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Everything posted by edtech

  1. Abandoning higher education is like not voting for your self esteem.
  2. Western civilization is white folk.
  3. Right. White people do better on average than black people in a free market economy. We aren't disagreeing.
  4. Well, I am pretty sure it does.
  5. Makes sense. So free markets favor white people?
  6. So if we are pro free market, we accept that black people on average will fair worse than whites and asians?
  7. Twas a honest question.
  8. If we support capitalism, do we accept that black people on average will be less successful?
  9. How do you see it working without it?
  10. Nationalism is voluntaryism with balls.
  11. Does a nation make sense without shared values?
  12. Why not?
  13. Yeah, it is tough when the only peaceful parenting that is going on is by white Christians.
  14. why do they hate you?
  15. Donnadogsoth?
  16. Is it wrong to say that black people commit most of the heinous crime? And what are white people going to do?
  17. I still hold on to the dream of peaceful parenting, but confront the reality of nationalism.
  18. What is going on with black people?
  19. Hey everybody, had an economics question. Taken from mises.org, "..economics is a social science dealing with people who make choices, respond to incentives, change their minds, and even act irrationally." When Austrian economists and others write that people "respond to incentives" in a positive sense, I always thought they referring to remunerative incentives but I couldn't quickly confirm this. Is that true?
  20. Hey, thanks. This all sounds great. Is there any research or evidence to the effectiveness of doing these things to persuade others about philosophy?
  21. Hi everybody...wondering if I could get your help or thoughts. After years of struggling to persuade anyone on the topics we hold dear, I have sought out books on psychology to try and figure out new approaches (as well as, of course, listen to Freedomain and read the board ). I was curious if anybody had come across any great books or resources on persuasion strategies and if they have tried them when discussing politics, religion, parenting, the family, etc. and noticed any positive effects. For instance, I have been reading Richard Wiseman's "59 Seconds". On persuasion, he suggests (based on research by psychologists): - if you are in a group, pick one person to focus on - take time to learn and chat about their interests - make/admit to mistakes, but only if being seen as too perfect - ask for small favors from the person - throw bits of humor into a conversation - don't use words or technical language that the person will most likely not understand - don't talk negatively (or gossip) about others as those thoughts will be assigned to you - focus the favors you provide to strangers, then ask quickly for a return favor I think a part of me will never let go of the idea that reason and evidence will win the day when arguing, but that is to neglect the reason and evidence of unconscious impulses that drive most people's responses. I am wondering if we should put more effort in to the way in which we interact with others, even if it may be a bit manipulative...or is it and would that be a bad thing?
  22. I sometimes regret not choosing to commute from Columbus to Newark...not a lot to do in Newark. I do go to Columbus quite a bit though. I have been listening for 4 or 5 years now. By taking to heart the ideas we all chat and think about, I have changed my life immeasurably for the better, so I am so grateful that Freedomain Radio exists. How long have you been listening for? I noticed in your profile that you list unschooling as an interest, which is a topic that blew my mind when I looked into it. I currently work in higher education and the deleterious effect of public schooling is very noticeable.
  23. Hello! I have lived in Cincinnati and Columbus....currently live in Newark (45 minutes outside of Columbus).
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