22 -
Everything posted by LucasV
Hello everyone. I have been a listener on and off since about 2009 although I have never been especially active on the boards. I recently figured out that my life's purpose and contribution to the world is to sing and so I am a newly minted Youtuber making "reaction covers" which are essentially me singing over an existing song. The idea is that my singing along with the song will help to elicit feelings that are in the song but are not normally experienced. If you have a minute and would like to listen to some Taylor Swift or Echosmith here they are-> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=boQB15QY0UI https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oLRaAK1tJQs All feedback is especially welcome as well. Thanks!
Thanks! If something happens I'll definitely post on how it goes!
I think we can help bring the state down through singing. Here is why: Stef has said before that connection is how we bring down the state, and that connection is essentially listening. Through singing and listening to singing we can potentially bring connection to people that would otherwise not experience it. Stef has also said that the state fundamentally rests on our fear of each other, something that is removed during the experience of connection. The feeling of connection could also give people an experience that could help convince people of anarchism because the connection makes it more real and tangible. This might sound crazy but in my experience I am a good enough listener that I can bring connection to people through listening to singing. What I would love to do is test this theory out with some FDR listeners who would like to sing either acapella or karaoke style to see if listeners feel any connection to the music and each other. Also I think it would be a lot of fun regardless and a good way to get to know people. Would anyone like to participate in a Skype call and sing and/or listen to others sing? It would be like an FDR karaoke night. If it is successful and people feel a strong connection we could then stream it live and invite others to sing and listen as well and then afterwards point people towards FDR. I think this could be a great way to bring connection to the mostly virtuous but not philosophically inclined people that exist. Please let me know what you think and if this is something you would be interested in participating in!
Very interesting video, I was a little jealous when they confirmed that playing musical instruments are the only thing that lights up the brain like it does because I am one of those who dropped playing instruments. Also I'm sorry to hear that your siblings treated you so badly for being intelligent, it is very unfortunate that you had to go through that. Did you happen to find any videos on singing? I would be interested to see those as well because I think singing is very powerful. In my experience I have found that singing, combined with listening, is a very powerful way to connect people emotionally. I was thinking about trying to get a group of FDR listeners together to do a group call to do some singing acapella or karaoke style to see if people feel a connection. Would that be something you might be interested in?
So I've been kicked out of my house. Now what?
LucasV replied to Wesley B's topic in General Messages
I would definitely recommend looking into shelters because from there you have a much better chance of getting a job and getting back on your feet than if you are living on the streets. I don't know where you are located but the weather is getting colder in many places so that's another thing you might need to look out for. If you have more questions feel free to message or ask, I have experience with this type of thing. Best of luck and I hope you get the help you need. -
I agree that peaceful parenting might not be enough, or even if it will be enough, why not come up with faster solutions? I have an idea of something that could work more quickly but before I get to the idea I want to write down three things Stefan has said that help explain why I think this idea will work. -First Stef has said that the state fundamentally rests on our fear of each other. -Second Stef has said that connection is how we win and bring down the state. This is similar to getting rid of irrational fears of each other.-Third Stef said that connection is essentially listening. So here is the basic idea: A live web-based karaoke show. This next part might sound crazy or grandiose, but I am fairly certain that I am a good enough listener that I am able to help connect people through music by really listening to the music in the presence of other people. I am completely open to testing this and seeing if others have the same experience. The one thing I would say is that the other listeners would have to be somewhat virtuous and the music would have to have some emotional content otherwise there would be nothing to connect to. So basically the idea is that the show would connect the listeners through music, leading to a decreased fear of each other and hopefully will make anarchism more emotionally appealing to people. Also the show could point towards FDR at the end or something in order to expose people to the ideas that are directly related to what they would be experiencing with the music and the connection. I hope this makes sense, what do you think?
It sounds like the jaguar might represent your anger or similar emotion. Your family doesn't want it around, not because it will hurt you, as it clearly trusts you, but because they are actually afraid of it. The person who shows you how to deal with the jaguar might be Stef or FDR or a therapist, teaching you how to 'befriend' your emotions so they don't work against you. Its also interesting that the jaguar leaves before your family appears. The fire is possibly the evil that is burning up the world and the future which is represented by burning the garden which might be necessary for future survival. Its also interesting that your family does not help put out the fire, perhaps they are all statists and are indifferent to or unwilling to help stop the the destruction of the world. The second part of the dream seems like the friend is helping you leave your destructive family behind. As you say he could be the guy who is helping you understand the jaguar, or put out the fire, or the guy telling you that you need to help with the fire, i.e. save the world. He is also debunking the dangers of Australia, which, is possibly analogous to debunking the 'dangers' of a stateless society, or it just means what it says, that Australia isn't that bad and that you should follow your dreams and leave your family. I hope that makes sense, would love to hear your thoughts on it and if it lines up with what your life is like. Also I don't know what your skills are etc but if you are looking for some kind of work in Oz you can check out thejobshop.com.au, a western Australia based employment agency.
