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  1. Thanks for the offer, but I can't make that unfortunately. Maybe another time.
  2. Anyone fancy a beer sometime? I'd love some stimulating conversation. I know a total of 1 libertarians here in Amsterdam. I'm sure there are more of you Message me if you want to know details about me. Hope you don't mind using wickr or bitmessage to communicate if you want to know more than the basics.
  3. I forgot I've got a family bbq back in Norfolk this weekend, which is a shame as I'd really like to meet some new people in London. Sorry Patrick.
  4. Sounds good! I hope I'm not busy.
  5. Depending on what you need I could be of help. My reel and art are here: http://jonnyfram.wix.com/01#!__page-1 I know that this thread was started a while a go, but I thought I'd post anyway.
  6. Based in London myself.
  7. First, hello to everyone. I'm a some-time lurker and long time listener. This kind of stumped me, having a conversation with my mother I was made aware of something that I thought didn't even exist in the UK. It does, albeit in a fairly limited capacity. Scenario- Couple have a child that is heavily mentally retarded. Child grows up- in absence of full mental capacity is very sexually active with other disabled individuals without regard to consequence. Parents of disabled child (now an adult) argue for a court order for forced sterilization, so as to avoid the situation of being responsible for another child in their old age, which they will not be able to (or want to) provide for. Is it right to forcefully sterilize an individual (with the backing of the State) if they are actually incapable of raising a child? My first reaction is of course no. Force initiated where no one has been or is being harmed is wrong. But... assuming the disabled individuals in question are incapable and irresponsible, where does the responsibility lie then? With the parents? Are they to be responsible for their disabled child's actions for their entire life? What support would (or should) exist for a disabled couple in a free society? On the one hand the orginal parents should be responsible to some extent, but it is not actually their actions which cause the situation, assuming they have done everything they can to raise their child correctly. Me, as far as I see it- charity should be dealing with this, not the heavy hammer of the state. But also, in this scenario the children are incapable and irresponsible, which generally would indicate a fairly non-independent lifestyle, still living with the parents, but perhaps they can't be around all the time. All I see is an argument for severely mentally disabled individuals of any level being sufficient parents (with community and charity support) and no need for anyone to be sterilized at all and of course an argument for putting the child up for adoption. This is quite a specific scenario as many disabled people are fully capable of parenting, obviously. But I still feel like it's an interesting thing to discuss. I still feel like I'm missing a crucial point here though, so your thoughts and logic would be appreciated!
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