Interesting story Joel... I tend to think about the potential past and future of the kids I see every day. My family has grown in the last year or so, so now I've got four new step brothers and sisters that I now go home to every few weeks. They're all very young, one in elementary school all up to a couple in high school. Every time I come home and spend time with them, I notice tenancies they have are tied to what they've learned from their mothers of fathers that I know have been abusive or harmful in the past. So I think I can empathize with your wanting to show the boy in your story that there are people out there that care. I try to show them all that there are older, physically bigger, and more intellectually adept people that are willing to negotiate with them, be nurturing, and ask important questions. I don't know what you felt after this incident, Joel, but I tend to feel like my efforts are in vain, since they go back to these emotionally abusive mothers and emotionally distant fathers routinely. Did you feel like what you showed the boy was in vain? Like maybe the boy had been conditioned not be comfortable with feeling vulnerable? I want so bad to influence my step-siblings and biological siblings in a positive way, but I don't want to prod them too much to make them feel uncomfortable. Did you feel like you made the boy uncomfortable? Should I be concerned with that aspect of interacting with these kids?