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Sayo last won the day on December 22 2015

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    South Africa
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    Philosophy, Art, Computer Science... Chicks.

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  1. They said it could not be done. They scoffed at the very Idea of a private space company. The company had a tumultuous start in the early 2000's as their first 3 launches ended in failure to their critics delight. But they had somehow managed to scrounge up just enough money for one more do-or-die launch and on 28 September 2008 SpaceX became the first private rocket company to reach orbit. This was not enough to silence the critics. Nor was it enough when in 2010 they became the first private company to dock with the international space station. By that time they had delivered enough private satellites to orbit that NASA could trust them with this kind of mission and they would be foolish not to as the cost per launch of a SpaceX rocket was more than 7 times less (~$60 million vs ~$450 million) than that of prior government contractors. On the 28th of June this year; SpaceX's Falcon 9 rocket exploded suffered a rapid unscheduled disassembly shortly after launch. It was the first blemish on SpaceX's otherwise flawless record with their state of the art Falcon 9 rocket. The rocket is updated every other mission with the latest aerospace tech, upgrades coming at a pace previously unheard of in space exploration. For example the Soyuz spacecraft used to send astronauts to the International space station is virtually unchanged since the 1960's. (I am so glad that a government is not making my phone!) The critics were quick to exploit the tragedy. It seemed as if they were right all along, it was only a matter of time before all that cost cutting caught up with them. Its was only a matter of time before they went too far, typical capitalist greed. Through all that noise, for 6 months SpaceX diligently combed though the wreckage trying to pinpoint the most likely cause of the mishap. And through this process upgraded almost every facet of the rocket, ultimately increasing its power output by 33 percent. They vowed not only to return to flight but to do so while in hot pursuit of the holy grail of rocketry. See, the problem with a rocket is that it is really expensive and you can only use it once. $60 million a pop (or $450 million from NASA: good luck with that). But, What if you could reuse a rocket much like a plane. That would change the game, lowering the cost of space travel dramatically. SpaceX has had this goal since its inception, they were ridiculed for it and in fact have failed many times trying to land a rocket as a secondary objective after a successful primary mission. But they persevered, the CEO of SpaceX would often say "go down to first principles and tell me why it cant be done?" Let us take a moment to appreciate human ingenuity, Mathematics, Thermodynamics, Science, or just call it rational Philosophy in action. Not political, economic and spiritual mysticism, what have they done lately?
  2. my mini review on rotten tomatoes: 4/5 stars Beasts of no nation is a well thought out roller-coaster by writer-director Cary Fukunga that falters not in its execution. It puts you right in the shoes of a child soldier. The talented cast is able to draw you into the film, hand you a gun and have you fight for them across the jungles of West Africa. Savage violence juxtaposed with your whimsical comrades insulate this film from becoming an overbearing Saving Private Ryan in Africa sob fest. There will be sobs, just not in the places you would expect.
  3. Who do you think is going to fall for such blatant provocation? It's a rhetorical question. Enjoy the rest of your day.
  4. Sayo

    "Dear Dad"

    I don't have anything intelligent to say about this other than that I found it to be incredibly boring. It reads like a sycophantic and overwrought high school essay. My only fear is that it got an A. ps: Wuzzums I miss your Yotsuba&! profile picture, it was so adorable!
  5. Is this real life? They teaching this to children as well. This is very disturbing.
  6. Oh nice! Let me add to that with this. Full stack web development: www.freecodecamp.com/ Computer science: https://github.com/open-source-society/computer-science
  7. 1. Flaunts her vulnerability. (To trigger white knight response) 2. Jokes about spanking and thinks that there are no negative repercussions in practicing it. "I turned out all right" 3. says "Just because I drink doesn't mean I have problems" (my sister said this to me once) 4. "my parents did the best they could with the knowledge they had at the time" said with a gleeful smile I don't know what it is about tattoos but they have always been a huge red flag for me too.
  8. As a black person living in Africa I feel compelled to say something, so let me chime in with my thoughts. I can't really say much about blacks living in america. All I know about them is from Hiphop and BET. But as for black cultures in Africa, there are a lot of things about them that concern me. It's not all bad obviously but the the general trajectory of where I see things going in the immediate future looks bad, like a brewing cauldron deep inside the bowels of the witches den, real bad. Ideologically, could you conceive a more putrid concoction? A cauldron of modern (and in some instances radical) liberalism fused with a superstitiously charged people. I know that I may be repeating myself there but just follow the recipe. Now slavery is not really talked about in Africa, instead we have colonialism to add to our brew. Throw in a dash of religious texts and a vial of distilled violence, if you have misplaced your vial you might find it on that rack over there labeled "government" or "loving parents". Hurry now, we must stir its color red, watch it boil over splash and corrode the the earth. Partake not of this potion least you want to revel in a complete disrespect and disdain for western culture, where reason becomes the white man's whip, the tool of bigots. Enlightenment comes with each sip of the potion; "every culture has its own way and you will learn to respect it". Great power too will be yours, as the ancestors stand at the ready behind Jesus and Jesus stands behind the towering obelisk of "virtue" that is the state and you will need this power, to exact your justice. The white man will pay for his hubris, you will suck him dry and multiply, yes this will become your divine purpose. My impression is that in Africa the amount of Irrational absolutism is out of control and heading towards a critical mass, in the west at the very least you have some conservative culture, even your enemies will at least appeal to reason, oh, the joy. Maybe I too like those conservatives awaiting Washington's grave turn to signal their rebellion, am being romantic and that, that chapter in your history is at its concluding prose. The next will be written in black over red if Allah wills it. Okay this post is looking a bit grim so here is a motivational video game poster We can still turn the tide.
