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Everything posted by Snafui

  1. From The Paradox of Declining Female Happiness: When mothers stayed home families were better off prior to chasing equality, even financially: Basically a group of unhappy women thought equality to men would make them happy. The people that listened to them neglected to notice that men were not as happy as women. Was any progress made towards equality? Yes! Women are closer to the same level of happiness as men, and those unhappy women that started it all. Good job feminists! Misery loves company.
  2. I was in mobile tactical radar, the Air Force goal was interdiction in 5 minutes; our unit goal was 3 minutes or we failed the exercise. We never failed--never. When I first heard that those planes were flying around for 45 minutes without interdiction I knew it was a lie.
  3. Were human beings to look around their environment and see limitations, even when there is abundance, they will lean more toward K, e.g. industrialized societies where people are independent of state aid. Manipulation by the state is when we see r strategies because of a perceived gross abundance, e.g. having more kids because your stipend increases. Note: Abundance does not promote r strategy alone, from what I can gather, but rather a perceived gross, or endless abundance does--those that cannot see an end to the resources. So, what is the primary source of creating r strategies? Crisis, i.e. abuse, crime, stress--which the state fosters from. To this point the state has actually gone so far as to make crime from everyday acts to support their own power (selling lemonade!) The power gained is then used to create more r susceptible people to further support on the state. When there is a so-called safety net, some parents will treat their children poorly because they know they will not be held responsible for the damage--again the state wins. At some point a ceiling is reached, the r strategy party is over, and the society collapses. (J.D.'s link above has a graph about this.) As to where monogamy fits in? Monogamy is a preferred strategy for stability. In the absence of this (e.g. disease, death, others), I see the extended family as the real safety net people should have, but thanks to the state this has almost been eradicated by social programs. This lack of familial support just adds to the stress on people making monogamy less likely. The state is a parasite that has interfered with this dynamic to a point that it is killing itself--again.
  4. Sex at Dawn is both right and wrong; that's the problem. While monogamy is far superior for stability in child rearing, the problem is the state has destroyed multi-generational homes via various social programs. It is demonstrable that when family is available (parents, aunts, uncles, grandparents, etc.) children have plenty of adults available for being raised. Polyamory comes into play in crisis--a situation where immediate family is not available due to environmental factors. It is clear that polyamorous behavior has occurred historically, and we are equipped for being so both physically and mentally, but this does not mean we should be choosing it as a life style. What is neglected by some is that polyamorous behaviors may be a coping strategy for certain trauma.
  5. Stef has mentioned several times about a bipolar person becoming violent but then turning it off at will; that they must have some control over it. I might be able to help with this because they do. I am 100% disabled, diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder I, II, mixed episodes w/psychotic features, and PTSD. Yet, I have never beaten anyone while in a state of anger. But I think I have an idea where it came from. In the 70s there was a trend—fad being apropos—that when you get angry you should release that anger on something non-living. I was told to use a sledge hammer on rocks, chop fire wood, or hit a heavy bag. (Years later research showed this to be a terrible idea because then you just associate anger with violence.) Fortunately, during the same time frame, I had a teacher at a boarding school that began to teach me martial arts and meditation. This countered the fad of channeled destruction. In order to fight with skill you must remain calm, light, supple, and fully aware—you cannot do this in a state of anger. So, when a person would make me angry where the desire to fight was triggered I actually calmed down and could walk away if needed. As to why violence is seen in certain people with these conditions it may have to do with the way they handle moods, emotions, and the fight-or-flight response. The mood of someone with bipolar disorder fluctuates in ways beyond their control. Some attempts are made with chronic medication to handle mood but this is a band aid on a gushing wound. If a bipolar person wants to maintain healthy mood levels they must avoid stress—sadly bipolar people are drawn to it because mania is a hell of a drug! In a state of mania I can sleep as little as two hours a night, my senses become more acute (now I have permanent hyperacusis), I would have endless energy (work out for up to 18 hours of a day), and everything just felt better. But there is also the crash where you then stay in bed for 18 hours a day and can barely move to take care of yourself. For emotions of the bipolar person you have a very serious problem, you become the emotion while in certain states of mania or depression. I have described it