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Everything posted by GTnicholas

  1. Proposing a universal "civilization is.evil" is not some highfalutin inaccessible ideal. Universals must be lived with integrity to be taken seriously. So, why do you participate in civilization? Isn't it evil? Why haven't you given away your computer and all your civilized possessions and go live in some uninhabited area. Perhaps living your universals with integrity will convince more people. Can civilization really not be universalized? What is the definition of civilization? If you could answer those questions maybe we could pursue this with more rigour. Also, I am so sorry that your natural confidence has been so crushed that your utopia is one of self described suicide. Sorry that I am unable to address your arguments but it appears as though you'ven't made any. "Anarcho-primitivism critiques the totality of civilization from an anarchist perspective" What exactly is an anarchist perspective? "and seeks to initiate a comprehensive transformation of human life." This is a little vague. What kind of transformation, why? How? "In other words, if we don't change, we're going to suffer--even under free market capitalism." This clarifies things, but it is not an argument, it is a statement which should be backed up with reason and evidence if you wish to convince anyone you are right. "The belief that the world is ours to "use" and dominate is barbaric and short-sighted." Civilization as I understand, it not necessarily the domination of nature or its resources. Again if you could define civilization then it would clear things up a lot. Also calling something barbaric and short-sighted is not an argument, it is sophistry. Adjectives are not arguments, they are in fact veiled form of ad hominem. "I truly believe AP is the only hope that humans have for long-term survival." Sounds like you do, if you could try to convince me that would produce a good discussion. Also, Id rather not watch videos that I cannot respond to or discuss with, if you could make some arguments for AP then we can discuss and see if they are sound.
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