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  1. I've always been in the realm of the digital world. I've learned to embrace technology for the most part
  2. Guns are an effect of the free market needed to maintain competitive advantage in the market system
  3. the creation of the gun had to do with the competition based free market. Those who developed guns could better stay competitive in the market differential advantage system
  4. The gun was created out of protectionary insurance for the elite class. If things are universally balanced we would transcend the need for guns
  5. you haven't really said anything now have you
  6. The state does not steal money. It redistributes it so that the world could be harmonious with each other. In this day and age, it's nesesary. Would rather have welfare than military funding. Something is wrong with you if you don't agree with wealth redistribution. Fun
  7. What bugs me about capitalist is they always want to have a one up on everyone else and they feel that their contribution is somehow solely theirs and not entirely environmental The state exist solely to maintain an equilibrium with the environment through the control of scarcity
  8. Retired gamer now, but I played many hours of CS 1.6 age of empires 2 TC, Warcraft 3 frozen throne and a bunch of others
  9. 1.OK, then you are free to do nothing then Nobody will miss you 2. Capitalisms natural state is imbalance and assumes perpetual growth regardless of ecological effects 3. The integrity of the society is a state of balance. Equality is realized when scarcity is controled
  10. Destabilization and imbalance mixed with certain drugs causes mental illness
  11. Would you stop doing what you're doing if everyone had equal pay?
  12. . With automation, input is minimized relative to the generated output. That's well and could but what I'm concerned with this idea of infinite growth on a finite planet. To ensure the integrity of the society equality must be realized. Let me ask you a question. Would you stop doing what you're doing if we all had equal pay?
  13. You see, I don't subscribe to your religion of capitalism. I believe that technology has made life easier. Not because of capitalism
  14. It lacks balance with nature as we are a part of nature not seperate.I never said anything about imposed equality. I'm using a general term. And I could fix my toilet if I wanted to. I do not need a license
  15. I don't see how a scientist should get paid more or less than a busboy
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