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Mark Bernhardt

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    Philosophy, Computers, School

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  1. Careful with your rhetoric, also what is pedophile age? Its not like the clock strikes midnight eighteen years after birth and the girl is ready to go sleeping around. The emotional and biological state of a woman differs from each individual whether she feels ready or not ready to engage in sexual behavior. Hopefully she will choose a guy she trusts and cares about. Also I dont think older men or woman who havn't been sexually/emotionally or physically find 13 year old girls attractive, particularely for biological reasons. Also (sorry a lot of also's), young girls raised in emotionally safe families with parents with the positive incentive to raise this way (DRO's, signs of abusive behavior raising rates etc.) will understand proper physical barriers like not sitting in older men's laps and so on. Stef touched on this briefly in a podcast I don't remember which.
  2. I think this is a subject that was closed by Stefan due to a lot of previous debate and conclusions. Thats a great thought and you should check this out http://www.thepublicdiscourse.com/2010/04/1236/ and http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=anBxaOcZnGk Thanks for the brain food!
  3. Very interesting! I'm getting ready for work otherwise I would spend longer doing research into this. Hm, do we have an obligation? Do you mean we should selectively not breed with the Chinese? Because that would be the only way not to dilute our small neanderthal gene pool. My answer to that would be no. We should preserve the DNA of the people we love and cherish. Also just food for thought. Imagine if neanderthals survived up until lets say Christ's birth. How much would religious texts be different in the knowledge that we humans are not unique but that there were others with the knowledge of self-awareness. I speculate homo-sapiens would have taken racism to a new level, even worse than the Europeans did with the Native Americans.
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