I think Stephan could do a great show with John F. Hunt. He is a professor of pediatrics at the University of Virginia who recently gave up his clinical duties out of dissatisfaction with the current state of government regulation. He has recently published a novel called, "Assume the Physician," that should interest anyone who is concerned about the increasing government involvement in health care. His publisher is Laissez-Faire. I think in particular his views would be of interest to FDR listeners as follows:
1. The increasing government involvement in medicine is not only in the form of how care is delivered, but what research is funded and who gets to do it. Hunt is a tenured professor and researcher who also happens to be unique in being a libertarian. The fact that he's a very rare bird to be a medical school professor is of interest in and of itself...
2. There is a prescribed ethic within the medical community as to how people should be treated that stands in many ways in stark contrast to how libertarians, anarchists, voluntaryist (you get the drift) would wish to be treated. I think these are very compelling questions that are often addressed on the show, on which Hunt can shed a different light. Specifically, the treatment of children (vaccines come to mind), which is a common argument I hear against voluntarist philosophies.