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Everything posted by JMH4UA

  1. Details here: http://newsok.com/this-kid-is-an-evil-person-oklahoma-da-says-of-son-charged-in-slayings-of-3-family-members/article/5353831
  2. I don't think he is asking for anyone to respect his religion (albeit I could be wrong), but I think he is asking for mutual intellectual respect in his own personal conversations. If that is the case, then I totally agree with him. Because this is the alternative: I was raised religious and based on my extremely negative experiences with non-religious people I should automatically give no respect to the non-religious. Of course, this is not the action I take because I know that generalities do not apply to every individual so I treat people with the same respect that I expect to be treated with UNTIL they give me a reason not to respect them.
  3. Found this intriguing collection of Russell Brand segments taken from a TON of his interviews compiled as a "best of", if you will. Let me know what you guys think!http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_bKQXmvdr8o
  4. Let me start by saying that I love Russell Brand and admire his attempts/contributions to help others beyond his comedy/acting career. I feel he just needs to be enlightened by the great-thinkers of our time (e.g Stefan Molyneux, etc.) because he has excellent insight to offer and the potential to do great things in, at the very least, mustering up a massive amount of followers. With that said, Peter Hitchens is absolutely befuddling with his statist arguments... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0IqVohFEAfo
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