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Everything posted by RealP

  1. What a horrifying situation to be in, my deepest sympathies. Have you already tried the following places? Many of them have 24h hotlines. http://www.betweenfriendschicago.org/ http://www.familyrescueinc.org/ https://crisisctr.org/ http://www.northsidecommunityresources.org/victim-advocacy-support-program/ Religious organizations, churches, etc. I notice that you have Philosopher King status, you may want to consider saving those 50 bucks a month until you can afford being in physical and emotional safety. Protect yourself, man
  2. Good point. Could such subforum be in the donator's forums or something, so that the general public doesn't have access to it? BTW, I feel anxious because my Inner Critic is criticizing me for replying with a follow-up question once you already gave me an answer, even though your response was polite and respectful. "The man already gave you an answer and you STILL keep asking questions? He's going to think that you're dumb and he will be annoyed by you, Sir Ask-a-Lot"
  3. I'm looking for a job and thought about posting a CV on the boards. Is it appropiate? There's a Listener Projects forum, so I'm guessing that it is. Is there already a forum for this? I haven't found one. Would it be a good idea to start a forum where members could post job offers and their CVs? I could have just emailed Mike but I figured that it would be better if I made my enquiry public so it can be useful to other members.
  4. RealP

    Im frozen

    He does employ techniques from Internal Family Systems psychotherapy. If you're interested, I'll PM you.
  5. RealP

    Im frozen

    I recently started therapy with a member of the community, and it's going pretty good. If you want, I can give you the details on a PM
  6. How do I put a Show/Hide button to talk about spoilers?
  7. This is the first single of Steven Summerstone's (https://board.freedomainradio.com/user/13444-summerstone/) new album - The Boy Dreams. Great music for journaling
  8. These news make extremely angry and sad, my mind is filled with expletives towards the murderer. What message does this send to Canadian children? Kids, if mommy or daddy kill you, they'll only get a slap on the wrist, so there's fuck all you can do about it. 'Tis a good reminder of the objective of FDR.
  9. This is absolutely brilliant, I'm confident that this information will help improve my relationship with my inner critic. Where did you find these? Are there more like them? Thanks for sharing.
  10. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/northamerica/usa/10769041/The-US-is-an-oligarchy-study-concludes.html http://www.princeton.edu/~mgilens/Gilens%20homepage%20materials/Gilens%20and%20Page/Gilens%20and%20Page%202014-Testing%20Theories%203-7-14.pdf
  11. RealP


    Yup, born and raised here. Drop by whenever you like. What does PR stand for?
  12. The FDR documentary will touch on that
  13. Why do you want to pander to people's dysfunctions? When I read your post, it looks like you're brushing off feelings of anger towards your parents, and directing them towards the rest of the world. I sympathize, when I'm angry at my parents, before I process it, my first impulse is to fantasize about becoming a sociopath, like a dictator, or a socialist politician, or a too-big-to-fail bankster, or Jack Bauer :-) You say that your environment is horrible and complex (what does "complex" mean in this context?) but you never talk about your feelings, you just mention that you've talked about it before, which confuses me, because if you include it in your post, it's relevant to what you're going to talk about next.
  14. RealP


    Hey y'all, Today we had the first FDR meetup in Uruguay . It was Mariana and Andre, a couple from Portugal that relocated here, and myself. This will be the first of many to come, so if you're ever in these regions, don't hesitate to contact me.
  15. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-2586036/You-married-Lord-daddy-boyfriend-Purity-Balls-girls-gift-virginity-fathers-marriage-sweep-America.html#ixzz2wwSS492S
  16. I found another gem by this hoot. Oh, the irony of having a fat, sweaty middle-aged Tooth Fairy place a lie detector on a child
  17. Verbal abuse of children is some pretty funny shit, right?
  18. Great job, very helpful
  19. I'm going through the same thing, and I notice that you have been posting about this subject lately. Would you and anyone else be interested in doing a Skype call?
  20. Cool tat. Live Aid?
  21. There are many stories/movies with that topic, the well known "coming of age" genre. In my opinion, there are certain ingredients of travelling (on your own) that contribute to a feeling of maturity: 1) You are away from all your relationships for a while, family and friends, which, in the case of a young person who lives at home or close to his parents, allows them to get a different perspective and take stock. Also, you don't have to hide who you are or what you think (but I repeat myself), you don't have to pretend to be someone you're not, it is easier to have integrity 2) In most journeys you come across different situations, or "adventures", that compel you to make choices and to take action with whatever resources you have at your disposal, which are more limited than usual because you're far away from home. This is actually very important because most of us live lives of certain conformity, not actually being "pushed" to take any action to reach our goals, but when you're travelling that's different, you really get into it. 3) In a journey, you can sort of forget about many of the things that we feel chain us to a certain path back home, like our studies, our jobs, our careers, etc. and that opens up new possibilities, you're more open and receptive to new ideas To sum up, I think that journeys are huge sets of opportunities to take (moral?) action with an increased feeling of freedom, which results in an increase of your self-knowledge. Did you find this useful? Why does it strike a chord with you?
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