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That is sound advice isn't it Koroviev?
How do you know?
I hadn't been around FDR in awhile and trump had come on the scene by the time I came back. I had a feeling in my gut that Stef and the team would be pro trump. Well I made it back and that's what I found. Damn it I'm intuitive. You are good when you can read the FDR narrative while being offline. Now it's possible that the pro trump sentiment here was strictly a result of the shocking trump meme that has infected everyone's brain. I don't care who you are when you saw trump come on the scene in mid summer you literally had several weeks on cognitive dissonance while you struggled to wrap your mind around WTF was happening. Before trump went public, I was thinking to myself, WTF are they going to do this year about the presidential elections. Obama set the precedents, Obama changed the game, politics will never be the same. After the big deal of Obama, I was thinking how will they top this. Novelty, it must be novel. All I wondered is how the F are they going to make this ish interesting this year. Then two weeks later trump was on TV and I literally was I shock. I believe trump was put in to make people "interested" in politics again. His purpose was to light a fire in the presidential race. I'm mean let's face it no one gets on the campaign trail by accident, they are put there for a reason. And, I will predict, that every presidential candidacy from this point forward will be wired with novelty. It will be flashy and out there every year because you have to overcome the weight of the first black president. Now, I think FDR probably does like trump, but who doesn't. That's the issue even if you don't like him you like him and fdr is rather susceptible to these memes. With the collapse of Western civilization why not go out with a bang and pick trump. Plus trump and Stef have a lot in common, both charismatic well spoken public speakers and leaders. So if Stef was gun ho for trump at one point it's because they practice them same art. My take.
@Koroviev - hi Koro, I'm sorry you feel antagonized. I made a post about the connection between ACE and converting to atheism and the responses I received were loud mouth puppy yapping, a bunch on men (boys) that want to sit online and "spin their intellectual wheels" all day long going no where. No one who is an Atheist on this board is seeking any kind of contrary information about their ideology. I'm certain that what happens here everyday is hours of people dancing around and confirming their own theories with each other. Truth isn't at this board, so I'm sorry. My argument is that Atheism is not the logical, reasonable, scientific, empirical, winning, ideology that the adherents are claiming. My argument is that atheism comes from adverse childhood experiences, trauma, and other kinds of distorted winnowing that we find in the modern world. I back this up with multiple sources of information. The kicker is, that I know that neither atheism or theism is provable, so arguing is fing pointless. If I was to argue on here about what is true I'd need to stick a gun down my throat. I can't sit here and spin my wheels for the rest of my life because this is where key strokes go to die. All I'm arguing is that atheist don't have any proof, but their foundation is "we have proof", I'm saying no you don't have proof, and hey look at how dysfunctional atheism really is regardless if it's true or not. From what I understand atheists don't like rationality. So please don't claim that I can come here and have a man's conversation in the midst of a cackle of yapping boys. I mean the childishness reeks here. Koro, you said I use logical Fallacies. If I did, that's because I saw first hand that every one else here uses the same fallacy that they accuse me of while accusing me. Everyone here is rampantly using Fallacies, so I'm simply adhering to the present standards here, I'm sorry. @shirgall - hi, for intellectual enquiries I use the seven liberal arts, the trivium and quadrivium. However regarding atheism and theism, my understanding is that neither side can be proven. You must pick a side. It cannot be argued. Each side is a belief and is based on faith. Therefore, all one can do is state their beliefs and their claims and their theories, and others can only disagree or agree. No one can sit there prove either atheism or theism, and the end of the day either side is accepted on faith, and at the end of the day which faith you choose is based on emotion, regardless of how logical one claims to be. Therefore shirgall, I don't use any tools when it comes to atheism or theism, because this is a matter where tools don't apply. I guess you do need to read, so the tool of reading would be all you need. At the end of the day the decision is based on emotion and a complex set of psychological factors and life experiences. Logic, reason, science, proof, doesn't apply and never will. It will be, for the rest of time, Faith. All one can do is pick a side. @MrNlul77 - hi man. Oh I'm glad you are reading up on autism, that is certainly a very interesting and popular topic right now in history. I recommend Louis Theroux BBC documentary called Extreme Love. He goes to school for Autistic in New Jersey, it's really funny with Louis's British charm and you get a real eye opening look into Autistic people. http://watchdocumentary.org/watch/louis-theroux-extreme-love-12-autism-video_daadc03a4.html I hear you. There is no proof either way for atheism or theism. We all must choose a side. You have a wonderful week my man.
