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  1. Was browsing around a documentary site and found an extremely low budget anit-capitalist documentary: Capitalism and Other Kids Stuff... The host presents a "general guide to the rules of capitalism" and insinuates that an awareness of these "facts of life" leads to a moral rejection of capitalism. I think everyone will agree that it's kind of a mess... Nearly makes a few good points, but ultimately fails. Definitely far from the best critique I can imagine. I was just wondering what everyone here thought of these "rules", whether they are problems, and how to solve them if they are... (I'm not interested in any dismissive rebuttals of the absoluteness of some of these rules. For example, I know the poor don't have to pay for every mistake of the rich, we can all get over this point fine. What I'm interested in is not finding exceptions to the more absolute rules but whether a non-absolute and more balanced and realistic version of the same rule might be a problem still.) So, what's your response/perspective on these "rules"? 1. The unequal distribution of wealth 2. Those who own the most make the rules 3. The more money you have, the more you can get 4. The less money you have, the less you can get 5. The poorer you are, the more expensive everything is 6. The poorer you are, the worse your health will be 7. The poorer you are, the worse your education and employment 8. The worse the pay, the harder the job 9. The higher the pay, the easier the job 10. If you're really rich, then you're a capitalist and you don't need to work at all 11. The poor pay for every mistake made by the rich 12. Rich people start wars that poor people have to fight 13. Most rich people get rich through inheritance, rags to riches stories are rare 14. Most poor people stay poor through hard work, thrift, and sacrifice
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