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    ICBM Magazine

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  1. The decision whether or not to go has a few challenges. First off are the logistics: having the money to drive out there, and getting the time off work. If that is taken care of, the concurn I have after that is trying to calculate the odds of things going badly. I would rather live for a cause than be killed for it. Once dead you are either a martyr or you're forgotten. Neither one suits me.I know there are those that would call that cowardly, but, how much courage does a corpse need? I think living to see it through requires more bravery. I am concurned by some of the same points mentioned above: someone in the crowd being eager for a fight (either side), a plant in the crowd with the sole purpose of causing death (most likely a government agent), and someone outside of the crowd with something as stupid as a fire cracker causing everyone to jump to instinctive fight or flight response. It has been a long time since something this bold has been done, but I do feel that it is something that needs to be done. I guess the main feeling that is compelling me to want to go, is the potential historical significance of it. I imagine someone during the civil rights movement felt as I do. Don't get me wrong, I don't want attention or to be glorified or anything. I simply want to be able to say I saw it with my own eyes, and to know exactly what happened without it being spun by anyone not wanting to let a good crisis go to waste.
  2. There has been support shown from all over the world, including Egypt and other unnamed arab countries. I'm sure that will be spun in the "right" direction. The coverage by the mainstream media has been inaccurate to say the least. This is suppose to be peaceful. Yes, they will have loaded weapons, but they are to be slung on their backs with hands well away from the triggers. Adam has said if they are met with physical resistance to peacefully submit to arrest. The point being to illustrate the blattent disregard for not only the constitution, but also the right of every person to be capable of defending themselves. I think there will be a resinating affect no matter what happens. I just hope it remains peaceful, even if there are arrests. I see this as more of a protest on control than guns. The guns are just there to get everyone's attention. That's just how I see it.
  3. Stefan, I'm sure you have already started to get questions about this, and I'm sure everytime there is some event, you get asked your thoughts on it. Well, this is no different. I figure you have heard about Adam Kokesh planning to march around Washington DC with loaded weapons. I was wondering what your take on it was. I myself see it as a good thing, but, I can also see where this could turn ugly. I am confident that if it does go south, it will not be started by the protestors. I am also struggling with the idea of going myself. If this does end up being a historic event, I would love to be able to say I was there. At the same time, if it goes south, I don't want to be another body on the ground. Please give me your perspective on the whole thing. I want to make sure that whatever I decide, I have properly weighed the options. Thank you so much, and glad to hear your treatments are going smoothly. I feel very strongly that you are one of if not THE most important public figure alive.
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