaks." "In 2012, a mother of a student at Mint Valley Elementary School in Washington snapped a photo of the school's isolation room located in a storage area with two peepholes and no chairs and posted it on Facebook where it was shared about 100 times. She claimed that kids were placed inside for offenses such as crying and tapping on their desks. In April 2013, an Arizona mother said her son was held in the room 17 different times (The school claims it was only three.) with no bathroom breaks. And last December, two New York City parents of KIPP Star Washington Heights Elementary School students reported that their children suffered anxiety attacks after being placed in the padded rooms with only a single lightbulb, a floor mat, and a 2--by-3 foot window. In that case, a 5-year-old boy was rushed to the hospital after he panicked and wet himself and a first grader became too scared to return to school. Perhaps the most chilling case involved a 13-year-old boy at a special education school in Georgia who hung himself inside an isolation room in 2004." If you support state schools you don't care about the children.
http://www.reuters.com/article/2014/05/20/us-france-trains-idUSKBN0E021720140520 "France's national rail company SNCF said on Tuesday it had ordered 2,000 trains for an expanded regional network that are too wide for many station platforms, entailing costly repairs. ... Transport Minister Frederic Cuvillier blamed an "absurd rail system" for the problem, referring to changes made by a previous government in 1997." lol
http://www.forbes.com/sites/williampentland/2014/04/17/oklahoma-okays-new-surcharge-on-distributed-renewables/ "Oklahoma may soon join Arizona on the short but growing list of states requiring customers who self-generate their electric power with solar panels or small wind turbines to pay special fees."
You assume that this is a bad thing, but I do not see it that way. Currently, to be normal is to be insane.
http://www.science20.com/news_articles/four_in_10_infants_lack_strong_parental_attachments-132781 "In a study of 14,000 U.S. children, 40 percent lack strong emotional bonds — what psychologists call "secure attachment" — with their parents that are crucial to success later in life, according to a new report. The researchers found that these children are more likely to face educational and behavioral problems."
http://www.globalresearch.ca/the-u-s-is-not-a-democracy-it-is-an-oligarchy/5377765?utm_source=feedly&utm_reader=feedly&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=the-u-s-is-not-a-democracy-it-is-an-oligarchy “Despite the seemingly strong empirical support in previous studies for theories of majoritarian democracy, our analyses suggest that majorities of the American public actually have little influence over the policies our government adopts." This should come as no suprise to anyone here, but now you have something to send to your friends who still believe they will change the world by voting.
http://www.theepochtimes.com/n3/414134-the-new-space-race-privatization-drives-competition/ "Last year, SpaceX became the first private company to transport cargo to the International Space Station. To demonstrate the lowered costs, SpaceX has said it can transport an astronaut to the Space Station for $20 million compared to $70 million for a trip on Russia's Soyuz rocket, reported The Guardian. On Dec. 3, SpaceX successfully launched a major communications satellite into orbit for the Luxembourg-based satellite operator SES. SpaceX charged about $60 million. A French company founded in the 198os, Arianespace, charges about $260 million for the same service, according to Popular Mechanics. SES Chief Technology Officer Martin Malliwell told Discovery News: “This is really rocking the industry… Everybody is going to have to look to their cost base and are going to have to change their attitude. Currently SpaceX is developing reusable rockets that can return to Earth without burning up in the atmosphere. If successful, the price of a mission could be cut to $200,000."
"This is what you get for questioning the "authority" and for having the audacity to have your own voice in medical decisions for your children: a social worker takes custody of an hours old newborn, while still in the hospital, and prevents her mother from seeing her other than to nurse her every 3 hours. All because she asked too many questions." Continued: http://www.sott.net/article/255091-Healthcare-fascism-in-US-Newborn-seized-because-mom-questioned-necessity-of-hepatitis-B-vaccine