Any reasonable sized city has chess meet ups, volleyball, pool leagues, bowling leagues, part time jobs that involve social interaction. You can join these and be socially inept as can be. Gawd, there are even running groups now, though it's mainly for women because they like to turn normally solitary fitness regimes into social meet ups. Running a sub 40 min in a 10K is amazing according to them, which means they give no fucks about running.
Finding like minded people on FDR means moving to the top cities (NYC, LA, Chicago) or "different" cities like Portland. The thing is that you really have to know your trade or be willing to start at the bottom of a union job(particularly in the transportation industry), both of which means a loss in productivity and pay in the short run. I have a hunch that most simply don't have the courage to move and find their tribe.
I'm just saving my money and paying off the last of my student loans this year, then off to start a new life. Any asshole can find a nice girl and get a house and kids with an assortment of "friends" that you might see once a month. But fuck that. If the only friend you can confide in is your wife or girlfriend for the rest of your life, then holy shit, that fucking sucks.
Thank god that trucking is in demand across the country.