Hello my friends. Well certainly not all of you are Autistic. I hope you at least got a kick out of my polarizing post. Not all atheists are Autistic, but the majority of Autistic people are atheists. If I was an Atheist and I knew that my ideology was prevalent within the autism demographic I would say wow that's a strange correlation. What is it about people with neurological disorders that cause them to be atheists. The connection between autism and atheism is enough for me to want to start backing away from that ideology, unless I really admire Autistic people and strive to be like them. Now guys I've rounded up some quotes that I find interesting and hard to explain. Some of the more difficult quotes are from a so called prominent atheist by the name of PZ Myers, maybe you guys know him? (I don't know how influential he actually is, so forgive me if he's not credible) "I will make a prediction, right here and now.... The number of people identifying as atheists will stagnate or even shrink, because organized atheism is happily in the process of destroying itself with regressive social attitudes, scandals, and their bizarre focus on irrelevant metaphysical differences that don’t help people... Unless we change. I don’t know that we can." - PZ Myers "If we're going to expand our base and we're going to draw in more people to recognize the virtues of living in a secular world, we need to appeal to more than just that geek and nerd subset of the population. We need to have a wider base. ...I seriously believe that we're on the cusp of a crisis. We're not there yet but it's looming in front of us. Will we adapt and thrive and change the world? Or will we remain an avocation for a prosperous and largely irrelevant subset of the population? Will we become something more than a scattered society of internet nerds? That's what we have to do." - PZ Myers "So, to answer clueless thick-skulled Christian idiot’s question, I don’t object to bestiality in a very limited set of specific conditions, but do not support it in any way" - PZ Myers "It's by no means a scientific test, but it is interesting to note the coincidence that 59 of the virulent atheists over at Dr. PZ Myers place report an average score on the Asperger's Quotient test of 27.8. And this does not include the two individuals who actually have Asperger's but did not report any test results." "Sexual relationships between humans and animals come as such a shock to people, but it doesn’t to me. There can be very deep, meaningful relationships between humans and their pets... That said, I remind you that my position isn’t based on my own personal wants. I just don’t see any reason to ban it other than the same reason things like homosexuality and sodomy were banned: it’s icky. I think it’s bad practice to put social taboos into legislature when no actual logical argument can be made against it." - PZ Myers daughter "A little philosophy inclineth man's mind to atheism, but depth in philosophy bringeth men's minds about to religion". - Sir Francis Bacon "Most societies or communities that have espoused atheistic beliefs have not survived more than a century...What I found was the complete lack of a single case of a secular population, community or movement that would just manage to retain replacement level." - Michael Blume, a researcher at the University of Jena in Germany on the fertility rate of atheistic societies "An atheist’s most embarrassing moment is when he feels profoundly thankful for something, but can’t think of anybody to thank for it" - Mary Anne Vincent [45] "These days, barely a week passes without the emergence of yet more evidence that atheists are the most irritating people on Earth." - the atheist Brendan O'Neill, The Telegraph, "How Atheists Became the Most Colossally Smug and Annoying People on the Planet", August 14th, 2013 "One of the things that made me suffer no regret when I was called away from the cramped intellectual jail of atheism into a wider and more wonderful world, was my growing conviction that my fellow atheists were shallow, men without insight into real human nature." - ex-atheist and science fiction writer John C. Wright In a 2014 New Republic article entitled "The Closed Mind of Richard Dawkins: His atheism is its own kind of narrow religion", the atheist philosopher John Gray wrote: "Today secular faith is ebbing, and it is the apostles of unbelief who are left stranded on the beach." - atheist philosopher John Gray, The Guardian, March 14, 2008 [78] "The atheist, lesbian and leftist Greta Christina told the journalist Chris Mooney on the Point of Inquiry podcast, "there isn't one emotion" that affects atheists "but anger is one of the emotions that many of us have ...[it] drives others to participate in the movement". " the age at which most people become atheists indicates that it is almost never an intellectual decision, but an emotional one." - Theodore Beale aka Vox Day So guys I wish you all the best. It's unfortunate that these things exist in the Atheist community. I don't hate you guys, I'm just looking for the truth.
