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Everything posted by Maritain

  1. Any reasonable sized city has chess meet ups, volleyball, pool leagues, bowling leagues, part time jobs that involve social interaction. You can join these and be socially inept as can be. Gawd, there are even running groups now, though it's mainly for women because they like to turn normally solitary fitness regimes into social meet ups. Running a sub 40 min in a 10K is amazing according to them, which means they give no fucks about running. Finding like minded people on FDR means moving to the top cities (NYC, LA, Chicago) or "different" cities like Portland. The thing is that you really have to know your trade or be willing to start at the bottom of a union job(particularly in the transportation industry), both of which means a loss in productivity and pay in the short run. I have a hunch that most simply don't have the courage to move and find their tribe. I'm just saving my money and paying off the last of my student loans this year, then off to start a new life. Any asshole can find a nice girl and get a house and kids with an assortment of "friends" that you might see once a month. But fuck that. If the only friend you can confide in is your wife or girlfriend for the rest of your life, then holy shit, that fucking sucks. Thank god that trucking is in demand across the country.
  2. Well, I think it is just your garden variety loneliness problem for the initial set up, along with physical attrativness. As time went on, it turned into a sympathy project, trying to change someone for the better.
  3. Here is a list of things that were confirmed on the hazards of dating single moms My three month experience 1. Non educated and no hopes to advance in a job (15k to 20k annual salary). On antidepressents, but doesn't know what SSRI means, along with other areas where no cultural literacy abounds. 2. Had to pay for 90 percent of dates 3. Canceled going out on the weekends 90 percent of time. 4. Talked about ex's all the time, but wouldn't talk about why she was attracted to them in the first place 5. Unpaid student loans, thus never getting a trade let alone a degree. 6. General lack of responsiblity when it comes to court meetings (not showing up). 7. Lack of drive to better oneself I'm embarassed to admit to lowering my standards just for sake of romantic companionship. On my way out I encouraged her to get back with the father of her son, but then realized that he was just as bad (bad credit, low paying job, unrealistic hopes of getting a degree). Poor little fellow doesn't stand a chance. Seeing this all in action up close really was an eye opener. Never again.
  4. Oh, refunds only happen in the first 2-3 weeks, and even then it's not a full refund. Yeah, it's 4,000 out the window, which is about 3-4 weeks of pay. It is a bitter defeat, but seeing the results from others who were ruined by the humanities, I think I got off pretty easily. I've seen the grad students and seniors debate at the university, and I'm not very impressed. I was only really in awe when attending the lectures on metaphysics and language by professors. Scary smart. Then again, why are Harvard doctorates teaching at a lowly ranked state school that admits just about anybody?
  5. So here is my situation: I currently work a time consuming job 50 hours a week on average at a 60-65K salary in the midwest. I turn 29 in a month, and I recently just had some life chaning expereinces that made me realize that going for a B.A. in the liberal arts would be a foolish way to spend the next few years of my limited off time. I also certainly have no intention of doing a B.A. in the liberal arts in my 30s. God, how depressing! I have an assoicates from a college that covers all the gen ed requiremtns and a foundation for science majors (did 2 semesters of Calc and some physical geography). I'm quite happy with that achievement. Currently I'm at a huge state school (20,000 plus students) that is not even in the top 100 in the country. I have no intentions of ever returning to this school in my life due to rising tuition costs and my age. So here is the kicker, I've been trying tooth and nail to get my classes withdrawn (past the withdrawal date), supporting even letter heads from my work stating a change in work hours. Yet the administration at the University denied my appeal. Needless to say, this had me tensed up for a while. But why should this be? If this were Wal-Mart University, would I really care? Of course not. Why do I care so much about this? I know it's not rational to go with this education path, so why would I limit myself to 4 hours of sleep and hardship for something that has no future? Thoughts or insights?
  6. Learn how to create card games. These homework assignments are everywhere.
  7. Programming is a skill that is largely self-taught. As with anything in America, you're on your own kid. Learn Java because this is what is taught at nearly every intro to programming class, of which you'll be doing 15 hours a week in homework. People drop out. It's hard.
  8. I was actually in your situation a few years ago. Looking through a Christian lense, being obsese is just as repulsive as sex outside of marriage, so it's a matter of chosing the lesser of two evils (both of which aren't evil from a rational perspective). Christianity is fundentmentally a religion that is designed for familes and close knit groups, not loners. It's better to connect with other people than being alone, even if it means the occasional sex outside of marriage. As for weight loss, I've done the vegan and paleo thing. Both work if done in the context of heavy cardio and weights. Though I find that a low fat high carb diet gives me acne. Paleo works, keeps the skin clear, but it's fucking expensive. But weight loss is the easy part. The hard part being devloping your game with women, which could take years to correct if you haven't had socialization. Any asshole can workout for 6 months and look shredded. It's no big deal.
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