I live along with Mr. Molyneux up in the Great White North and I seem to run into a uniquely Canadian problem when talking about anarchy with my friends and family.
Here in Canada our sense of national pride has to be amoung the most pathetic I know of. Our sense of pride and identity pretty entirely consists of our contrast to the U.S. Canadians seem to view their government as an example of a funtional democracy for this reason, regardless of how bad things are, "at lease it's better than the U.S. system."
So my friends and family may understand that the state is entirely violence, and immoral, but to them it's not that bad. It's not perfect, but it's a "responcible government that responds to the will of the people" (unlike the stupid American system. Hahaha! We are so progressive). They say that the government is a neccessary evil, and that they trust it. It's hard to explain why the Canadian government is so horrible because I find Canadians are much less critical of their government, simply because they're always comparing our system to the American system.
Has anyone else delt with this silly and stuborn Canadian pride?