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Everything posted by TruthKillSheep

  1. I just also realized that one of the main concerns or objections surrounding this issue is that companies take advantage of the foreign workers in a sense because the workers may be threatened by deportation or whatever if they aren't perfect employees; whereas domestic employees don't face those same pressures. Personally, when I have been someones employee I try my best to be the best employee but it is very obvious to me when observing other workers, both in companies I have worked for and in other businesses (particularly the low paid ones), that many workers lack a good work ethic (they slack off on the job, don't show up, call in sick often, etc). Upon further conversations with my friends on this topic, it is still very difficult to break through the us/we/them/nationalistic conditioning. "These jobs should be given to Canadians first." "They are taking our jobs, our resources, out of our country." And, I'm still not quite sure how to tactfully explain my case to them. I try to explain the idea that I have no more loyalty to a "Canadian" than I do to a "Philipino" because of the fact that we are all human beings and there is no fundamental difference between us other than the random patch of dirt we happened to be born on but this idea is still too weird for people to understand. Interestingly enough, companies are paying the foreign workers MORE than domestic workers in some cases, I assume it's because they are overal more productive and thus earn more profits in the long term despite being paid more per hour.
  2. Hello, I was wondering if you folks might help me out with some logical arguments surrounding the idea of open borders (either for or against). There is quite a lot of backlash in Canada here recently about the temporary foreign workers program which a lot of people here seem to be quite against because many jobs are going to "foreign workers" instead of "canadians" and 'they' are taking "our" resources out of the country. Here's a short video clip and article talking about the issue; one waitress who worked for a company for 30 years was replaced by a foreign worker (it's quite sad but an appeal to emotion). http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/saskatchewan/waitresses-in-saskatchewan-lose-jobs-to-foreign-workers-1.2615157 I find it interesting how the main gripe with all the stories and arguments I've seen is that Canadians deserve the jobs first because they are Canadian (which seems like a sort of meaningless circular argument?). In addition, people are calling for a boycot of many businesses who take advantage of the temporary foreign workers program to hire foreign labor (including many fast food chains such as mcdonalds). I fail to see why what patch of dirt you were accidently born on should exclude you from being able to freely choose where you want to work or live. However, this idea is alien to everyone I talk to about this issue because the idea of nationalism is not something that is questioned. Interestingly, when you press people on this, they don't seem to take the same anti-stance with immigration as they do with temp workers.
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