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  1. does anyone have a study link to divorce rates among the religions in comparison to those among secular / atheist / agnostic couples. i'd realy appreciate the outcome. ive seen western christians studies only and they aren't supporting my intuition that divorce among the religious occurs less often. your help would very much help me to cure my assumption.
  2. I wanted to email this to stefan but didnt know how, so i invite you all to the discussion: Hello Stefan, I have recently subscribed to freedomainradio and paid my dues not as much as I’d like but Im having a tough summer financially – future Gareth can review that. I also follow you on facebook – you have a lot of trolls commenting on your posts by the way its clear they aren’t actually reading a lot of the time so maybe a motivational speech is needed – some good old fashioned rabble rousing might make them pick up some Nietzsche or otherwise some self reflective work.. Zarathustra Zarathustra can you heal me, asks the hunchback…. Question 1: Noam Chomsky recently criticised Zlavoj Zizek as just posturing meaning that he doesn’t actually offer the world anything constructive. One of the things that opened my eyes is watching noam Chomsky talk on youtube – he cant be guilty of posturing as he often gives advice as to how to change things for the better under the current rationality or zeitgeist (nice to see the word used in context for once hey?). Zizek is an interesting character (ive not read any of his books but have sat through some of his lectures again on youtube) he labels himself as a communist , but if anything hes a Marxist Leninist – and the last time I read Lenins New Economic Policy it was pretty much a quasi freemarket system – it incentivised, idolised the most productive and protected property rights (including for private business). What slavoj stands for is this libertarian – antiauthoritarian, increased self reflection and thereby increased liberty through social awakening ie to instigate a non violent weltenschauung through intellectual means. I think on this Chomsky is wrong .. dun dun duuuuuun! … because he misses the key aspect of any transformation – rationality – the change must make sense and chime with the thoughts of a great majority of individuals. This is not eugenics as it is individual and intellectual this is gramsci’s catharsis, this is kants end, Nietzsche's superman derridas ‘vis’ john gray’s meme etc etc etc. While I appreciate Chomsky for standing on the front line for so long – he must know subconsciously that education is the way out since so much of his work is informative and so little – mainly the conclusions – are constructive. what do you think about this idea? do you think that we have the tools already to come to this catharsis? i certainly feel ready do you? and so it just a case of numbers? Question 2: the occupy movement, and other movements like it are notable for having large support and yet do not have a constituted idiom, do you think this harms them? When I look back at how the Bolsheviks gained power and especially their role in the 1917 uprisings – a similar situation occurred, and it became a subtle manipulation by the organisers that allowed them to determine the ideology. In tahrir square – same story and they continue to be unfulfilled – what no flags? good god man where are the flags?!.. I fear the same in brazil currently although like turkey it is mainly driven by corrupt policy, and not against statism or some other fixed enemy. I find that policies are chattel and so aren’t the target of any true change it is the building the chattel are housed in.. to reiterate do these movements suffer by the inherent lack of a clear universal idea, do we need some guiding yet temporary messiah? One thing is clear they are unclear. Preci: ‘interest rates, interest rates, rise my pretty rise’ Question 3: Do you believe that letting the state fail is a good thing? If the economy freefalls surely that will cause massive harm to everyone.. I know in post war Germany we can see the benefits of a freefall as it focusses the state upon producing (oh how alien that is to this Englishman!) and so we saw the rise of the next superpower (but the bundesbank it seems was strong throughout) and yet the ‘winners’ essentially enslaved a whole nation (I like Bertrand russel’s account of this in ‘in praise of idleness’ btw). Do you not think that Keynesianism can work if the state incentivises factory production or otherwise creates market demand and targeted overproduction can steady the ship? I know the british chancellor has fucked up by stimulating another housing bubble.. which is no use to anyone – so we’re goners over here.. but if he incentivised small business, or engineering or agriculture I think we really had a chance – much like Germany post ww2. but once things are steady i think we then have the opportunity to be more centered and clear about our goals as a community the anxiety and depression is no good for anyone, we could point at them and say 'you nearly fucked this up for us and droves of our companions are dead - no more!' but now we have our heads down we are grinding away. What are your thoughts on this? Question 4: if we all chip in together we could afford some large portion of freehold land. The UN affords the right of cessation. Is anyone interested in building a cancer,, er I mean freeworld? much love, peace and unity gareth
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