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Everything posted by andkon

  1. With the facial hair, it's close enough http://www.ebay.com/bhp/lenin-bust
  2. The man had the courage to lie to millions to get into power and then extorted more from them anyways. He then was FORCED into early retirement to languish on his half a dozen estates. <sniff> Finally, his heroism to lie and extort is recognized. They should name an airport after him.
  3. Cheap goods increase wealth because people have more left over, with which displaced workers may be rehired so it cannot be that. It's monetary policy: http://mises.org/daily/2847/Credit-Expansion-Economic-Inequality-and-Stagnant-Wages
  4. This is excellent. Good job! I found a few issues: 1. The Facebook button is broken: "Sorry, this page isn't available." 2. Scroll button click on the mouse does not work. I cannot open links like "Watch on Youtube" into a new tab. 3. http://www.fdrpodcasts.com/ redirects to the latest podcast. Social media icons could not be used to spread the frontpage then. SEO may not like the redirect either. Feature requests: 1. Seekbar remembers the position if you close the browser or click on another podcast. 2. Install a Wiki. Each podcast has its own page on that Wiki. People can write transcripts or summaries. 3. "Watch on Youtube" opens inline, like videos on Facebook.
  5. Stuff likes this shows the need for self-knowledge more than the need for laws, statist or otherwise. Why would you videotape yourself having sex if you absolutely did not want such tapes to be made public? Why risk it? Why would you have sex with such a person that would be capable of this? What vengeful traits did they show before? Why do you fall for such people? etc.
  6. There was a documentary about him I, Psychopath:
  7. She should pay for the roads she uses, but taxes don't pay for usage. There's often overlap between taxation and usage, but there's no guarantee. For example: 1.) you could pay a tax for X and not use X (like public schools for the childless or those who take their kids to elsewhere) 2.) you could pay no tax for X but still use X 3.) anywhere in between. If she wants to pay for usage, she should want a system like the supermarket: you get billed only for the products you actually use. (I suspect though a more fruitful discussion would as to why she isn't curious about your ideas and puts you down...)
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