I'm sure you have already started to get questions about this, and I'm sure everytime there is some event, you get asked your thoughts on it. Well, this is no different. I figure you have heard about Adam Kokesh planning to march around Washington DC with loaded weapons. I was wondering what your take on it was.
I myself see it as a good thing, but, I can also see where this could turn ugly. I am confident that if it does go south, it will not be started by the protestors. I am also struggling with the idea of going myself. If this does end up being a historic event, I would love to be able to say I was there. At the same time, if it goes south, I don't want to be another body on the ground.
Please give me your perspective on the whole thing. I want to make sure that whatever I decide, I have properly weighed the options.
Thank you so much, and glad to hear your treatments are going smoothly. I feel very strongly that you are one of if not THE most important public figure alive.