Oh I see what you are asking. Well what I didn't say this but was thinking was that gun control means that a Hitler/Stalin/Mao situation is coming, and in that case peaceful parenting is going to be more difficult to do and spread. Of course that might not be the immediate case, but if they do take the guns away, they will be doing it for a reason. Also the point of the singing is to connect people, and the message in the songs are what popular songs are already about. Some are about revolutionary type things, like Some Nights by fun. and some are not, but its more about the connection between the people.
I was arguing why peaceful parenting won't be able to bring down the state and then proposed an alternative (a music show). Gun control was used to argue against peaceful parenting as a solution to the state because peaceful parenting will take a long time but gun control will happen much more quickly with devastating results. Nationwide karaoke is about connecting the youth of the US. As Stefan has said, connection is how we bring down the state and to my mind getting the youth of America to connect through music is the best way to get mass connection between people that are capable of it, people who haven't become parents and haven't severely abused children, the youth or millennials as they(myself included) are called. Does that make more sense as to what I was arguing and how national karaoke will bring down the state?
I wanted to offer up some hopefully constructive criticism of peaceful parenting in terms of bringing revolution about and to also offer up my strategy for revolution as an alternative. I do agree wholeheartedly with peaceful parenting and I think it is fantastic and something the world desperately needs, I am just arguing that at this point it may be too late for it to take down the state, and here is why: Gun control and demographics. Basically once they take American's guns, which I believe is likely to happen in the next 5-10 years(I know I can't prove it but there is a strong push), the last real and tangible resistance to global totalitarianism is gone. Then there are demographics, basically the freedom club is dying out. America is falling to Latino culture and Europe is falling to Islamic culture and if the trends continue there will be comparatively hardly any freedom club members left in the next hundred years. This isn't even considering the western democracies collapsing greece style under the weight of their debt and unfunded liabilities to the old. Also once the guns are gone from essentially every nation on earth, the creep of the state will accelerate and I doubt the free internet that we have today will still exist, making access to FDR and podcasts much more difficult. In my view, peaceful parenting has to outrun gun control and it has to either convert Muslims/Latinos or it has to convert much of the remaining freedom club members that are pre or just beginning parenthood. On top of gun control and demographics there is the assumption that FDR, philosophy, and the ideas of peaceful parenting will continue to be available well into the future which I would argue is a tenuous assumption given the trajectory of the state's growth and control over the internet. So if peaceful parenting wont work what else is there? As Stef has said, don't criticize unless you have a better alternative, so here is my alternative that I would really appreciate any feedback on. Its a TV show called Sing Nation and here is the 'treatment' for it as it is called. The basic idea is to connect the youth through music and through that connection have a peaceful revolution. I am not totally finished with it so any feedback is greatly appreciated. https://docs.google.com/document/d/12Q5JkIhQ2Y6EaMPjWgVSfOJ9dkmWoUNz1U7EfpyxyH8/edit?usp=sharing Thanks for reading.
This one too! http://cdn.media.freedomainradio.com/feed/FDR_1665_origins_of_ethics_in_childhood.mp3 It is titled the origins of ethics in childhood. The previous one I posted was #232 Justice.
This podcast might hep shed some light on the topic. http://cdn.media.freedomainradio.com/feed/FDR_232_Justice.mp3
The incident I referred to happened just one time but I have done other things. I am also an oldest child, the oldest of 6. When I was 8 or so I wrestled my little brother and would sit on him and threatened to spit in his mouth. I did this probably three times and it never occurred to me that it was wrong and I didn't try to hide it. I never like really hurt him though it was soft wrestling. I have also made fun of people and I don't remember ever trying to hide anything. I do remember briefly having thoughts of maybe this is wrong as I was making fun of someone but I recall feeling that my motivation for doing so was to find the truth or that I was expressing something true. I don't think that is what I was actually doing but those were my thoughts about it.
I remember bullying my little brother once and I believed it was a good thing to do. For some reason I thought that breaking him down was good for him, that he needed to be broken down and that it would help him or make him stronger or something. I ended up pushing him and it made him cry and after that I realized what I had done was wrong and I apologized and gave him some money I had intended to give him, of course that didn't make up for it but I guess I at least acknowledged that what I did was wrong. I also think there was some motivation not to get caught for what I did, but I don't think the risks of that were very high so I don't think that was a major part of my thinking. I realize I didn't really comment on your piece but this is just what I thought of after reading it, maybe it can provide some insight.
