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prolix last won the day on November 22 2015

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  1. prolix

    IQ test

    140, this thing is broken...
  2. I feel like some of this was touched on in the last podcast... http://cdn.freedomainradio.com/FDR_2976_Call_In_Show_16_May_2015.mp3
  3. Or not...
  4. Is judgement different than criticism? I will argue yes, and it is a significant difference. You make judgements on things that are actionable. If you plan to act it is a judgement like a judge sentences someone to do xyz. Or you make a "judgement call" on what shower curtain to buy or something. Judgement is for things because since it is actionable, there will be things involved in that action. You make criticisms on ideas that are not necessarily actionable. If you challenge an idea it is a criticism like rejecting the methodology of the state. Or you "give criticism" on someones song or some concept oriented endeavor. Criticism is for ideas. Because since an idea is nonmaterial all you can do is criticize it. When you make judgements on people and ideas, then, you are treating people as things. You would be dehumanizing others; Ex. Judge throws you in jail for nonviolent crime. When you receive criticism and you recoil in anguish you are treating criticisms like a judgement. You are dehumanizing yourself; Ex. Someone tells you your song sucks and you quit music forever.
  5. I feel like you want a "Truth About Ryan Kyle" video. And you thought you were going to get that in a "Truth about American Sniper Movie". I would like to see that too. but I would not expect it from a movie review...
  6. Yea. for sure. Turn the mike dial up indeed! One of the best shows ever!!!!
  7. What was it about that show, what particular concept, made you decide to come out of the closet on this? And I am curious, was it that you were unsure in general about your Christianity, and the podcast made you more comfortable being a christian in general. Or was it, as you said, that you were much more comfortable being a Christian in this community, safe as you put it, but you have always been comfortable being a Christian? Furthermore, have you ever had a lapse in faith in the past?
  8. Respect actually, etymologically speaking, means to re look at, or to look at again. Its most similar synonym is recognize. So if you are revisiting an idea, you are respecting it. Certainly there is a portion of the word that means to "not judge" or to not scrutinize. You can't throw out the baby with the bathwater. That particular usage has not totallty eclipsed the broader, and I'd argue useful, meaning of the word. Yes, abusive people will utilize a perversion of "respect" to get you to not re-look-at their claims. but theat is literally the exact opposite of the correct usage of the word. Which is what abusers do, they pervert otherwise good things. Guidance for children becomes punishment. Respect becomes obedience, sex becomes rape. but you wouldn't say that all sex is rape and thus sex is useless. Or all parenting is punishment thus having kids is useless. Is this making any kind of sense to anyone?
  9. There has to be rational christians out there. I have just never seen it. but really, what I wouldn't give to meet just one christian who is capable of a rational conversation. Either in the media or on the street ever christian I have ever talked to becomes a hostile or a sophist or a science-denier or a flat out liar after just a tiny bit of inquiry. They have to exist. Like stef said recently, they are mostly nice people, and that is all well and good. but they just can't have a rational conversation on the subject. I guess that inability is why they are a christian in the first place. My heart really goes out to them and I feel really bad for them. But I guess it is what they feel they need. It just stings because they convey that they have just not thought rationally about this, and if they could do that one thing, then, they could make an informed decision...
  10. The human nature argument. Simply put the human nature argument is a myth. If there are some absolutes about humans it is that we are dynamic and adaptable. This is modern science. If you raise a kid to be a monster then he will be a monster. And the opposite is also true. http://www.cato-unbound.org/2014/03/12/arnold-kling/human-nature-vs-libertarian-ideals
  11. It can mean that. but that is not the totality of the definition and the practical use of the word. You got a case of "baby out with the bathwater" here guy...
  12. If you are even checking to see if an idea is valid or not then you are showing it "respect". Maybe it just comes down to semantics then. But if you are disrespecting valid ideas and empirical based arguments then you are doing something that is not useful. I, personally, from what I know about the "idea" or concept of respect, find it very useful in a wide variety of situations. I guess it comes down to, "what do you mean by respect". What does "respect" look like to you? How does it manifest? Certainly one could use respect to support invalid ideas, IE; "you should respect the xyz authority regardless of the validity of their ideas". Certainly. But also simply recognizing validity and virtue can fall under the umbrella of respect. so, given the broad definition of the word it is much like any tool or state of consciousness, it can be both useful and harmful. You can use a fork to eat, or you can use it to jab your eyes out. These are just my ideas on the topic, you may say that you give them no respect. But if you read them and consider these ideas, you have given them a certain level of respect. If you choose to respond to them, then you have added to that level of respect. Even if it is minimal...
  13. I got no respect for this post then...
  14. The trick is to see the big picture. The biggest picture you can. Then the details kinda fall into place. Otherwise you are dealing with a lot of memorization and complex mental organization. I think this is what "first principles" is really about; what are the primary truths of a situation? Then from there you can fit in all the little examples and supporting pieces...
  15. So what other movies have had as many pro-AnCap themes as this one in the past? That Ayn Rand Atlas Shrugged movie maybe. I can't think of many others....
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