Oh no, it looks like Atheism is actually a form of mild to high-functioning Autism. This isn't good for the Atheist community. What if being an Atheist is actually a result of being mildly Autistic? That would be ground breaking! The Autistic Atheist. Then tie in the ACE connection. I imagine autism is very traumatic, and in my opinion could be considered adverse. "In 2011, the University of Boston published a study on the correlation between atheism and high-functioning/mild autism.[1][2] On September 19, 2011, the Discover Magazine website had an article indicating that there were empirical results showing a positive correlation between atheism and high functioning autism and the article declared" http://www.conservapedia.com/Atheism_and_autism
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@ResidingOnEarth - thank you for the compliment. You are right. I don't care if anyone believes the connection between ACE/Atheism. You can take it leave it. Atheism is a religion. Goodbye folks, FDR is really boring. Thanks for ResidingOnEarth for talking sense into me. End of thread. Take it or leave it
@Mrnull - hello my brother. I'm typing up the responses I'll have them up by the end of the day. Don't make me blow up on you nully boy, I do have other shit to do than post on this forum my brother. You are touting logic and reason and making ad-hom attacks. You sound very very angry, and really emotional. Are you upset? I'll be back here and respond to everyone before the day is out. And I'm coming for you specifically my nully boy. Everyone, please give me a moment, I will respond. MrNull77 needs a stiff drink, dont be bothered by his emotional outburst.
@shirgall - Yes, quickly my main man, I agree that religion has been used for mind control and the priests were the shamans and they got the gold offerings so on and so forth. I think much of it stemmed from the Roman Empire and the new testament with Cesar. (Joe Atwill - The Ceasars Messiah, http://www.amazon.com/Caesars-Messiah-Conspiracy-Flavian-Signature/dp/1461096405/ref=la_B001K8GW3K_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1450580456&sr=1-1 Having said that, religion has been around for thousands of years for a reason. Why are religious texts guarded and passed down for thousands of years? All the atheists have is atheistkult. Atheism is a belief system that says life is meaningless. Well if that's the case isn't suicide a good option? @A4E - that's a good question my main man. With regard to those specific geographical locations I immediately think Socialism and Communism and rouge dictatorships in East Asia. Then we have the hard winter and weather climates in Scandinavia, and also that in Scandinavia they have their roots in paganism which might not hit the poll of religion questionnaire. In other words I think these areas have had a healthy dose of trauma which would lead to their rebellious Atheism. I'm redefining my theory, Atheism isn't just bad dad's, but it's trauma as a whole. It all trauma all ACE. That's my take on Asia and Scandinavia. Those are two very unique locations that have characteristics that lead to a higher rate of atheistic conversion.
Hey guys I'm typing up the responses, I thought I'd have them up tonight, but I've had a few drinks and I'm not sure I'm going to push through tonight. But I want to respond to Rcali. @Rcali - hey Rcali my main man, you're a sharp kid. Now I still believe in Santa Claus, he's coming to my house this year, we usually meet and have drinks on my roof top. I hang a wreath around his neck and we laugh jolly over a glass of scotch about the myth of Christmas and how no one ever knew that Santa is a historical figure. See Santa was actually a Siberia shaman who traveled to people's Yurts on a sleigh towed by reindeer, the native deer of Siberia. Yurts are those round little portable houses that have a smoke hole in the roof. Well up in Siberia there is massive snow storms that sometimes snow over the front door of the yurt, and then the only way in and out in the smoke hole in the roof. And this is where the shaman would enter. Hence the Santa myth. Well chap I digress. So my buddy, I've been thinking as I respond to this post, that Atheism isn't just a result of bad dad's, but it's a result of all trauma in general. It's a result of the deep pain and suffering of life on the earth. Atheism is a rebellion against God who causes so much pain. But dude look into the Santa myth, it's a really story with fun lessons to learn. If I didn't answer your question I'm sorry, I'm so burnt right now. Let me know if you want more answers.