being like a gun where when the trigger is pulled the emotions are fired. A normal person will still be holding the gun but a bipolar person becomes the bullet—they can lose control. (Note: not will lose control.) These cases happen under duress and not in a normative state—this is where the person is approaching, or in, a state of psychosis. When it comes to the fight-or-flight response some bipolar people can turn it off. Yes, I am completely serious; they can take control of that reflex. I’ve done it many times. If you have ever been in an emergency situation where the world seems to slow down as things are taking place, imagine being in full control of using that while it is happening. That is a part of what I am talking about. After the fact however you are still quite stressed. Now we need to look at those things listed and see how they are useful: Let’s picture a world of pre-history, pre-civilization, your tribe is under attack and you have certain members that can take on a threat with heightened senses, heightened reflexes, little need for sleep or recovery, they control the urge to flee, they become empowered to fight anything in front of them to the point of death. They feel invincible. They fight while everyone else gets to safety. This is a matter of survival. Do you understand why they have such a need for recovery after the event? Also, keep in mind this would be short term and not for months, or years, on end—that’s where modern society has caused such an issue. (Note: sex helps most bipolar people recover; how much of a hero would they be?) To return to the original question: If a bipolar person is under constant duress, has been taught to use violence to curb anger, but loses emotional control toward a particular perceived threat they will attack that target. You avoid this with mindfulness training (a.k.a. meditation), appropriate exercise, martial arts when necessary, and drugs when the person approaches psychotic states of mania. What was a natural state was corrupted to an unnatural one.
  6. When it comes to the MGTOW community the great disconnect between the desire that women should be independent of men financially but dependent sexually is fascinating. Those do not go together naturally so they just create a different version of Sisyphus for themselves and not women.
  7. Snafui

    IQ test

    My I.Q. has been professionally tested a few times; most recently due to brain damage from ECT with a result of 119. They said it was low because my working memory is heavily damaged bringing down the score. The above test was way off from that number. This is not a comprehensive test but is heavily focused on perception. So, if you are male you will have an advantage, or lean towards math and engineering a better outcome. An I.Q. test needs to be comprehensive to be reliable. A good example is my step daughter with ASD: She tests really low in anything vocabulary centered but quite high in perception. There's a catch for her though. She is so anxiety prone that the numbers can fluctuate heavily. She has tested as low as 83 and as high as 119. (Note: have her tested taking Valium? j/k)
  8. Find new things to do. The younger you are the more new things you discover but day by day things become routine so time seems to pass by quicker. "I believe I can see the future because I repeat the same routine." -Everyday is exactly the same by Nine Inch Nails
  9. They are two sides of the same coin that are manipulated into arguing over issues without understanding the premises. People are presented with views on how they should stand on an issue without any valid logic to back it up. They get angry when questioned about their views because they did not come to them personally and therefore don't understand them enough to make a coherent argument. This creates dependence on the party for their opionions which in turns leads to a blind obedience to vote by the letter next to the name on the ballot.
  10. I envsion another statement from her in the future, "I was young and...."
  11. Capitalism is a byproduct of freedom. If there is any state involvement, either regulation or suppression, then freedom does not exist. People get hung up on the suffix of the word and ignore that a free market could only be so labeled in the absense of the state.
  12. Ockham's Razor is not useful in solving crime--a mind is at work that does not wish to be caught. Although, if it is being used by LEO then that could explain the backlog they have.
  13. It was several years ago--no way to recall, but for some reason I think it might have come out of Iceland, sorry. The somatotypes can matter more for the beginner to an exercise and diet change in lifestyle. An endomorph can spend all day on a treadmill and accomplish next to nothing; but give them heavy weights and they will lose weight a bit quicker. An ectomorph that lifts weight might benefit but put them in a proper aerobics program and fat melts away rather quickly. Diet is secondary to somatotype. There is some support that endomorphs are better low carb/high fat; transversely ectomorphs can have carbs what seems endlessly. Figuring out the diet and exercise plan with somatotype in mind is just something to check first. It was the combination of those two factors that led to my asking the researcher these questions. Now those are the two extremes, most fall in between the two poles, so checking for these aspects can help better than the cookie cutter approach that so many are taught.
