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Mick Bynes

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Everything posted by Mick Bynes

  1. I'm totally convinced that anarcho-capitalism is anarchism. After reading so much on it and checking out videos about it, it has to be. "Capitalism Is Anarchy = Anarcho-Capitalism." - Michael Shanklin Look up Michael Shanklin, he makes an excellent case about anarcho-capitailsm.
  2. I hate litter when I'm going out for walks in my neighborhood. I'm going to look into joining this volunteer group that helps pick up litter off the streets. It's absurd that people litter in the 21st century. Really? C'mon!
  3. I agree with ya, Wesley. When they find it ultra necessary to switch to Bitcoin. The currency will be put to good use once the dollar is totally worthless. If I'm not mistaken... they caught a guy (who was running Silk Road) with Bitcoin currency, but they were not able to get the currency he had. That's a pretty good sign to me.
  4. Well I found this article on a Facebook page called Say no to Democrat and Republican Zombies. This article suggests Bitcoin is competition for the fed and it will end the fed. What does everyone here think? Ron Paul says it is the solution to end the fed. At first, Ron Paul was not for it. NOW he seems to be warming up to it as an alternative to the Fed - See more at: http://silverunderground.com/2013/10/ron-paul-on-stossel-bitcoin-offers-competition-against-the-fed/#sthash.NozDbcCy.dpuf
  5. You may or may not know, but Larken Rose has amazing music. This is my favorite song by him. It's called Think. The song was written and recorded by him. The video was made by an anonymous person. This is off Larken's official YouTube page.
  6. Yes indeed, tasmlab. I like the Facebook page about anarchism, atheism and peaceful parenting.
  7. I played with a former friend's iPhone before. I did not like it and I do not intend on buying one. I use Apple products, but I will never have an iPhone or an iPad.
  8. I am not for any government period. No government at all. No more government.
  9. He has not interviewed Ron Paul. Paul has retired from politics. Even though he is not in politics anymore, I don't think Stef will interview him any time ever.
  10. All of Stef's works should be mandatory as time goes by. There's so many valuable things he teaches. Not only will kids be reading Stef's books, they should also be watching or listening to Stef's Introduction to Philosophy.
  11. Terrific idea! I like it a lot! I am interested in a web comic. If it is made, it may get people to investigate FDR some more, thanks to a web comic. There's a lot of people who don't know FDR out there and they like web comics. Go for it!
  12. I have gotten up to Religion, the 9th part of the series. I really really enjoy it all so far. I intend on watching/listening the next half. These are the best philosophical videos out there. Once I'm done watching/listening to all of them, I'll totally get back them. I've understood all of the parts so far. One of the things I do is play some video game and then listen to what you're telling me, Stef.
  13. Correct, I never thought of that. RBE is indeed a wishlist. It's not a very realistic and good wishlist either.
  14. That is quite something. I commented on it.
  15. If you liked that video and are interested in another video that debunks TZM and TVP. Watch this one.
  16. I do not like the trend of cops shooting dogs. It is quite horrible.
  17. Flying car in 2015? I am extremely amazed by this. It's about time! This should have been out in 2001! It took them so long. I remember reading in another thread, someone said that if they made a flying car... the creator would keep it to himself. Well... I don't think that's the case anymore. Is this article legit anyway? Click the link above for me on this.
  18. Well let's see... atheism and I. I don't believe in a god or a group of gods. I don't deal with an organized system of beliefs, ceremonies and rules used to worship a god or a group of gods. I don't find it interesting, I don't find it to be a belief and it's certainly not an activity I find very important.
  19. I found Stefan to be more logical, rational, sensible and reasonable. I like how he kept his cool. Peter J was on a tangent with words and there were words he said and I did not understand those words. Who is he trying to impress? He certainly does not impress me at all.
  20. I laughed out loud. Now that's a Peter Joseph I don't mind at all. The Zeitgeist one... pfff no thank you!
  21. Well said darkskyabove! I do not follow Peter Joseph. He's an attention seeker. I do not care for his childish B.S. Good point about his stuff not written down. That tells me something he's not credible and not worth my time.
  22. It is an absolutely excellent video that goes into great detail about how Zeitgeist and the Venus Project do not work well at all. I like how he explains about scarcity and then of course he reminds us that resources are not infinite. He explains it well.
  23. Who here has watched this wonderful video that debunks TZM and TVP?
  24. My guess is that it was because of the economics that Britain imposed on them was the cause.
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