  9. I was tested in school but they blacked out all the results with markers so we couldn't see them. I thought that was really strange at the time and I was frustrated because I had been agonizing over what the result might be the whole time. anyway I went over to iqtest.com: I know that my dad was tested by and is a member of MENSA, although I never did ask him what is IQ was since we are basically strangers, I do fear that I have deviated back to the mean
  10. Why? Because its awesome, duh! Okay let me try to come up with actual reasons. In america alone there are about 40 000 000 people that are deaf or hard of hearing. If it is successful this could open up a whole new demographic to FDR. source: http://libguides.gallaudet.edu/content.php?pid=119476&sid=1029190 Wait aren't some videos already closed captioned? Yes but these are few and far between. Usually important messages or more popular videos from my observation have closed captions. To the deaf and hard of hearing most of the content is simply inaccessible. They can use Google's automatic captions, Sayo, dude, we live in the future! Unplug your speakers or mute everything and try to use this feature, sometimes it can give you a general idea of what is going on but more often than not its just broken. Even YouTube themselves have admitted this. check this BBC article out for more on that. http://www.bbc.co.uk/newsbeat/article/31004497/youtube-we-know-automatic-subtitles-arent-good-enough "Okay fine but, there are many captioning guidelines to follow and only trained professional captioners know them and they need to be hired for those tasks instead." People (deaf people I have talked to and myself) don't really care for the presence of cryptic captioning syntax when compared to having no captions at all. The main thing is to have a fair idea of what is being said. I have some experience in this as someone who loves anime but can't speak Japanese. I rely heavily on "fansubs" especially for the more obscure shows that you know will never be officially subbed. In fact what I find is that often the "fansubs" are better than the official subs I don't really know why but that's a whole other debate. read more about fansubs here if you interested in some random anime history: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fansub Do you even know Stef bro? 50 minute long videos, movie reviews longer than the movie itself and not to mention "The Verbal Acrobatics"; not a good name for a punk band. Ain't nobody got time to caption that! The cool thing about YouTube captions is that contributors can work together even contributing only a few lines at a time and have someone else add to them, edit or review their captions later... We gonna be trolled so hard... Exactly that's why there is a review process and contributors can vote on what subtitles are good. Only when a set of captions gets enough votes is it pushed to the channel owner for final approval and they can still edit them further if they want to. check the video below for more on this process. Maybe the community will take to this idea or maybe not but I don't see what FDR has to lose by turning on the feature. Initially yes, reviewing the captions will be a pain but I think that there is more to be gained in the long run especially if there could be a way to have trusted contributors or some kind of points/reputation system. This feature is new on YouTube so one can only hope that it will mature further and they will add these kind of features down the line. And finally... dessert Don't judge me ok, I'm a young man let me enjoy youth! Watch Deaf vloger Rikki Poynter who inspired me to make this post in the first place below.
  11. Oh yeah, there is some kind of water crisis in the country right now, that's why she went off onto that seemingly random topic. Just think California drought but replace all the illegals with lions. You get the idea. Great point. It really turned on a light bulb for me. I love arguments almost as much as I love online multiplayer games. Sure I could, when I finally calm down, look at what she is saying, do a close analysis put her argument into standard form number the premises and conclusion while teasing out any relevant hidden premises. And if her argument is strong enough logically then, why, I may even have to go do some research about how great the German education system is... And say I come back with a rebuttal. One that I had poured my heart and soul into with original not ripped-straight-from-steff analogies. An argument that is as strong as you could hope an inductive argument to be. What then? Well I predict that she will move the goal post like I had not even said anything. You can already see that foreshadowed here when I call her out on using the phrase "Free Education". she says yeah of course its not free and moves right along. No reflection, no "sorry I shouldn't have poisoned the well like that", no nothing. I am seriously thinking about what you said about seeing if there is a way to get the word out more publicly because if I am always going to be expanding this kind of energy only to have eyes rolled back at me I'd rather it be on a grander stage (even a blog read by 5 people is better than what I am doing now). I'm glad I stopped myself before I became too emotionally invested in an argument that is almost certain to be futile.
