Wherever you go, there you are. I've found it helpful to generally enjoy life. You're really not in a prison. I know what you mean by that, but you absolutely have the ability to eat what you want, date who you want, go where you want for the most part. Even at $695 a year, that's what? About an additional $60 a month tax? That sucks, but it's manageable.
The point is, you have to get yourself to a place in which, when everything's said and done, the state looks ridiculous. Like, you would try to hand me a bag and tell me to go pick some cotton today, I would laugh at you. TODAY when someone tells you that you have to take money away from your purse to purchase healthy foods or pay for a gym membership in order to pay for not having health insurance? That shit is comical. TOMORROW when we ask a little kid if he's walking to school, he will start cracking up.