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Everything posted by MZmaj7

  1. At 42:35, Stef quotes Rand: "My characters are not recipes for living. They are ideals." Does anyone know where this quote comes from?
  2. Opa! Not exactly what I thought I was looking for, but this is what Stef was talking about.
  3. Thanks, but no, that's not it.
  4. Stef recently(?) mentioned he had done a video on lies that were told to get us into war throughout history. Does anyone know which one that is? Thanks!
  5. You're probably right; I don't know. I use it b/c Stef used to. I figured it was a cutesy thing. Historically, groups like the Whigs and Austrian economists have adopted pejoratives as their proud namesake. Recently, we've seen the "proud to be a teabagger" memorabilia, for example. I like how stefbot sounds, it's ironic ... It works on a number of levels, but I would never want to offend anyone with it.
  6. Yes, perfect, thank you! (Is 'bot' pejorative? I use it affectionately.)
  7. FDRbots!! I'm trying to find that video - mostly or completely cartoon - in which Stef explains that moral philosophy has been built on faulty foundations like the geocentric model was built on faulty foundations. Like the Earth in the center of the universe, violence is the center of our morality. Like the complex mathematics of yesteryear, our complex moral institutions are supposed to save our society from the rot at the core of our ethics. Where is that video??
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