  12. Below is an excerpt of a conversation I just had with an old friend I was recently reunited with. The subject was on student protests at university campuses all over the country (South Africa) for "free education" or #feesmustfall. The protests started off relatively peaceful but have since turned violent, as she illustrates; "...they have become absolute animals. During the exams they entered the exam venue, threw around bottles filled with pee and feces and pee'd in the venue.That is inhumane and disgusting". She is a law student and I am a self taught web-developer and 3d generalist we are around the same age early to mid 20's. I am "You" and she is "Jane Doe" (not real name ) Jane Doe: Free education is more necessary and important than you may even realise. If our economy is ever to improve, the youth, the young people of South Africa have to be empowered and have to be educated in order for our country and society to even stand a chance in the future. Right now it seems as though our future is in the hands of a bunch of ignorant, idiotic, twerking people. And I don't see how we can survive that. Our youth needs to be empowered, educated and they need to become interested and involved in the affairs of this country. In Germany, education is practically free. They have educated young people who are interested in their future and their countries future, they are more water conscious than we are. In Europe you do not find swimming pools in every single yard, only truly rich people with villas and massive homes have swimming pools, and they are not nearly as wasteful with their water as we are. The people in our government need to be educated, we cannot be content with having uneducated and ignorant leaders making decisions for us. This movement is very important. But the way the students are going about it is just, ridiculous. And it will not happen unless we get rid of Zuma, he says there is no money for education, he has announced that there will be zero increment for next year, and then he raises taxes and whatever else he can. Claims there is no money, and then he goes and buys himself a plane. If he is allowed to continue running this country, if he is allowed to run for a third term, which is against the Constitution, our country will end up worse than Zimbabwe You: For me the most interesting thing to some out of all this is the amount of passion you have shown me for the subject. I use whatsapp on my PC and both your replies fill the entire screen. Its nice to see some fire in you You: come* Jane Doe: Well I have fire in me, I am passionate about things. You: I like the fact that you are putting together an argument and perhaps I ought to take time to look into it further. But first I feel compelled to point out something things that irritate me right off the bat. This is not a rebuttal but rather some things that I find annoying alright. You: the first thing is the first word: free. You: really? who could possibly be against free education You: I am all for free education, free housing, free food, free cars free whatever you can get your hands onto You: Hell, I'm first in line for that shit! You: You'd have to be some kind of jerk to be against free education who would bother arguing with someone over that. I know I wouldn't. You: Now obviously you know more about arguing a point than me, but I would call this a reverse straw-man. Thing is, it's not free. So can we stop using the phrase "free education" I'm not that smart but this is insulting even to my intelligence. You: I don't mind people arguing a point for state or whatever funded education but please do it without insulting me. Jane Doe: I am not insulting you in any way. Protesting for fees must fall is not laughable, I know education cannot be free. I mean that education needs to be affordable for people from all walks of life. You: Okay, lets use the proper words. That is all I am saying. I mean you wouldn't want to call rape offensive love making or war a "kinetic action", wait, didn't Obama...? Nevermind! You: putting my political jokes aside (sounds like Assad?) my second point of contention is incidentally, the second word: Education. You: I am curious as to what "education" means to you. what is it? Jane Doe: What's your problem with the "Education" Jane Doe: I'm actually busy studying and trying to get an education right now, so we can talk about this later You: Fair enough. And I think you mean to say "educate myself". This country is gone. CNN image of protest While the reality on the ground is more like this image in front of parliament.
  13. "The beginning of wisdom is to call things by their proper name." Confucius (551–479 BC)
  14. I swear its like I have heard this story before, a medical student wanting to be a psychiatrist but feeling apathetic about it all because (at least in part) of their new insights into the practice of psychiatry. I'm not sure if It was you who was talking to Stef but the similarities between this post and that call are uncanny to say the very least. This post is really sad, tough to read but at the same time, kind of irritating at the end. I wonder what you want us to say? School sucks, crappy job sucks and therapy sucks. How about reading chicken entrails and following that advice, maybe that might workout for you because the one thing that I was banking on (proven to consistently raise happiness in studies) just doesn't work on you so i suppose I should just throw my hands in the air and praise Jesus because god knows you need the messiah. What happened to your will? fighting? your human spirit striving to reach that higher plane, no matter the cost. There are times for bind courage too. When the only weapon you got clicks empty then; you hit them with its hilt, if the hilt should break, you use your fits, if they too fail, then, your teeth. Stef says he doesn't know where people loose this idea that children encapsulate so well as they struggle to learn trivial things as the grasping of spoons and walking: "You do something until it works, you do something until it works, you do something until it works, you do something until it works, you do something until it works..." - Stefan Molyneux (yes that's a real quote). You don't just throw your hands in the air and type up some depressing post about how nothing can get you out of your mental quicksand. You (to paraphrase Winston Churchill) should defend your island, whatever the cost may be, you should fight on the beaches, you should fight on the landing grounds, you should fight in the fields and in the streets, you should fight in the hills; you should never surrender! As a silver donator you don't need me to make a compelling case for the methodology that we speak of here, i'm sure you get it, enough to put your hard earned silver into. Yes its very difficult to find the right therapist and it gets a lot darker before you see any light, no doubt, but to come out and say that therapy doesn't work for you seemed like a cop out to me and a slap in the face setting up an impossible situation; doctor doctor please help me modern medicine doesn't work on my ailments and its not because i'm afraid of needles... or is it? I know this is a bit of a rant but I felt like putting it out there and seeing what the reaction might be as this was my, perhaps coarse, but honest reaction to the post.
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