I will respond to you all my brothers and sisters that posed a question, soon.
Yes certainly this theory isn't going to fit everyones MO for converting to Atheism, and for those that had wonderful dad's that fantastic. Those that did have good dads should consider the religious life, as thats where they would find the deepest connection with their father,and those with good dads have a natural inclination to living a religious life. Unless of course those saying they have good fathers are perhaps missing a critical ACE buried deep in the unconscious and dad wasn't a good as they thought. My overall point is to start looking into the connection between Atheism and ACE. I mean they even rhyme. I think it will be ground breaking to start tying the two together. What if ACE means Atheism? FDR would seem to confirm this theory.
I'm going to propose a new theory here on the FDR boards regarding the origins of Atheism. Perhaps some of you have already heard this theory, the author I'm going to mention published in 2013. I just discovered this and my personal opinion is that it sheds an accurate light on the faith of Atheism. The origin of believing in Atheism is negative early childhood experiences with one's father. This theory will hold true for many Atheists at FDR. We tie together ACE's, specifically father related, and the tendency to become atheist. This should provide a solid explanation for the merger of these two factors here at FDR. Atheism/ACE "Disappointment in one's father, whether through death, absence, or mistreatment, frequently leads to a rejection of God." "A biographical survey of influential atheists of the past four centuries shows that this "defective father hypothesis" provides a consistent explanation of the "intense atheism" of these thinkers." "By studying the lives of numerous famous atheists, from the old atheists Nietzsche, Sartre, and Freud to the new atheists Hitchens, Dawkins, and Dennet, Vitz discovers a startling common pattern: atheism arises in people with dead, absent, or abusive fathers." I direct you to the work of psychologist Paul C. Vitz, his book titled The Faith of Fatherless. http://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/1586176870/ref=mp_s_a_1_1?qid=1450530482&sr=1-1&pi=SL75_QL70&keywords=Paul+C.+Vitz "Paul C. Vitz, is Professor/Senior Scholar at the Institute for the Psychological Sciences, Arlington, Va. and a Professor Emeritus of Psychology at New York University. He earned his bachelor's degree at the University of Michigan and his Ph. D at Stanford University. He was an atheist until his late 30s."
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I kinda have to agree with my man Dsayers here. My perspective is, go ahead and give the joint therapy sessions a shot, but what the outcome will be is forgiving your parents. This is what therapists do with parent child therapy sessions. They eventually drive you to forgive your parents and understand that they are broken mutilated souls, and that your only option for recovery and healing is to acknowledge the extent on human suffering on the earth. Now this is indeed healing, I won't contend with that. But it has to be what you want. What will happen with you parent therapy session is you will see how broken and mutilated they are, you will see how unconscious they are, you will see how sad and pathetic they are, and you will be forced to see that they were never in control of their lives, and are still not in control of their lives. I think this parent therapy can be a good thing, but it's not what you think it is. To be clear therapists take "everyone's side" in these joint therapy sessions. They attempt to heal you and your parents and this scenario can get complicated, I guarantee it will be complicated. But give it shot and stay conscious about how you feel, then terminate it'll it feels wrong. Sometimes we need to terminate therapists.
The problem is that bananas are not conscious, so when you put a bunch of bananas together, all you have is a pile of fruit. I find it surprising that Stef would use unconscious vegetal matter as his example. Plants aren't conscious in the same way as human beings. However in defense of the plants there are examples of plants behaving differently when in and out of collective groups and different environments etc. Specifically pollination. With regard to humans and collective consciousness, there's a phenomena called group psychology or mass psychology, and that's when people are in large groups they tend to start thinking and acting in a hive mentality, a sharing of a common "energy frequency" we could say. It's a big topic that could be hashed out more. Two really important examples I want to bring forth, are, when two women start spending a lot of time together they start menstruating at the same time, and, if you put two clocks together they will begin ticking at the same time. I'll look up the exact term for that phenomena and come back.