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  1. @dsayers, are you serious? That was an iPhone 5s and 2 iPads. You can even see one we kept rolling on the left. You are TOOOO kind, lol. Edited in Premiere. Thanks for watching, you guys!!
  2. What if your best friend told you that they sincerely believe a flying baby can grant their wishes of true love? Not too far off from if they were to say they are praying to an invisible dude to help them find their soulmate, is it? Website: http://ThatAtheistPlace.com Twitter: http://Twitter.com/AtheistPlace
  3. Really nice to see a well deliberated version of (Essentially) Stef's Feminism podcasts:
  4. He lost me at Ron Paul, but still worth a watch to see the words "What if a government that manipulated us could be fired?" uttered on TV. http://themindunleashed.org/2014/01/judge-napolitano-get-fired-fox-5-mins.html
  5. Wow! Thanks y'all and thanks Stefan. This is so me right now. I gotta agree with other posters, DaVinci.... Being stuck doesn't sound like acceptance at all. How've things been going in the new year? :-)
  6. 1) Denial: Whatever, everything I know can't possibly be bullshit 2) Anger: Why in the hell did everyone feed me this bullshit?! 3) Bargaining: Perhaps I can still maintain some sort of relationship with the bullshitters 4) Depression: Why can't I unlearn this and just swallow the bullshit?! 5) Acceptance: Fuck the bullshit.
  7. Wait... what happened?
  8. I agree!!! What the hell?
  9. Sad that this calls for education "reform" instead of disbandment.
  10. I tend to feel uneasy talking to guys about my relationship problems, lol. Thank you to everyone who had extremely helpful advice for me recently, and thanks for not being this guy:
  11. I guess. But this particular video missed the funny mark however you look at it.
  12. Wherever you go, there you are. I've found it helpful to generally enjoy life. You're really not in a prison. I know what you mean by that, but you absolutely have the ability to eat what you want, date who you want, go where you want for the most part. Even at $695 a year, that's what? About an additional $60 a month tax? That sucks, but it's manageable. The point is, you have to get yourself to a place in which, when everything's said and done, the state looks ridiculous. Like, you would try to hand me a bag and tell me to go pick some cotton today, I would laugh at you. TODAY when someone tells you that you have to take money away from your purse to purchase healthy foods or pay for a gym membership in order to pay for not having health insurance? That shit is comical. TOMORROW when we ask a little kid if he's walking to school, he will start cracking up.
  13. I was just thinking that. How sad it must be for the children that you don't hear who are neglected, given the evil eye, starved or whose souls have just generally been crushed.
  14. I'm just curious. Isn't the fee for not having insurance about $30 a year? Or do you know what it is? Do you currently have insurance? If not, then why not continue on and chalk the fee up to yet another tax. Or, if you need insurance, get a cheaper one (which are probably even cheaper if they're not on the "required" list) and again, just pay the fine for not having insurance. I don't think that this should be a tipping point for you. If you want to move, move, but don't let people you didn't give power over you have that much power over you.
  15. Earplugs? If you do hear thrashing around and loud bumps and then crying, or something to that effect, call the police. If you see someone simply neglecting their child, call the police. Otherwise, I'd chalk it up to the reasons you gave or bad parenting. (surprise surprise)
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