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    Rochester, MN
  • Interests
    Self-knowledge, outdoors, hiking/backpacking, making/consuming music
  • Occupation
    Software Developer

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  1. Interesting story Joel... I tend to think about the potential past and future of the kids I see every day. My family has grown in the last year or so, so now I've got four new step brothers and sisters that I now go home to every few weeks. They're all very young, one in elementary school all up to a couple in high school. Every time I come home and spend time with them, I notice tenancies they have are tied to what they've learned from their mothers of fathers that I know have been abusive or harmful in the past. So I think I can empathize with your wanting to show the boy in your story that there are people out there that care. I try to show them all that there are older, physically bigger, and more intellectually adept people that are willing to negotiate with them, be nurturing, and ask important questions. I don't know what you felt after this incident, Joel, but I tend to feel like my efforts are in vain, since they go back to these emotionally abusive mothers and emotionally distant fathers routinely. Did you feel like what you showed the boy was in vain? Like maybe the boy had been conditioned not be comfortable with feeling vulnerable? I want so bad to influence my step-siblings and biological siblings in a positive way, but I don't want to prod them too much to make them feel uncomfortable. Did you feel like you made the boy uncomfortable? Should I be concerned with that aspect of interacting with these kids?
  2. http://myhopewithbillygraham.org/programs/defining-moments/?SOURCE=BY13AVCLE&BA=2978&QR=137I have a very religious family, especially my grandparents. My grandfather is a pastor and is incredibly generous and loving and is somebody who I've never resented. But he constantly is sending me sermons and videos like the one above. Now he's helped me out financially as I've moved out, so I feel a bit torn by spelling out exactly how I feel to him about his faith. Has anybody dealt with a unrelentingly kind christian in their life? I understand that they are trying to set an example to make their ideology, and I feel like if I make counterarguments I will make reason and evidence look hostile. Any thoughts on how to respond to the video or how to engage in this conversation? Thanks.
  3. Thanks Culain for your input. I recognize it's very likely he will never give up this position. If that is the case, how can I spend another 8 months of my lease with this guy? I've been friends with him for many years, and I once considered him my best friend. Now that I'm pointing out that he is supporting someone else to initiate force upon me and take my property involuntarily, he is so uncomfortable with the questions that he is accusing me of threatening him with my viewpoint, as if I am telling him to abandon the idea that good can evolve out of evil.. Does anyone have any tips for staying sane I live here?
  4. Hi all, this is my first time posting here. I am trying to show a roommate of mine that government is force, and what it implies. I've gone through many of the stock anarchist arguments in terms of showing that government is made up of people who hire people to use force to enforce opinions of the legislators. I've tried to explain that my position is that I do not know what is best for society so I cannot advocate for a government, because it can only force preferences. He asserts that his voting does not have contain moral content because he is acting in rational self-interest. He is a student teacher right now and advocates for public education. I've tried to show him the difference in our views in that I my position does not advocate anyone initiate force upon him, though his advocacy for government does just that upon me. He claims that since government will commit these crimes regardless of his voting, he is not morally responsible for something someone in government does. He claims he is picking the lesser of two evils in his situation. He admits to the government being fundamentally flawed and that it will always be flawed, and has said he admitted government cannot operate without threats, violence, and coercion. But he separates his voting and participation in government with the evils that others do in with government. How can I approach his argument or am I wrong in my thought process? I need to move on in this debate with him. I need for him to see that he is advocating for having preferences be forced upon me, and I need for him to understand that my position does not force anything upon him. And ultimately you can have whatever opinion you want but if it involve making me a subject, it is no longer okay. Thanks again and I appreciate any insight you all may provide. Please help me understand if I am incorrect in any way. --Avery
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