Hello everyone. I analyzed the song "Counting Stars" by OneRepublic, you can read it at my blog here http://bit.ly/1eEqiBs. Enjoy and I hope you will let me know what you think!
So far I have analyzed Miley Cyrus, Taylor Swift, Imagine Dragons, Katy Perry and more! I will be sure to keep updating and any feedback is greatly appreciated. Also I am very open to requests so if there is some popular music that is currently your jam, or that you hate, or that you just want to understand better, please let me know and I will write an article on it. Thanks for taking the time to read this and I hope to see you here and over at truthaboutmusic.wordpress.com! Please let me know what you think!
Hi Pepin, thank you for the feedback. From it I realized that I should have elaborated a little bit more in my first post, which I will do here, and hopefully it will answer your questions and address your concerns by making it clearer where I am coming from and more importantly I hope enable Marco to determine how well the interpretation fits with his life. Here is a more complete and connected/continuous interpretation. So Marco has a desire and has made a commitment to learn philosophy and to live philosophically. This is indicated by him listening to FDR and participating on the boards and from his user profile description etc. Marco also looks to be a very good looking guy form his photo and he has also been able to be sexually promiscuous in the past, which for males, this is likely an indication of physical attractiveness. Now what I believe this dream is telling him is that the desire to be philosophical and virtuous and the desire/drive/instinct for hollow physical sexual relationships, are somewhat mutually exclusive. In the dream we can see this in several ways. First we see that the child is being referred to as having a disorder that doesn't exist, ie. the child is not submitting to the system and therefore the system is labeling the child as 'deviant.' We then see that the mother wants to keep Marco away from her child for whatever reason, so Marco is unable to interact with and be supportive and kind towards the child that desperately needs help. At the same time that Marco cannot help the child, he is possibly indirectly harming him by interacting with and supporting and pleasing the corrupt mother/mothers with hollow experiences. His true self is telling him that there is a choice to make between hollow meaningless physical sexual pursuits and helping save the world/next generation and himself from corruption. Now, when I said a lot of this was influenced by my own experience, I really didn't specifiy anything so I am sorry about that, I will explain it more here. I also happen to be very physically attractive and could be promiscuous if I wanted to be and I also struggle with seeing women for who they are at times when my sexual desires get in the way, especially when I know on some level that I could date/have sex with many shallow women that I come across. I have also had dreams where it seemed to me that there was a clear conflict between pretty/smiley women which seem to correspond to sex, and with philosophy, my personal safety and integrity, and the desire to be virtuous. So there is my very amateur analysis, please let me know your thoughts and if it makes any sense to you Marco and those who read this
Hey Marco, thanks for sharing your dream Here are some thoughts I had on the dream somewhat influenced by the background you provided, my own experiences, and many very enlightening FDR podcasts ---When you say her child has AMD but this acronym/disorder is totally unkown to you, it makes me think your subconscious is saying that she is labeling her child with a made up 'disorder.' For example, kids that express their dislike for being imprisoned and indoctrinated in schools are labeled with ADHD, ODD, etc, when in reality the children are healthy and have strong true selves but the parents, teachers, and schools are extremely corrupt. It is a fake label and concept that is tossed about to control the child and to justify the parents, teachers, and schools actions. --Something fishy seems to be going on because you and her child get along, but she doesn't want you to be there while her child is there(is that right?) So ifyou two get along so well why wouldn't she let you spend time together? ---Next I have a few thoughts for the suitcase section. First it seems to indicate that you are somewhat implanted in her house and in her life because you have several bags and stuff strewn everywhere so it seems like you are not over for a quick visit. Also the way things seem to keep popping up indicates that you are looking for good reasons to stay longer. Also another thought is that packing a backpack, another backpack, a suitcase, and then leaving behind (possibly white?) socks may also represent sex. Stuffing backpacks can sort of be like intercourse and the socks could symbolize semen. ---When she seems tired and asks you for $10 one option that came to me is that be that she is asking for money after sex. In my dreams it seems that pretty girls smiling at me for little to no reason indicates that they are open to or are there for sex/eye candy, but that is all they want/are for. Also their existance and smiles and prettiness may also be somewhat a projection of sex drive or of the dreamers own urges. The problem with these women is basically they are like the woman in the red dress in the Matrix. They are pretty and eye catching, but they are not virtuous or deep or even real and they are a distraction from much more important goals and drives. ---In the dream, it seems that your concious reasons for going to the meetings is to learn about mothers and children since you mention your curiosity and contrast that with not being there to help to the mother. At the same time the fact that they are all women and the smiling and prettyness and the fact that you find it strange that you go to the meetings, could indicate unconcious/ulterior motives of a possibly sexual/romantic nature. ---Another interesting thing is that you don't actually completely leave the house but you go to an "inner garden" which could be representing a sort of safe and secret meeting place away from the childs presence, perhaps you are giving your resources and true self to the women in that place? I am sorry this got a little bit long and out of control but I hope it still helps. Also know that I am an amateur and a lot of my own experiences are in my analysis as well. I look forward to your thoughts
