------------------------------contains a spoiler------------------------------
I enjoyed the video, I think the point you made was clearly transmitted, I don't know if you wished to discuss its substance, in case you did, let me offer my thoughts on the substance you raised--
Apart from all the metaphorical descriptions of hell, isn't it just supposed to be a place where one is seperated from God (or where God is abscent)? I don't really believe such a place exists, I just think, to make it consistent with your principle, if you reject God/love and somehow manage to be alive in a place devoid of God/love (I dont think this is possible), then the only sex that exists would be rape, in some or other fashion, as without God there is no light upon which any state of being imbued with volition can subsist (derrived from the Good's divine luminosity). "I am that I am" is the true nature of your character, so without a sense of "I am that I am", how can one exist and still be termed 'life'?
In keeping with what I stated above, isn't hell just the description of the absurd proposition of wishing to move away from God, taken to the extreme in which one is deprived of sensing any aspect of "I am that I am", which has within it the promise to grow and be present in keeping with the spirit of "I shall prove to be what I shall prove to be" (which was the first thing "God" answered Moses, when wanting to impart his name), as without access to this over-arching spiritual content, we are a hollow core lost in an abyss.