  14. I contacted the lead researcher that had mixed conclusions over a study he did on a set diet and different exercise types where it was stated that the type of exercise, aerobic only, anaerobic only, or mixed made no difference to weight loss. So, I asked him if he accounted for somatotype; his response was that that could NOT make any difference. People trust one size fits all conclusions from studies all the time despite errors like that. I'm stunned.
  15. What We Lose, and Gain, When a Family Separates Imagine that... DeFOOing is proper. As a person that did my best to DeFoo many years ago, prior to knowing what it was, I've been offended by those that believe that no matter what you stick with your family.
  16. Discovery of what universal was violated as the underlying theme; e.g. how can there be justice if they can do what I am not allowed to do.
  17. I was a "scope dope" while in the military in a tactical radar group: We used modern tech to fool old tech into thinking tracks were real. Stealth works by fooling old tech, not modern tech. There are so many reflections and duplicates in old tech that it can cause panic--often. If digital signatures were used, while there might be some flaws, it couldn't be much worse--you just don't hear about it until people die. And the first time I saw the live radar return I never wanted to fly again... the skies are crowded when you view them that way.
  18. Google the term, found lots of entries. And I guess I have it because I, essentially, do not trust people I do not know..? Nice...
  19. Should be arrested just for putting that forward...
  20. GW2 is a fairly good game. I even leveled several toons to max but there are limits to it that I just lost interest. They don't have the tank/heal/dps set up and that kills it for the wife and me. I have been in DC Universe Online lately which, too, has serious issues but I really only play to watch videos and documentaries on the web. As far as PvP goes, I quit because there were enough hackers that it destroys the game for me. DCUO seems to clamp down on it but that's the rumor I have not checked because I don't have the time.
  21. Didn't find this elsewhere posted, was quite surprised that this article supports DeFOOing. The Debt
  22. The CDO joke is actually a fairly good way to look at OCD. If you are so bad that you would call it CDO then it is could be reaching life interfering. I have traits of OCD but I do things that make life efficient just like you--literally in this case, I do the exact same thing with any goods put on the shelf. If it saves time and effort in the long run then that is not OCD--that's just proper time management. Test: Where are your car keys when home? My example btw is the med cabinet: Try finding a med when you are suffering from a severe ailment (e.g. light headed, light sensitive) and having that med misplaced? That will truly ruin your day.
  23. If you read the books you would understand it was always about GMOs. This clip makes it clear:
  24. Nod, smile, and then walk away. He will not listen to facts let alone reason. My PTSD issues stem from a 45 day stint in Panama that has to do with me relaying information about a drug interdiction. I have nightmares, trouble sleeping, and have woke to sweats where a heavy comforter had to be wrung out. I have had hallucinations and constant dread of sniper fire. I had my working memory fried by ECT in an attempt to clear the depression--it failed. I am now 100% disabled due to this. Drag him to the VA but he won't see the trauma... he'll call it anything but.
  25. Being raised by a professional comedian (stepfather) I can tell you that my experience was brutal. While being "lectured" for whatever slight you couldn't help but laugh. My mother just recently admitted that she was biting her knuckle to keep from laughing during these sessions. And I would get yelled at some more for laughing because "this is serious!" To top it off there was no salvation were I to actually speak in any manner. I had to wait until he was done. It was cruel. A little perspective: I was a top student, great athlete, known for preaching (as in Christian, Bible, etc.), drove responsibly, made sure I got more than 8 hours of sleep a night, had my own business, also biked five miles to another job, repaired my own car I later owned, pretty much "the dream kid to raise," my mother said, but this man would yell at me every chance he could over stuff that was just petty. For the video: yeah, stop the crap--this is just funny. Calmly explain why it wasn't a good idea and give them a bath. It's called being a kid. Oh, and go to a costume shop and buy them stuff to do it right!
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