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  1. Thanks heaps.
  2. Hi Can anyone give me advice on how to email or contact through facebook Stefan directly? Or another way? I'm unable to phone into radio show at the moment. I've sent an email to [email protected] and also left a msg on Stefan's Facebook page with the pic where he's hugging his daughter. No response. Thanks.
  3. Hi, thanks for taking the time to reply to my post. I have started the therapy process and begun to explore issues. Yes...increasing my insight into my own behaviour and past will help. My son wishes to continue talking to me about the past and we are working through a number of issues that have arisen. If you have any other suggestions about how a parent might work through the healing process with an adult son then please let me know.
  4. Hi, I am a new member. I would really appreciate any feedback and suggestions re other relevant podcasts or readings available on the site. I made mistakes as a parent and am looking for how to go beyond, “I’m sorry” with my son, (in his mid-twenties & a long term Freedomain member) and build a better relationship. I have listened to Real time Relationships and the podcast ‘Advice for Parents with Regrets’ and this was helpful. I have begun a process where I apologise and admit my mistakes, take ownership, and give honest and frank explanations without justifications. I have blind spots, I know, and am fumbling a lot with how to have these dialogues with him. My son said he’s struggling to maintain a relationship with me. I know ‘Rome wasn’t built in a day’, and ultimately it’s up to him if he chooses to accept my apologies and have me in his life. But I want to keep learning and trying!
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