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Everything posted by EricBaker.Linux

  1. Yeah, that is BS. It's as if the mother doesn't think the daughter should have any desires of her own... as if instead she should just walk with her mother and be a silent vegetable all day while mom gets to have fun shopping!!! not cool. I think... if you can't afford to buy stuff for your kids, at least take interest in their interests and maybe give them an allowance or something so they can buy their own stuff. I remember my Dad would give me like just 5 dollars a week, to me it was great, but to the parent, it's not much to spare.
  2. Here is an article I saw on facebook from Russia Today. Kinda shows how state institutions are unreliable in protecting children. And also, it's an additional story that reveals just how important it is to have the conversation about peaceful family. http://rt.com/usa/221639-texas-children-fatalities-abuse/
  3. I think that many would find it very useful to be able to quickly find data on particular topics easily. By adding a forum for this sort of content, many users could post data that they've found, and add relavant tags. Then when data is needed for any reason, we can pull up board.freedomainradio.com, click on "Data and Statistics" and then search that forum for whatever data you may need. Do you guys find this desirable?
  4. Stef interviews a lot of professionals and there are a few presentations within this playlist, "Peaceful Parenting."
  5. I use Linux Mint 17 with KDE. I have contributed to the Bitcoin project once, it was so cool, I was lucky to find a problem that I could examine and fix for them haha.
  6. If you are to make it past this issue, what do you think is the first thing you need to do?
  7. Right, I talk myself out of it... thanks a bunch I will look up those techniques. Also, I loved that you said I need to get 1000 points to get to the next level haha. I agree that maybe I need not worry so much about being normal or predictable etc... This was really helpful for me. Thank you too, I can't expect to always have everything I want when I want it. I can fail. This was also helpful perspective for me. I think I will need to join clubs like you said. I love both computers and walking in the woods as a matter of fact xD
  8. I'm not going to lie, in retrospect, I think this is sort of in a way masochistic thinking. "poor me I don't have friends." but I do not do anything to change it or examine anything in myself. Then I might blame others. The solution is to go out and meet people, like you said. But then this is what keeps me from doing it: I predict that it will turn out badly and conclude that I shouldn't do it. I think I need to disagree with myself. For instance, if I want to idk, go to a coffee shop and try to talk to someone, I will think "it is not worth it, I will just buy coffee and people will think I'm weird if I try and talk to them" so I must then say, "well so what, sometimes things don't work out perfectly, I want to at least try, and I can always try again. but it might work out anyway" I think that this thinking is more rational perhaps. Don't you think?
  9. Just out of the top of my head, maybe just accept that you can't always expect yourself to make good decisions 100% of the time? Tell me, can you remember any decisions you made in the past that you were glad to have made?
  10. If we were to apply morality to animals, not only would we need to refrain from initiating the use of coercion against them, but also we would then expect that they not initiate force against us or other animals. This is irrational since we cannot expect a wild animal to behave in any sort of moral manner. When we apply morality to human babies as you brought up, we not only regard the initiation of force against them as unacceptable, but also we expect them to behave morally to other people when they grow up. We expect that they will do this since every parent will tell you that they want their children to "be good" etc... Is it clear what I mean by this, and is this reasoning valid do you guys think?
  11. I was feeling pretty lonely when I wrote this post, yeah.
  12. I am not sure I will ever be able to make friends, connect, or get married and I am sad about that. I try to connect with some people. But it never lasts I guess. I just want to give up. I am in counselling again which is provided by my college.
  13. It is a peculiar question I think. It doesn't really make a whole lot of sense, since we all had to be birthed to be alive anyway.
  14. It's kinda like smacking someone in the face when they've got a bee on their forehead. Alternatively: Women have to give birth in order to give life to the child, so I guess it's not really controllable and therefor not aggression towards the child. Looking forward to seeing some more detailed responses, but this was just my immediate thoughts.
  15. I still pray sometimes, and I even use my god's name "yahweh" but I know it's not going anywhere. I just like to implant goals into my subconscious that way. I once prayed in the car just before getting to walmart, to meet a new student from school (I was feeling really lonely), and BAM about 10 minutes later I bumped into her in the electronics section. Isn't that nifty? If only it always worked ha.
  16. Was feeling pretty good about this, and I still am, but you were right. Reading the comments is always disappointing.
  17. I wonder if this guy followed a fucking online tutorial: Or if he allowed his passion to guide him to seeking a proper education? I must add that I am not saying online tutorials are necessarily bad for people who just want to learn that. Just that, for me: I do not want to just follow shallow tutorials in contrast to what I see as an opportunity to engage in deep learning about it. With others, maybe they like just doing this like a hobby, that's cool. But not for me. For you: I recommend codecademy. it is free and I am learning javascript. They also have python.
  18. Yeah, it does sound similar to what your describing for yourself and others. We feel frustrated, confused, and anxious because we're trying to protect ourselves from our parents. I wish you the best in working on this too, as it can be pretty difficult.
  19. Listening to a live call in show, what Stefan is saying sounds right, I'll paraphrase, "You're afraid of taking the same steps that previously lead to negative results" those results were sometimes getting screamed at for just standing for my position on peaceful parenting. No interest from others, no empathy, no curiosity. Just defensiveness, avoidance, etc etc... basically I am afraid people will get aggressive, as I am from sometimes aggressive family. For sure man, I get that. Try to find people you can relate to in some way, because good quality relationships are important. Feel free to elaborate if you like.
  20. I am thinking that is the best strategy as well, to get involved. If I can get a list of contacts while I'm in college I will. I'll also fill out my resume more and look for clubs, internships, etc. This can all work out if I make it work out.
  21. Thanks mate, that is good advice. I will try to network with as many people as I can.
  22. I decided that from now on if I start to get anxious I will stop the conversation temporarily to deal with my cognitive distortions. Among these are: Fortune-teller error - Thinking, "This conversation is not going to end well." Catastrophizing - "What if they get violent/aggressive?", "What if they will never talk to me again?" Personalization - "They just don't want to listen to what I have to say." Maybe so, but is that more about you or more about them? Should statements - "They should be really interested in this." I'd like them to be interested, but many aren't. I will try to be honest and say to people I'm talking to "I'm feeling a bit concerned as this is an important topic but you don't seem that interested."
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