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Everything posted by masterofmyself

  1. Hi my FDR brothers and sisters, I am starting a charity to provide heavily discounted therapy to substance addicts. The idea is to facilitate in-person and Skype therapy for substance addicts most likely with low to no income. The therapy will be aligned with the ACE study, and a lot of the information contained in Stef's videos with Gabor Mate, Vincent Felitti, and Stuart Shankar. Also, another major contributor to my idea is Dr. Mate's book, In the Realm of Hungry Ghosts. I'm posting a link to an outline of the charity's functions. Please feel free to message me on here or at my email address with any comments, suggestions, questions, etc. My email: [email protected] Thanks so much, Richard Godwin www.acesconnection.com/forum/topics/terra-firma-network
  2. First of all, I'm truly sorry for your experience, and find it tremendously courageous of you to confront these issues with yourself and the people around you who are responsible. I am currently in therapy - have been for about 5 months now - and recently stopped smoking marijuana altogether (I was smoking everyday, all day, for about 5 years). What I noticed is that I was finally able to connect with every emotion my body was trying to experience, including anger... well really, mainly anger. It's been very difficult to understand this anger, and where I should direct it. I'm still trying to figure out anger as an emotion, since I was never able to experience it as a child, as it always led to abuse of some sort. One thing I realized (today in therapy, actually) was that I'm frustrated, and the frustration I am experiencing stems from the fact that I accept that my family members are unwilling to change or do the work toward self-knowledge, but that I will not accept that they COULDN'T change - if I'm capable of changing, just about anyone is capable of changing. I find myself unable to feel compassion for them, because I was doing so much work to better myself, and yet they saw it as I have problems to fix, and not "We caused you to be this way." The problem is this still hasn't resolved my anger, but at least has allowed me to see the roots of my frustration with them. And I have noticed that I only become angry when I talk to them about my childhood. I don't know that I can offer you any words of advice or guidance, but I can offer you compassion and empathy. I will say that I have noticed that things have to get worse (internally at least) before they can better. Ripping the duct tape off your mouth is painful and stings for a time, but your mouth is free, and expression can finally happen. Keep working, and find time to feel empathy for yourself!
  3. Hi my Freedomain Radio brethren and sistren(? haha), can anyone direct me to the recent call-in show where Stef said, "Self attack is the scar tissue of other people's guilty conscience."? It would be MUCH appreciated! Rich
  4. I'm currently in law school, and became an AnCap in my second semester of law school (I'm in my third year). All I can say is fill your brain with good knowledge that can refute some of the dumb claims statists make in class. For instance, today, there was a fellow classmate that stated that mineral rights to property would be better handled as government property - some simple free market econ can easily refute that claim. Focus on classes that encourage discussion and open forum, instead of a large number of students listening to a professor drone on about how awesome is the government. Speaking with professors outside of class about your beliefs (aka "The Truth") is also a pretty good idea (at least it has worked for me). Everything I do in law school, no matter how painful it is, I just keep telling myself that it will help me get a job, and it won't matter what my beliefs are at that point. I've been gravitating toward intellectual property law and entertainment law, because it seems these areas require more writing and contracting skills, and less of the "bullshitter" skills. Also, it has helped me that I have lived with a fellow law student and AnCap the past two years, so finding like-minded individuals is very helpful!
  5. My roommate and I are both avid listeners of FDR, and would love to meet new people interested in rationality, philosophy, psychology, economics, etc. Does anyone live in the Philadelphia area?
  6. I'm in Cherry Hill - near Philadelphia! Would love to meet up with other FDR listeners.
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