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  1. Hi, I live in Brooklyn, but I'm in NYC everyday for work. If anyone wants to meet up for a beer let me know!
  2. Thank you!
  3. Nice. That was was pretty cool. Send me an email ([email protected]) so that I have your contact information. When I start working on the album, I'll send you a track that I think will be a good fit. Thanks!
  4. Hey LovePrevails, that sounds good I'm always open to collabs. Where can I hear your stuff?
  5. Thanks man, I really appreciate that! Will do!
  6. [View:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Xlwj6B2gvU:640:360] Hi everyone. I’d like to share this song with you. It is the first song I’ve released since leaving my career to focus on making music full time. I want to dedicate the rest of my life to spreading rational ideas and philosophy to as many people as possible. To help achieve this goal. I’ve launched a Kickstarter campaign to fund the album, Transcend, in which this song, and many more songs that tackle real issues, will appear. If you think this is a worthy endeavor, please back Transcend today. [/font]
  7. Overall I would say that this movie was entertaining. I agree with Pretzelogik that you couldn't help but get drawn in by the theme a vengence and to root for Django to emerge triumphant. What I found most interesting though is when Mr. Candie said something like, "Growing up in a plantation I've seen a lot of black faces... The only question I have is, 'Why don't they kill us?'" The slaves greatly out number the masters and yet, no revolt. How does that happen? Stef talks about this idea in a podcast I recently listened to... Masters don't have to worry about the slaves revolting because the slaves keep each other in line. As soon as one become angry about their situation, the other slaves try their best to "calm him down"
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