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  1. Yes I've bought crypto currency lately trying to chase my losses But I think BTC has reached peak of its parabolic rise. But who knows - this is unchartered territory.
  2. Filled with mixed emotions re-reading this thread now in late 2017. I just hope that those who had BTC held them and I commiserate with those who despaired and ditched their BTC a few years ago (including me).
  3. 1) You need to disclose whether your product an Innovation or an Invention? 2) You cannot Patent an innovation but you can Patent an Invention. 3) I understand your apprehension about disclosing product idea because it does not take much to regard the idea as being in the Public Domain and you cannot Patent product which is already in the Public Domain. 4) Patents are expensive and only offer limited protection anyway. 5) You can register a design ($$$) but a few modifications and your design can be copied by someone else - so pretty useless. My advice to you do some market research, get the product produced if it proves to be worthwhile and be damned good at selling it.
  4. Brand is incredibly manic and fanatical I really think he has some kind of "Messiah Complex" delusion and he even looks like Jesus (I have holy photos of Jesus taken circa 33AD)
  5. Although none of us intentionally want to be abusive we can be in the most careless ways. You asked for comment on specific questions and you received: judgement, cynical observations and psychoanalysis about things outside your frame of reference. It was like a kid showing a parent their painting and the parent responds "why did you even bother painting that". I'm so super-conscious these days of not being emotionally abusive in any way and your 'subtle feelings' are perhaps a response to some subtle and indeed unintentionally abusive responses.
  6. Some 'jibe' got his defenses up...but I could not find any jibes in your content. Something touched a soar spot in him and he took offence. Stanley Sammeroff I think I would like to stop here, it was offensive. I am not debating my upbringing or yours. Perhaps in future you should consider leaving out personal jibes its a sign of desperation. I really think the subtext of his responses is: I had a violent upbringing and I haven't turned out violent., robbed nursing homes, abused drugs etc". But he did not want to reveal these painful details.
  7. Smart thing one kid said is "I'm only a child". Adults do need reminding sometimes.
  8. I really don't know if this is the case. She is a friend that I haven't seen for 10 years. Our only contact these days is on facebook. Her mother is highly abusive...she needs to understand the emotions that are keeping her exposed to more abuse. What do you suggest?
  9. I've started her with this series part 1-4. I'm looking through call shows too because here Stefan really gets more in depth. I need something specifically on de-fooing.
  10. Thanks for replying. I too have had an abusive mother and my one regret is that I did not tell her to "fuck off' before she died. Glad to hear that you are in process now--I sort of envy you. My friend has not revealed any details of her abusive mother and she has not got all the underlying background stuff we have gained and learned from Stefan, so it's hard to know where to start to help my friend. The details you gave about the toll its taken on you and your brother is just another testimony to the trauma such abusive treatment causes. But what worries me is how WE are unknowingly abusive sometimes because of our conditioning. Do you ever worry about that?
  11. "Family is forever" that myth is slowly being destroyed thankfully. Hope Parker is recovering well from all the traumas.
  12. A friend of mine who has revealed her background relating to emotional abuse from her mother. She would just like to tell her mother to "fuck off" but can't. I have suggested listening to Stefan and promised her a suitable link. However I've hunted everywhere on FDR but can't locate the precise information she needs to begin with to understand what is going on. Any suggestions.
  13. This is my first post/thread. I come across this video playing audio of two Canadian citizens attenpting to cross border into US to go shopping in Niagra Falls. They are eventually arrested for nothing more than becoming irate at the heavy handed treatment they were receiving at the hand of Gestapo like border officials. At around the 8:24 minute mark the border official asks: "Where do you think you are right now? The detainee answers: "In America"...."In a prison" WRONG! The official sets him straight: "You are in an International Federal Inspection Station" What on earth does that mean??? There is no explanation how the audio was made or how it was retreived after the arrest. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=-i5sDOdoFqg
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