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Everything posted by shirgall

  1. Factual, Truthful, and Objective then.
  2. On a more serious note, there is also a altered perception of the passage of time related to traumatic events (and other invasive things), called tachypsychia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tachypsychia Note the dangers to one that experiments with dopamine management, as well. When relating facts to, say, investigating officers, try not to be certain about timing, to avoid easy invalidation of you as a witness when compared to others.
  3. Flexibility instead of Facts? Temporance instead of Truth? Optimism instead of Objectivity?
  4. shirgall


    Well, it's not my work, and it's not advice, but I see your point. Let me try this one. "Why do philosophers lose the culture war to politicians that claim the destiny to control your lives with a past of destruction and broken families? Because politicians have taught us all that we can't handle the truth and their convenient lies are far more tolerable." Better?
  5. In the US the intrinsic value of money is that it is the only media allowed for paying your taxes. Any other value ascribed to it is ephemeral. That it is required for almost any transaction since almost all transactions are taxed gives it some staying power. Since that money represents the protection money you have to pay to live and breathe that's about as personal as property gets.
  6. shirgall


  7. So, we should avoid the pursuit of philosophy because it prevents us from claiming we did nothing "knowingly inappropriate". http://www.cnn.com/2015/05/04/politics/bill-clinton-defends-clinton-foundation/ Remember the game, "Scot Free"? You've got it! The public believes it! You're Scot Free.
  8. Video games allow people the feeling of being in control without subjugating billions of real people to tyranny. It's a pity this hasn't caught on yet.
  9. The thing that stops me from playing with 3d printing is that the cost to work with superior materials is still pretty high.
  10. Why not? He interviewed Bill Nye the other day. He hasn't interviewed me yet, and I have twice as many science degrees as Bill. Maybe he's preparing for his next role as a commentator on MSNBC?
  11. One could even say it's not immoral to vote not guilty on any crime, and not moral to vote guilty on any crime, and instead only moral to leave restitution up to the torts experts in civil court. After all, is it right to wield a power in the name of the collective that no individual has the privilege to wield?
  12. As long as it becomes illegal for them to chat amongst themselves and giggle. Eye for an eye!
  13. "bad parenting is likely to have led the youngun to a life of looting in the first place"
  14. I wouldn't mind upvoting of my efforts here: https://www.reddit.com/r/funny/comments/345thl/obama_needs_to_hold_the_ceremony_at_the_white/cqsbjb6 Reminder: there is no measurable benefit to arguing on reddit threads.
  15. Before Philosophy I never knew how miserable I was.
  16. 8.3 ounces is not really that much. I've moved 20 times that putting down a deposit on a rental house for my move to Redmond.
  17. And, of course, everyone is now focused on the mom who recognized her own son rioting and "whooped" him... when it was probably her whooping when he was younger that made him likely to act out.
  18. Let me recommend this one: http://www.audible.com/pd/History/The-Adventure-of-English-Audiobook/B002V1LN2U
  19. Congrats!
  20. Pursuing a course of action that is reasonably likely to lead some other moral actor to the use of force, fraud, or theft is either good, evil, or neutral. Unfortunately, it is also consequentialist to claim it is evil. So, it all should hinge on how you are manipulating the other person to act. Threats are pretty evil. "Kill that person or I will kill you." Lies come across as pretty evil too, either with lies of commission or omission, but this is weaker than threats. "Kill that guy because he's going to kill you." (and you know it's not true) Base emotional appeal? That's a tough one...
  21. noagendashow.com
  22. Um, my entire childhood was spent enduring the cold war. That was far longer than five minutes. :0
  23. This posted was fated to happen. What ever happens will happen again.
  24. Lionel raises a valid point re: gatekeepers. Do we have other gatekeepers we'd like to point out? Is there anything inherently wrong with choosing to listen to them?
  25. Not all libertarians are religious, but I grant you that the idea of making the mob go legit by joining it was quixotic at best.
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