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Ludo Kanta

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    Philosophy, photography, cycling, video games, anime
  • Occupation
    Aspiring freelance photo editor / photographer.

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  1. I've been a Twitch viewer for years now and have been following streamers who have at least *some* integrity and values and who - time to time - openly talks about them. Thus I know, it's not only possible to keep assholes out of your chat, so people can properly communicate with you and each other, but many people not only enjoys, but are *eager* to listen about integrity, values or philosophy from the streamer. If that's only because they see the popular streamer as a celebrity / authority / role model - I don't know. Is there enough viewers like that, who could secure your living? I don't know that either. But Stefan didn't know too, until he tried. And I don't know the demography of the viewers, but at least some of the viewers have an actual jobs, that allows them to have a stream opened in the second monitor / window - and it's kind of like a radio for them. It can also help somebody to socially interact with people this way, share their troubles, maybe get some empathy or advice even - from the chat or streamer himself - or of course just relax and survive some stressful episode of their life. It can be a very addicting way to procrastinate of course - but as with Stefan's podcasts, it can be a useful way to procrastinate, which could actually help you - depending on the streamer and his content. Anyway, I would welcome to play - and hopefully stream someday - with you guys. My steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/Duny1111/
  2. I don't. Did you try to search for them on Facebook?
  3. Yes, it was a real pleasure for me too. And yes, there will be one in June 2015 indeed - on 24th. You can check the FB event here: https://www.facebook.com/events/866644673405563/ or our meetup Group for future events: http://www.meetup.com/Bratislava-Freedomain-Radio-Meetup/ It would be awesome to see both of you again, though we'll probably have two international guests, so the conversations will probably be in English this time.
  4. Hey everybody, Knowing that there are few FDR listeners in Bratislava, Slovakia already - while wanting to make more personal relationships outside of just internet - I decided to start a regular (monthly) FDR Meetups in Bratislava. The first Meetup is scheduled for later this May 2015. If you're interested to meet, you're welcome to join us and please check the links to Meetup and Facebook event for further details. If you want to be informed about future Meetups, you can join our Bratislava FDR Meetup group, where you'll get the latest updates. http://www.meetup.com/Bratislava-Freedomain-Radio-Meetup/events/222448255/ https://www.facebook.com/events/368505836686599/
  5. Here's an article, based on the new study which claims cohabiting itself is not a factor in divorce rates. I still think there are issues specific for cohabitation, but if anyone's interested in the topic, you might find the sources below somewhat valuable. Article: "Kuperberg found that individuals who committed to cohabitation or marriage at the age of 18 saw a 60 percent rate of divorce. Whereas individuals who waited until 23 to commit saw a divorce rate that hovered more around 30 percent." http://www.theatlantic.com/health/archive/2014/03/the-science-of-cohabitation-a-step-toward-marriage-not-a-rebellion/284512/ Study (brief report, couldn't find the unpaid full version): "... when couples are compared by the age at which they move in together ... there is no difference in divorce rates between couples that lived together before marriage and those that didn’t." https://contemporaryfamilies.org/cohabitation-divorce-brief-report/ Experts comments on the study: "...financial needs often precipitate the move into shared living among the less advantaged, while the college educated are better able to maintain separate homes while getting to know each other and assessing whether their relationship has a future. College-educated individuals also enter into shared living at older ages, on average – frequently after completing their degree. These differences undoubtedly contribute to the fact that less-educated cohabitors are more likely to break up before ever entering marriage, and more likely to divorce if they do marry, than their better-educated counterparts. It may be premature, then, to assert that premarital cohabitation is not associated with an increased risk of divorce. " "...early cohabitation – not just at a young age but at an early stage in a relationship – is a risk factor for relationship stability. Arielle Kuperberg’snew study shows that this is equally true for marriage. ...marrying in response to an unintended pregnancy is hardly a recipe for relationship stability, especially for low-income women. [but] Postconception (“shotgun”) cohabiting unions are ... almost three times more likely than postconception marriages to end by the child’s third birthday. " https://contemporaryfamilies.org/cohabitation-divorce-commentaries/
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