Intense dream I had about my life with and Stef a little bit
LucasV posted a topic in Self Knowledge
Hi everyone. I had a pretty intense dream 2 nights ago night and I wanted to share it here and ask for your feedback, insights and thoughts and anything else about it. The version I pasted below is mostly an unedited text version of the dream that I typed out at around 4 o'clock pm the day after I had the dream. I also typed up a more in depth version a bit after that, but I think that longer version might have more interpretation in it as well so I chose this version for purity. After the text of the dream, I wrote some context from my life to give a better idea where the dream might be coming from and feel free to read it first if you like although it also pretty interpretive. I also have some interpretations for the dream but I don't want to taint people's perception of the dream too so I tried to leave that out while trying to still provide relevant details. The dream is pretty long but I think it is fairly exciting and interesting. Also this is like the 480 or 720p version, so if anyone has any questions or would like more details please ask and I will do my best to accurately recall and elaborate on anything that I can. Also I can post the more detailed and possibly tainted version that I typed up after this one if anyone is interested. The dream- The dream sort of started with me and Stef sleeping in my bed and then me waking up and going to the counter and there being a weird contraption that Looked like a flip video camera but it had all sorts of long, thin plastic pieces coming off of it, making it look sort of like one of those stick bugs but plastic and modern looking, but quite large, maybe each plastic arm was about 1 ft. long. So I am trying to figure out what it is and what it's purpose is when Stef wakes up behind me and explains that it is basically like his inhaler. I then sort of imagine an regular looking asthma inhaler and ask Stef if that is what he means. I don't think I say it out loud but Stef understands what I mean. During this time I am sort of thinking of Stef as my little brother or something, I feel a sort of love and admiration for him but at the same time I am very afraid that I will cause him harm by saying or doing something wrong. We talk a little bit more and my anxiety about the situation grows, that I might do something to Stef so I decide to leave the house to prevent that and the next thing I know I am in a city, a dream interpretation of Chicago, and I end up am going into a big fancy looking building. Once inside the building there is a group of people sort of hanging out in a big open well lit fancy marble type room. It seems like it is some kind of foyer and occasionally other people pass through and they are commonly very beautiful and attractive and fancily dressed women and if I look at them they smile. In the dream I think to myself that they are smiling just because I am good looking. So my attention goes back to the other people in the room who seem I guess a bit socially awkward and slightly listless. After sitting there for a bit wondering what to do exactly this big beefy guy with what looks like beard stubble for a haircut gets angry about something and kicks a smaller weaker person in the nuts. At that point I think that I am pretty tall and can be intimidating if I try to be and I might be able to stop this guy with that combined with the power of my character or personality or something as well. I tell him to stop somewhat loudly, and he looks at me and says something like 'trying to be a hero?' or some other snide aggressive remark. I don't acknowledge what he says but I realize he is much stronger and heavier than me so I keep my distance. Then he comes towards me and his accomplice or someone else, it's not exactly clear who or what it is, but they climb on my back and hold my arms down and wrap their arms and legs around me so I am kind of immobile. I cant run or walk really but I am still standing up. The big stubbly cruel guy is in front of me. Then I am briefly completely distracted by the thought that all the pretty well dressed ladies could help me and stop this, but somehow I know they won't. Then I am told by the meathead to go up a set of stairs onto a deck that is over the foyer we were in before. This meathead is getting ready to punch me in the face and I start saying I was just standing up for non aggression, for non violence and for not hurting people in a somewhat pleading but also calm way. He laughs at me and says I look and sound like a stupid hipster and then he brings up some movie he watched and was comparing this situation to the movie, wanting me to laugh at the connection. In a cold and degrading or disdainful way I say 'no, I have never heard of that movie' and won't go along with his story. He then leaves and the person/thing on my back doesn't let go right away but starts to greasily slide down my back and excretes some kind of oily yellow urine/puss substance. As this is happening, I think in my head someone is asking why I haven't left yet and I say