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Everything posted by UnchartedB

  1. I don't really understand your point can you elaborate please? Replace Somalia with international waters then. For example let's say in a free market every piece of land is owned. If there is private property everyone then where do you go to? It's their land so they can have their own rules.
  2. I just want to say that for the most part I am an anarchist, definitely libertarian. I am all for the non initiation of force, peaceful parenting, free market... But I can't think of a way to argue for anarchy when people say: Well but then why don't you leave the country and go live in Somalia? ( I know a there was a recent call in show where a scottish man brought this up). What I guess I am saying is that countries can be seen as land, property that is owned by the state, think of the state as a company that has a board of directors that is always changing. And so, just like inside someone's elses property you have to obey their rules, the same could be said for the state. Don't get me wrong, I really want someone to prove me wrong, but I can't think of anything and it's bothering me.
  3. I never got to reply because I was in a hurry, I know it's a little late but I just wanted to say thank you for your advice. I am planning on having some life coaching lessons and also reading a lot of books that I think will help me. Also I think the feelings of anxiety/fear/conflict are still justifiable because I am living with my parents and I am not financially independent (I have 3000 euros saved up but that's not much). For example, I haven't told my parents that I am an anarchist (I brought it up, but just the general topic), but if I do my father will most likely think there is something wrong with me and associate anarchy with chaos and he might make me go back to school (I dropped out). Of course I could refuse to do so and leave home but I have never lived on my on and so it's very scary.
  4. Thanks for your reply! I think they are somewhat willing to change their mind but from the only time I have ever brought it up (anarchy) the conversation didn't last long. From personal experience and other people's stories I have read it's difficult to change your mind in a conversation and it's a lot easier when you are alone reading or watching videos and digesting information at your own pace. It's difficult for most people (including me) to admitt that they were wrong after all. My father has a bit of an abusive relationship with my mother, I think he has never hit her but he yells at her and doesn't treat her very well. And my mother has been in a depression for a decade and it's very difficult to argue with her because she will bring up fallacies (if I am not mistaken that's what they are called) like: "Well but everybody does it, so they can't all be wrong and you right.". Besides I have years of self knowledge yet to develop and philosophy. It's really hard for me to have a conversation with someone who doesn't agree with me because I feel like I am under attack (probably because of the abuse I suffered as a child both from my parents and also public schooling). I has developed a sense of what I can only describe as: me against the world. It's gotten better but it used to feel like I was all alone and nobody understood what I was saying. An example of this is that when I was younger everytime I would get grounded or hit I would ask why? I always wanted to know why. But more often then not they wouldn't tell me and that really pissed me off. And I didn't want to be the type of person that does something just because they are told to so I would get grounded for hours for not saying a single word or making a small movement that would have taken seconds. This feeling of being a victim further reinforced the lack of trust I had in my parents. The feeling I have now that I understand what the state is (I went from wanting to become a president when I was younger) that everyone around me who supports the state is pointing a gun at me. They are supporting an organization that will shoot me if I don't pay them (taxes) and refuse to be kidnapped (jail). Sorry for the rant this is very personal and I got carried away.
  5. Hi! I have been reading and watching a lot of stuff from Tony Robbins and others about self development and so on and one of the things they talk about is that you are the average of those you surround yourself with and to try to keep toxic people away from your circle. My uncle has a 5 year old daughter and just today he was talking with my mother about how he beats his daughter (rarely) and that at a recent birthday party he didn't beat one of the kids for misbeaving because the parents were there are he says they are ones that should do it. It makes me angry and sad at the same time hearing this from my uncle. I am 18 years old (almost 19), living in my parents home and I was also spanked as I child. So my question is: What should I do? Should I remove toxic people from my life, including family, or try to somehow reason with them? My uncle seems to me to be a good person and I think maybe offering him some books about peaceful parenting would help but I am very shy and don't know how I would go about it. Another question: Sorry there's something else I wanna ask . My parents and all family members (to my knowledge) are statists. From your guys' experiences do you recommend I try to only surround myself with anarchists and kill all toxic relationships, even with my parents? If you've read this far, thank you very much!
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