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  1. I think it would be interesting if the guests to the show where announced in advanced and the members got to post questions for them to answer. Stef could then use the last minutes of the interview for this. The reason I say this is that maybe members are aware of certain things that the guests have done that are not being brought up. Thoughts?
  2. I couldn't help to notice, Dr Greger is just a year older than me, but I look 35 and he looks 50, genetics? Compare that picture to Mark Sisson who is 63 years old. Just do a quick search for his pictures In the end one has to decide for oneself which is the way to go. I see numbers and facts from both sides of the meat/no meat crowd. I have chosen the mark approach and I am happy with the results on both look and feel. I would be more interested in studies comparing a plant diet to a paleo type diet. since I think that anything compared to average american diet will have huge results. Only time will tell. PS Another point I was thinking about. I wonder if humans are sufficiently genetically different that a diet that would work for some might not be ideal for others. I'm thinking Ethiopian long distance runners body types vs Jamaican sprinters. I'm yet to find examples of vegetarians with above average muscle mass. I know about half a dozen vegetarians, none have muscle mass to speak of. But this is just my thoughts.
  3. Not yet. But If I tell you I do not want this cow in my land anymore. what then? I tell you, You can keep it if you want. But then you say, the cow will die if removed from your land. I do not care about that...I want it out of my land. I'll gladly give you double the amount you paid for the cow, but I want it OUT. If you force me to keep the cow in my land then that would be a violation of my property rights. I currently lean towards the property rights argument. Similar to inviting someone into ones house then changing ones mind and asking them to leave. Even if there's a blizzard that will kill the guest the property owner has the right to kick them out, (A dick move, but his rights as property owner) similarly a woman could change their mind about the fetus. in the future this fetus could be adopted by someone else. Once technology makes it possible for younger and younger fetuses to survive outside their mothers.
  4. Some of these are red flags for me, but the last point I completely understand and don't consider it as bad. I have a friend that gets flooded with short messages like "Sup beautiful,what are you up to?" Maybe these men are casting their net far and wide and rather not invest a lot of time on a detailed response? there was this one guy how took her profile and used each of her points in his reply to emphasize how compatible they were while adding nothing original. There's this other friend that was dating a vegan and even moved in with her for a while. she would not allow any meat at her house, so he had to go out to eat meat. Her house her rules I guess. This is like finding a needle in a haystack, and there's a lot of hay out there,
  5. This is an interesting response from someone with the following quotes on their signature. The first condition of progress is the removal of censorship. George Bernard Shaw The only valid censorship of ideas is the right of people not to listen. Tommy Smothers Why wouldn't you just ignore his replies? In my opinion dsayers argument seems valid. He seems to be talking about the mother here. forcing her by the father to birth a child would be like owning part of her body.
  6. I'm a bit confused. You said you liked X because you think X was smarter than the group. X said she would run over cyclists Y said X was joking You tried comparing X comments to your first comment, Z did not agree. Who is smart in this whole exchange? Because you made a comment that directly puts into question someones intelligence. but do you have any evidence? How wise is it for me to tell someone at the office X is smarter than all of you? Do you have their IQ scores? Even then, all you can probably say is"X scored higher that Y" I think the smart thing to do is no to jump to conclusions and label people in you place of employment. You might question a statement "The comment is incorrect because...." but calling people names will not be a smart move in my opinion. Therefore X made some pretty stupid comments about running over cyclist, and you insulted your coworkers, two wrongs don't make a right. I would suggest you apologize and move on.
  7. I don't see it that way because one is addressing the public in general and the other personal relationships. But lets look at the first Carlin video that came up on my search 2 minutes in an Carlin is already lying. "no wonder we can't get anything done" in fact people laugh because everyone knows its not true. and yes a comedian is held to a different standard than a judge or a lawyer, or a police officer. Does a magician tell you the truth? is that a real egg on his mouth? Does he act with integrity as he is manipulating you so you don't see how he does his tricks?
  8. Thanks for your comments. I agree that "ordinary" people might use humor to manage anxiety. But a professional comedian I don't see the same way, as they use humor to convey truths in an indirect way.
  9. By being "comfortable", do you mean you don't find it funny? or that you won't do it yourself? I don't understand your last sentence. It could be that English is not my first language. I apologize "Funny people have no issue being funny" do you mean "Comedians should not be making jokes" without saying things that are the opposite of the truth or untrue undo you mean "without saying lies" "Comedians should not be making jokes without saying lies" or "Comedians should be making jokes with lies" BTW: I wanted to run something by you and get your opinion. We have break rooms at work that are kept stocked with coffee, tea, sugar and 3 types of creamers. the sugar and creamers come in a container with a little tab on top. There are ants that show up and people have expressed their concern verbally that those who use the containers should close them to avoid ants inside. Note: I do not use these products so i'm just on the sidelines about this issue. Someone posted a sign with pictures of the ant from that "antz" movie and with a note sort of saying "Thank you for leaving these containers open for us to eat, but please try not to eat us or any of our waste that we may leave inside" I thought it was a funny way of stating the obvious. a day or so later someone posted a note on the corner with a meme "Oh watch out, passive aggressive over here" Thoughts? There are plenty of notes around that are direct "Please do not dump food down the drain" Please keep the microwave clean" which people have handwritten things like "why?" on them but I have not seen the humor type notes before this one,
  10. I don't think this is serious at all. its a way to drive a point. Reminds me too much of Pascal's wager because by posting this he is telling others that the reason he is voting for Hillary is safety. while still believing on what he claims will get him killed "trumps skills" I think its a witty way to state truth with humor.
  11. Not going to the pub often seems like a good thing to me. Why look for people in a place mostly used to escape reality by numbing the brain with alcohol? I would be skeptical of pubs or bars, just my opinion,
  12. Your thoughts are understandable. Should the parents of this child be financially responsible for the cost of the gorilla? is the Zoo partially responsible for not having a child proof enclosure? I think that there should have been some kind of barrier to at least make if difficult for a child to get inside. I also think that the parents should pay for some of the cost of the animal. What do you all think?
  13. I'm no expert, but wouldn't that be treating the symptoms instead of the cause? Is this what your doctor recommended? What is the prognosis in this case? will you produce a normal amount of hormones after the treatment or will you be on this treatment for life? Thanks in advance and I wish you he best.
  14. Sorry to hear about your situation. I'm for the natural way myself but to each their own. I don't trust foreign substances in a complex system like a human body. too many things can go out of wack. To me this seems like the easy way out, not unlike liposuction for reducing fat etc. Too many people take the easy road and they find themselves "finding their destiny on the road they take to avoid it" I too have a desk job. but that has not stop me from staying active. Playing sports, biking, etc every chance I get. (Yes that means no time for TV. so what. I go to the gym on my lunch break (yes that means no socializing with coworkers or dining out with them. You didn;t mention your diet, thats another area that I take ownership for. SO I'm missing out on a lot of junk food, oh well. So to conclude. "That which we obtain too easily, we esteem too lightly". - Thomas Paine Best of luck My two cents.
  15. The arguments on this video make good points.
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