because of this. Then I go back downstairs with a sense that I need to run, but also a fear of running due to the meathead possibly catching me or something. I notice a little ways past the atrium there is an indoor restaurant full of fancily dressed pretty looking ladies and they sort of look at me and smile at me. I am flattered and intrigued and tempted but part of me knows it isn't real and isn't going to be satisfying. There is also a sense that the meathead will be back soon. I then flee the building and start running away. I get to a place where I have to cross several fast and large roads and I make sure to wait for the walk sign and as I am crossing the walk sign abruptly runs out and I am forced to run and I am almost hit. Then the post spits out a ticket that lands in the street and somehow someone tells me that I have to go get it and pay it for not crossing fast enough. I feel ambiguous about the legitimacy and effectiveness of this system. After being rushed across the street I ended up on a grassy median in the middle of two busy roads. A white van rolls up and people tell me to get in quickly, but they sound friendly and helpful so I get in. It is full of a few 18-20year old girls and then are really friendly and happy and stuff. I think maybe this is where I should be going now but I don't know what is going on really. I ask a few questions and I find out I am on a shuttle for Northwestern University. I decide to lie and play along and say I am a student there and stuff because I don't want to be dropped off somewhere random. The conversation turns to school ID cards and I almost get caught in the lie because i say they look cool, but I save myself by saying compared to like small community colleges or something, and i feel like a douche because I don't want to be perceived as elitist or something like that and i also don't want to get caught. I then see that the ID cards have buttons like a remote control along the top that a girl seems to indicate control the van. We then arrive at the school and I guess it looks nice enough but its industrial looking, sort of like what the back entrances and support buildings of a hospital or a big business might look like. At this point I press the buttons on an ID card and a black computer window pops up covering the side of the van and it says "location unknown" or with a question mark in a circle like an error message or something. I then go to a nearby office that seems like admissions or reception or something and then decide to tell the people the truth about my situation. I am expecting annoyance or anger from the lady, but after she hears my story, that I don't really go to school here and that I go to school somewhere else, she just laughs and acts like its no problem just a small mistake. Then a girl from the bus comes in and starts talking about languages like French or something. I feel like I should entertain whatever it is she is talking about and I try to speak a little French to her. She then tries to speak but is very slow so I make some sort of remark trying to calling her out on her ability and she gets really hurt and I feel like I have done something terrible, and that I won't be able to fit in here because something about me is going to show through and I cant stop it and it will cause a lot of damage here and hurt people and be unacceptable. I self attack strongly at this point and then I feel stuck here, somehow I know the van wont be taking me back out and the reception lady won't help either. Then I woke up. The context is that I fell asleep after listening to about half of FDR podcast 1038 - Grandiosity_Listener. Also the city in the dream, Chicago, is where I am going in about 5 days where I will be taking a coding course. Before the program I am stopping at my parents (and siblings) house for 2 days to pick some things up and see the FOO (not looking forward to my parents, my siblings somewhat) and I will also be stopping at my Uncle's house outside of Boston for another 2 days before I fly to Chicago. (at the time of the dream I didn't know much about what was happening in Boston, except for seeing some headlines that I ignored). Finally, I am enrolled at a traditional university where I was studying economics(the school is probably as pro-gov and keynsian as you find) and I left for a year but I am keeping the option open to return in the fall, perhaps to just take some computer science classes. Also my mother is somewhat strongly suggesting that I should go back and get a degree in economics. Also, for the programming course, it is possible to get a job afterwards as a junior developer, but maybe only 5-15% of the class will get jobs, and I haven't been doing the pre-work and I am still looking to finalize a good priced/located apartment with good roommates. Also I have been doing IFS therapy 1-2 times a week for about 8 weeks now. My basic interpretation of the dream the next day after I wrote it down and analysed it a bit. I think that it was a warning about where my life could be going, and I decided that I really needed to make sure to not let my life turn out in a bad way and that I should share the dream and see what people think to help me figure out what to do and how to avoid a bad outcome like being stuck in that situation at the end of the dream. I also experienced a lot of anxiety and worry about the scene with Stef because I feel like it seemed to be that it shows me and my relationship to Stef and or philosophy as problematic in some way. Any insights or thoughts, feedback, insights, advice, or questions about the dream and/or my situation are much appreciated I wrote and re-wrote and previewed and edited this post for probably around 2 hours or more not including the dream, both out of neuroticism and out of trying to be as accurate as reasonably possible